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#張天雁裁判官 #裁決 中文版本
#攻擊性武器 #1020深水埗






控方依靠PW1 PC13714,即制止被告的警察,以及PW2 PC13618 ,亦是制服了被告的警察,以及視頻剪輯來進行起訴。


裁判官認為,PW1的證詞與影片不符。催淚彈射擊後,能見度很低,而PW1則說,他轉向白楊街後在霧中截停了被告。PW1表示在其他警官到達之前看守着被告,待其他警員到達後PW1 便消失了,PW1在法庭上聲稱,他已向被告宣布他被捕,但裁判官認為在這短時間內發生這件事是不可能的。


裁判官認為PW1當日有機會只是看到其他人與被告穿著相似的衣服,並認為PW1沒有將事實之全部告訴法庭,因此不會接納PW1 的證供。

裁判官因而需要依靠所呈堂的視頻進行判斷,她看到被告只是在由荔枝角道轉入白楊街的拐角處被警察制服。 被告人當時未有逃跑,被告被捕時竹枝位於被告的上半身,後來被PW2扔到一邊。

他聲稱自己只在被截停前不久,才撿起了竹棍。 他正在與身處英國的朋友打視像電話,英國很少有棚架竹枝,因此他的朋友對竹枝很感興趣。他承認得知那天深水埗有示威活動,但他認為他離現場不那麼近。他當時認為他的行動並不太危險。




#張天雁裁判官 #裁決 英文版本
#攻擊性武器 #1020深水埗


Mr Clarke (22)

Here are the Verdict and Reasons for the case.

The defendant is charged with possession of offensive weapons ( a bamboo stick) in a public place (intersection between Lai Chi Kok Road and Poplar Street), violating Section 33 of Cap 245.

In this case, the Prosecution relied on PW1, PC13714, the police officer who first stopped the defendant, and PW2, PC13618, the police officer who subdued the defendant, and the video clips, to make the Prosecution.
At the time the incident happened, a police vehicle stopped by Lai Chi Kok road, then some units of police force got off swiftly and got to Poplar Street. PW1 then stopped the defendant, and he was holding a bamboo stick at the time.

The dispute is whether the bamboo stick found on the defendant is intended to cause any injuries to other people.

📌PW1's Testimony
In the view of the Magistrate, the testimony by PW1 did not go in line with the video shown. The visibility was pretty low after the police shot the teargas. PW1 said that he turned to Poplar Street and stopped the defendant in a mist.
PW1 was seen holding the defendant behind briefly before other police officer arrived. PW1 then disappeared after other's arrival.
PW1 strongly claimed in the Court that he announced to the defendant that he was arrested, but the Magistrate believed that this is quite impossible, as shown in the video clips.

Also, PW1 told different versions of the time when he spotted the defendant, at first he claimed that he saw him from about 20 meters, then he claimed that he saw him when he was about to turn to Lai Chi Kok road.

Therefore, the Magistrate judged that PW1 is not telling the whole truth to the Court, PW1 may have seen someone else who wore similar clothing with the defendant, and so she would not accept the testimony given by PW1.

The Magistrate then needed to rely on the videos provided, in which she saw the video herself, and she saw that the defendant was seen just turning around the corner and subdued by the police officer. The defendant was not running or doing anything. When the defendant was arrested, the bamboo stick is placed on the upper body of the defendant. The bamboo stick was later thrown aside by PW2.

📌Defendant's Testimony
The testimony of the defendant was consistent with the video. The defendant claimed that he lived nearby and works as a teacher for ten months. The crime scene is close to his working place. He claimed that he picked up the bamboo stick shortly before he was stopped. He was having a call with his friends from the UK, who are interested in the bamboo stick, as it is rare in the UK. He acknowledged that there were protests in Sham Shui Po that day, but he thought that he was not that close to the scene. He considered it not dangerous at that time.

When the defendant was intercepted, his earphone was still on hanging on his ears, which was seen on the video, and so it was reasonable that he was less sensitive with police. It is noticed that PW1 agreed that he had taken the phone of the defendant when he arrested the defendant.

There is no dispute that there were protestors on Lai Chi Kok road that day, but there was no evidence of the length that they stay. There was no siren sound when the police car is approaching the junction. The police officer got off the car and arrested the crowd in a very short period. Therefore it is possible that the defendant was not aware at the time, as he was wearing earphone at the time.
Besides, the bamboo stick was not sharpened, and so it was not held to cause injury.

The defendant has a clear record, and so he was regarded as a lower possibility of making lies and higher credibility. The Magistrate agreed that the action of defendant is suspicious, but the Court need to consider that there is reasonable doubt for the actions of the defendant. The Court cannot be sure that the defendant kept the bamboo stick to cause injury.

The defendant is acquitted.