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疫苗灾难网 https://yimiaozainan.com 共产党不能代表中国人,捍卫人权/正道主义/独家情报/疫情疫苗真相,不反同胞不反华
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The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recommended that EcoHealth Alliance and its president, Dr. Peter Daszak, be formally banned from the event and be criminally investigated. EcoHealth should never again receive taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government to fund research of any kind, including gain-of-function research!

新冠病毒大流行问题小组委员会建议正式禁止生态健康联盟及其主席 Peter Daszak 博士参与活动并对其展开刑事调查。EcoHealth 绝不应该再从美国政府获得纳税人的钱来资助任何类型的研究,包括功能获得性研究!

#DNA #基因 #gene #vaccinedisaster #ccpvirus #ccpliedpeopledied #vaccine #herdimmunity #PLA #疫苗灾难 #VaccineInjury #疫苗事件 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #technologytheft #wipo #疫苗 #Pfizer #ivermectin #vaccinesideeffects #mRNA #covid19 #Fauci #American #刺突蛋白 #thugs #dictators #FDA #NIH #CDC #HHS #WEF #辉瑞

电气工程师兼公民调查员约翰·博多安(John Beaudoin, Sr.):"是医院治疗方案和新冠疫苗杀死了百万美国人,而不是新冠病毒。80%至 90% 的 COVID 死亡案例都是骗局"。
John Beaudoin, Sr.:US government killed a MILLION Americans and NOT from covid. Hospital homicides AND COVID vax about equally did it.“80 to 90% of the COVID Deaths Are FRAUD”.

#牛津视觉 #疫苗灾难 #vaccinedisaster #excessdeaths

由于疫苗匆忙推出,未能充分测试副作用,导致一些接种者出现健康问题。报告了超过14万例不良反应,其中2.2万例严重。凯琳·菲尔普斯(Kerryn Phelps)教授和她的妻子对辉瑞疫苗产生严重反应。菲尔普斯被诊断出患有自主神经障碍,导致高血压、高脉搏等症状。

#莫得纳 #WHO #谭德塞 #Moderna #NIH #EcoHealthAlliance #PeterDaszak #thrombosis #AZ #血栓 #莫德纳 #人类基因组 #Moderna #humangenome #DNA #基因 #gene #vaccinedisaster #ccpliedpeopledied #herdimmunity #PLA #疫苗灾难 #VaccineInjury #疫苗事件 #中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #Artemisinin #CCP #technologytheft #takedowntheCCP #wipo #青蒿素 #疫苗 #共产主义中国 #Pfizer #ivermectin #vaccinesideeffects #mRNA #covid19 #nfsc #Fauci #American #伊维菌素 #刺突蛋白 #communistchina #vaccine #thugs #dictators #FDA #NIH #CDC #HHS #WEF #辉瑞
