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【追獨家】中國駐英使館施壓 出版社刪教科書「中華民國」字眼 作者:遺憾但不敢不從

// 繼孔子學院干預英國大學學術自由而備受批評,英國中學教育原來於 2018 年已受影響。《追新聞》調查揭發,中國駐英使館曾向一家英國出版社發投訴信施壓,不滿其出版的 GCSE 中文教科書,在有關台灣的章節所使用資料含 「中華民國」字眼,出版社遂決定修改。作者 William Minter 向《追新聞》指,對事件感到遺憾,強調原意是讓學生認識日常出現在各地華文社群的中文詞彙,惟他亦理解「出版社規模細小和獨立,不敢不遵從(afraid not to comply)使館的要求」。......//


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【Exclusive: China ‘pressured’ UK publisher to edit Taiwan reference in GCSE textbook】

The Chinese embassy in London has ‘pressured’ a publisher to redact Taiwan’s official name from a widely-used GCSE Chinese textbook, the Chaser News can reveal.

A reference to “Republic of China” — the island’s formal designation under its constitution — in a Taiwan-themed chapter was removed by the UK-based publisher Dragons Teaching after Chinese officials lodged a complaint in 2018.

The phrase appeared in a Chinese-language excerpt about the Yangmingshan National Park, originally described as “the Republic of China’s third national park” in the 2016 first edition of the exam board-approved AQA GCSE Chinese Textbook 1......

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【追獨家】中國駐英使館施壓 出版社刪教科書「中華民國」字眼 作者:遺憾但不敢不從

#GCSEChinese #GCSE #Chineseembassy #AQA #UK #China #Dragonsteaching #thechaser