The Hong Kong Scots
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A Hongkongers-led Scottish company not for profit but looks for the interest of community.
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票價預計為£14-17,最後定價會​​視乎放映 #版權費用#場地租用#參加人數 而定。

調查會幫助我們估計出席人數,倘若活動成功舉辦,我們會於稍後時間聯絡有意參加的朋友,以安排購票事宜。是次為 #非牟利活動,收益扣除成本後會公布,餘額會用於捐助烏克蘭人道救援項目。

蘇格蘭香港人 Scottish Hongkongers is planning to organise screening of Revolution Of Our Time in Scotland in 1-10April.

The estimated fare is £14-17. The actual fare will be set depending on the cost of copyright for screening, rent of the venue and number of attendees.

The survey will help us to estimate the number of attendees. Once the event to be held, we will contact those who intend to participate for purchasing the tickets. The event is non-profit making. Revenue after deduction of the cost will be announced and the surplus will be donated to the humanitarian assistance services for Ukraine.

Please fill out the questionnaire to make the event run smoothly: