The Hong Kong Scots
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A Hongkongers-led Scottish company not for profit but looks for the interest of community.
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【總結 冰皮月餅工作坊

癸卯中秋前兩星期,我哋於 #Edinburgh 舉辦了一連兩節 #冰皮月餅工作坊 ;於導師傾囊相授下,敝社義工及來者都能夠於短短兩小時內成功製作冰皮月餅⋯⋯

冰皮月餅工作坊作為香港人的中秋節文化載體,除了應節外,更體現出於英國及蘇格蘭中不同族群的 #文化權利 得到尊重。港人背鄉而來,想必亦清楚《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》亦需要實際行動去實踐,而不單單靠一紙公文。


假如身在蘇格蘭嘅你錯過咗 同我哋一齊整 #冰皮月餅 ,請唔使失望,我哋喺12月會再有節慶活動,同大家一齊 #搓湯圓 ,過冬至!歡迎留言或者inbox同我哋講你所在嘅城市,讓我哋更能夠掌握大家參與活動嘅意向!

On (16/9) the Saturday a week ago, we organised 2 sessions of icy mooncake workshop. Under the generous guidance of our tutor, every participant had lernt to produce an icy mooncake themselves within 2 hours.

As a cultural carrier of the Mid-Autumn for Hong Kongers, the Icy Mooncake Workshop not only celebrates and thanksgiving in the festival, but also reflects the respect for the cultural rights of different communities in the UL and Scotland. Hong Kongers who left their hometown must also realise that the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also requires practical actions to implement, not just a piece of paper.


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