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Philip Ludwell III Orthodox Fellowship
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Forwarded from Persecution In Ukraine
Co-chair of the National Federation of Young Republicans Katherine Whiteford called for the protection of Orthodox Ukrainians from persecution by the Ukrainian authorities.

The young American politician recalled that for years, believers and clergy of the UOC were subjected to terror by the SBU and anti-Christian activists, and the police simply stood by when churches were seized and journalists were arrested.

Now, after the adoption of a new law that legalizes discrimination, everything will get even worse.

"If this was the status quo when the UOC had, at least on paper, political protection, what will be its fate with the passing of Bill 8371?
The Church now faces a catastrophe it hasn’t known since the height of “Bolshevik” power. As an Orthodox Christian myself, whose diocese was largely founded by Ukrainian Christians fleeing Soviet persecution, my heart is broken to see history repeating itself. As an American and a Conservative, I am appalled to know that my government, founded on the basis of religious liberty, is supporting a regime which openly and proudly persecutes Christians.”

Katherine Whiteford called on everyone to join her in calling on the leadership of the House and Senate to demand action.

Demand that the Ukrainian government repeal 8371, release members of the UOC and journalists covering the persecution who are currently in prison, and that further aid to Ukraine be tied to religious freedom.

Subscribe @PersecutionInUkraine and follow the “UOJ case” and the struggle for civil rights in Ukraine.

#UOJ #persecution_in_Ukraine
Former Fellowship operations mgr Rebecca Dillingham & our new "get things done & bottle washer in chief" Ben Dixon talk Southern Orthodoxy on the ground. He's speaking @ Event 2.0 (link in bio) & is among a slew of stellar guests. Deadline by is TODAY & by PayPal is 9/1.
Forwarded from Dissident Mama
"In giving birth thou didst preserve thy virginity, and in thy falling asleep thou hast not forsaken the world, O Theotokos. Thou hast been, translated to life, as thou art the Mother of Life. And by thy supplications thou dost deliver our souls from death."
"The tomb and mortality could not hold the Theotokos, who is untiring in her supplications and our certain hope in her intercessions. For, as the Mother of Life, she hath passed over to the Life Who dwelt within her ever-virgin womb."
On the Friday night VIP reception, I will host a Counterflow Live. My guests will be: Jim Jatras, @frjohnwhiteford , @dissident_mama and Conrad from World War Now.
Hope to see yall there!
Forwarded from Dissident Mama
Can't wait to spend next weekend in Texas w some of my favorite ppl & looking fwd to making some new friends! Stupendous speakers, kickin' podcast, Mount Athos stories, brisket, fellowship, & Liturgy ... what's not to love?! 💕☦️ #SouthernOrthodox
"Queen Lucy & Queen Mary" by Walt Garlington 💕
A lovely new essay up @ our site & a final-stretch reminder that Conference 2.0 (link in bio) kicks off 1 week fr today. Registration deadline is 9/1. Hope to see y'all next wk in Lockhart, Texas!
Forwarded from Fr. John Whiteford
Should Orthodox Christians Vote? Two Contemporary Saints Answer
Forwarded from Dissident Mama
Commissioning this icon with one of America's most talented iconographers was my husband's idea. We're both utterly pleased w the finished product & overjoyed that Shayne Swenson created such a stunning work of art & one truly worthy of honor & veneration. Thank you, friend! 🙌
Keep an eye on the Ludwell Orthodox Fellowship where I'll eventually be promoting mounted prints of the icon wuth a portion of the sales going to the worthy missionary org.
We still have a few spots left for Conference 2.0, so we've extended our registration deadline to midnight this Wednesday, 9/4. Hope to see y'all later this week in the Great State of Texas!
Please also pray for all of our organizers, speakers, & attendees, as well as the good & hospitable folks of Lockhart, Texas!
Forwarded from Fr. Peter Heers
Archbishop Elpidophoros is not an Orthodox bishop

From the speech of Archpriest Sasha Petrovich from the Serbian Orthodox Church (St. Nicholas Church in Omaha, Nebraska, USA) at a conference in defense of Orthodoxy and the UOC in Sofia:

"During his six years of leadership of the Greek Archdiocese of the USA, Archbishop Elpidophoros has taken many steps and made various statements that stand in sharp contrast to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, based on Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, as well as formulated at the Ecumenical Councils and in the works of the Holy Fathers."

In his presentation, the priest presented evidence that the head of the Greek Archdiocese publicly and openly advocates the legalization of abortion, supports sodomy and tramples on all moral Christian principles, praises Freemasonry, and openly professes the heresy of perennialism (the teaching that all religions possess the fullness of truth, which leads them to God, only by different paths).

In particular, the hierarch wrote a speech that was read at the opening of the largest Hindu temple in America, which stated: "This Hindu temple is a holy place. I send you my congratulations and blessings for the success and prosperity of this sacred cause."

Moreover, Archbishop Elpidophoros allowed the priests of his archdiocese to administer communion to the heterodox spouses of Orthodox parishioners, and during the “pandemic” he became an ardent agitator for unprecedented changes in the method of communion (such “preventive and sanitary measures” were introduced that were not required even for medical workers).

The hierarch also crossed many red lines in communicating with non-Orthodox, performing joint prayer not only with Catholics (for example, the archbishop served a joint prayer service with the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in March 2024), but also with non-Christians in general.

At the end of his speech, Father Sasha Petrovich concluded that: “Archbishop Elpidophoros is not an Orthodox bishop and that he is leading his entire archdiocese to spiritual destruction.”