Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
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#Evstigneeva at UNSC briefing on #CAR: Modern world leaves no space for neo-colonial practices, economic blackmail, pitching neighbors against each other, and attempts to dictate to sovereign states, with whom they can or cannot establish cooperation, incl. military cooperation. https://t.co/POghoMCCfZ
#Evstigneeva:🇷🇺abstained in the vote on the draft UNSCR renewing for another year the mandate of @UN_CAR. Unfortunately, a number of fundamental points highlighted by the #CAR government were not reflected in the resolution. https://t.co/39JGBjR8BS https://t.co/arpyYyARFv
#Evstigneeva:🇷🇺specialists in the #CAR are improving the level of vocational training for the law enforcement bodies upon the invitation of the legitimate government of CAR. It is thanks to their efforts along with🇨🇫 armed forces, that the situation in the country has stabilized. https://t.co/C03FPo0aFW
#Evstigneeva: We hope that the renewal of the @UN_CAR mandate will support the efforts of the #CAR authorities to stabilize the situation in the country. We welcome the decision of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra to declare #ceasefire. @mfa_russia https://t.co/BI9qTxgJC2
#Evstigneeva: We hear unfounded allegations regarding our specialists from a number of #UNSC members which we've rejected many times. If there have been violations, then they should be investigated primarily by the national bodies of #CAR which we are in contact with. @mfa_russia https://t.co/enhYG9aNEO
#Evstigneeva: The major factor of instability in the Central African Republic #CAR is the activity of illegal armed formations. This country, as any other state in #Africa or elsewhere, has a sovereign right to choose partners for addressing #security challenges. https://t.co/bCSDDMUz2D
🇷🇺transferred💲6,509,158 of assessed contributions to the budgets of UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the #CAR, UN Interim Security Force for Abyei, UN Stabilization Mission in the #DRCongo and UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. https://t.co/gaB9Cy7IVL
#Evstigneeva: We closely follow the developments in #CAR 🇨🇫. We believe that the situation there was generally stabilized, and combat capacity of the illegal armed formations was curbed. In this regard, we welcome President Touadera announcing a #ceasefire on 15 October 2021. https://t.co/n6gn40TQuA
#Evstigneeva: Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in #CAR of 6 February 2019 remains fundamental for achieving lasting peace & security in 🇨🇫. We note the efforts of the authorities aimed at implementing the President’s initiative on organizing a republican dialogue. https://t.co/gY1FSIpjkF
#Evstigneeva: We welcome active involvement of the International Conference on the #GreatLakes Region and the Economic Community of Central African States #ECCAS in the efforts made by the UN🇺🇳 and #Bangui’s international partners in order to stabilize the situation in the #CAR. https://t.co/OhOVjSv9mK
#Evstigneeva on #CAR: It's important to be guided by priorities that 🇨🇫President outlined in SC in October 2021: cessation of hostilities, disbanding of illegal armed formations, DDR programs, security sector reform, reinforcement of national borders, promotion of peace process. https://t.co/9X6zfSWvMF
#Evstigneeva: MINUSCA should be a key element of #CAR's security, esp taking into account the #peacekeepers’ tasks to counter illegal armed formations in the interests of protecting civilians.We stand for closer coordination of #MINUSCA, #Bangui & bilateral partners on the ground https://t.co/d4XC97KVea
#Evstigneeva: Russian specialists are present in the Central African Republic on the basis of a request of #CAR’s legitimately elected authorities. Russia🇷🇺 fully complies with all restrictions that #SecurityCouncil imposed on the country🇨🇫. https://t.co/kjikRyE2Oy https://t.co/MVZHGEQNGS