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達沃斯論壇:到 2030 年,智能手機將不復存在,技術將會 「直接植入我們的身體」!Davos: By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology 'Built Directly Into Our Bodies'

◇ 根據諾基亞 CEO 倫德馬 (Lundmark) 的說法,在 6G 時代,我們還可以期待非常高質量的”全息圖“。我們也可以期待高質量的”全息影像“。According to the Nokia CEO, Lundmark, in the 6G era, we can also expect very high-quality holograms. We can also expect very high-quality holograms.

◇ 倫德馬克認為,這些發明中的許多將直接植入身體。他還預測,到了 2030 年,將會有一種開發 「數碼雙胞胎」 的技術,這將需要大量的計算資源。According to Lundmark, many of these inventions will be built directly into our bodies. He also predicts that by 2030 there will be a technology for developing digital twins, which will require substantial computing resources.

◇ 倫德馬克說,為了傳輸 #元宇宙 所需的所有計算機位,網絡的速度至少需要比現在快 100 倍甚至 1000 倍。In order to transmit all the computer bits that the #metaverse will require, networks will need to be at least 100 times or even 1,000 times faster than they are today, Lundmark said.

谷歌 CEO 露絲·波拉特表示:「我們相信 #擴增實境 的一大優勢實際上是解決地球上的問題,比如戴上眼鏡,就能一邊說話一邊翻譯。它們非常接近。」 Google CFO Ruth Porat said: “We believe that one of the big advantages of augmented reality is actually solving problems here on Earth. - It will be things like having glasses and being able to translate as you speak with glasses. Those are very close.”

(不過,谷歌此前曾推出過一款名為 『谷歌 Glass』 的 AR 耳機,但由於反響不佳,最終撤了下來。)


#AR #擴增實境 #VR #虛擬現實 #Neurotechnology #神經技術 #Metaverse #元宇宙 #BIGTECH #大科技 #Cyborg #半機器人 #Nanorobot #納米機器人 #Nanotech #納米科技 #DavosForum #Prediction #預測