疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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(一)#Covid 和 Covid 肺炎是感冒和老肺炎的新術語,它們都在“#大流行”和這種新“病毒”出現之前已可醫治。如果我們都確保在第 3 天從感冒中痊癒,我們就可以消除因心血管所導致的全部住院治療

I cannot recommend against it. It’s your decision to try it or to avoid it.
1- Cov & Cov #pneumonia are the new terms for cold & good old pneumonia so proceed to treat as treated before the “Pandemic” and this new “virus.” If we all make sure to heal from that cold by the 3rd day we can eliminate all #hospitalizations due to cv’s.
2- Trust your GUT. If you don’t know something don’t be afraid to say no to it.
3- Always research who funds the treatments and go back to the root source of their financing. That will tell give you an idea of who they are.
4- As a very last resort, this would be a solution but let’s hope to not have to buy “antibodies”. Not knowing what they will do to our bodies.

Monoclonal antibodies treatment for COVID19 - PDF 電子書

Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Side Effects


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關於 #單克隆抗體 更多閱讀:

#解藥 #Antidote
#Antibiotic #MonoclonalAntibodies #SideEffect #Medicine #抗生素 #新冠治療 #住院 #抗生素 #副作用 #單克隆抗體

氧化石墨烯——「COVID - 19」 的真正原因

#氧化石墨烯 #GrapheneOxide(簡稱 #GO)——我知道,可能是一種新的恐懼色情片,但你至少應該保持基本瞭解:

· GO 在面具上!
· GO 在試紙上!
· 所有的 COVID 型疫苗都含有 GO!
· GO 造成
#血栓 的形成!
· GO 會產生
· GO 破壞
· GO 會引發膀胱激素風暴!
· GO 造成
· GO 會在口腔中產生金屬味(經過新冠測試後)!
· GO 會引起粘膜發炎!
· GO 會導致味覺和嗅覺的喪失!
· GO 是磁性!(特別是在針劑註射的地方)
· GO 是所有這些 COVID 癥狀的唯一觸發器!
· GO 通過
#谷胱甘肽 阻斷體內的排毒作用!
· GO 可以通過
#5G 被觸發!
· GO 在 2019 年就已經作為一種
#佐劑 被納入流感疫苗中!
· GO 能越過

Graphene oxide – the real reason for "COVID19"?

Graphene Oxide (GO for short) – I know … a new possible fear porn, but still you should at least stay informed…
GO is in masks!
GO is in test strips!
GO is in all C vaccines!
GO creates thromboses!
GO creates
GO disrupts the
GO triggers a cystokine storm!
GO creates
GO causes metallic taste in the mouth (after C-tests)!
GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes!
GO produces loss of the sense of taste and smell!
GO is magnetic! (especially at vaccination site!)
So graphene oxide is the sole trigger of all these COVID symptoms!
— So not a VIRUS, but a chemical warfare agent!
GO blocks detoxification in the body via
GO is triggerable via
GO was already included as an
#adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019!
GO overcomes the blood-brain barrier!


#Ingredients #疫苗成份 #Graphene #石墨烯 #磁性 #Magnetic #Bioweapon #生物武器 #Vaccine #疫苗 #Covid19 #新冠 #不良反應 #AdverseReaction #Injuries #針劑損傷