疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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Mercola醫生説:疫苗是新的“純度”測試 Dr. Mercola | Vaccines Are the New 'Purity' Test

👀故事大概 Story at-a-glance:

▫️2021年春,拜登政府表示,正在認真研究建立 #疫苗護照 製度,允許未接種疫苗的人被合法視為二等公民。 In the spring of 2021, the Biden Administration said it was seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens.

▫️在以色列,進入許多公共場所已經要求要有 #疫苗證書。活動人士警告稱,這已經成為一個雙重社會,未接種疫苗的人被排斥。 In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn it’s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized.

▫️公眾的敘述不僅是對拒絕戴口罩或接種試驗性疫苗的人建立了偏見,而且從一開始就把健康的人當作替罪羊,把病毒的傳播歸咎於無癥狀感染者! The public #narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people.

▫️隨著疫苗證書的推出,我們正堅定地踏入「歧視」領域。最後一步是迫害未接種疫苗的人群。到那時,我們將復製「納粹政權」對猶太人非人化的四步過程,最終導致 #種族滅絕 發生。 With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory. The last step will entail persecution of non-vaccinated individuals. At that point, we will have replicated the #Nazi regime’s four-step process of dehumanizing the Jews, which ultimately allowed the #genocide to occur.

▫️「疫苗護照」旨在為隔離、歧視和消滅某些群體創造理由:在此情況下,這些人不想成為實驗性疫苗項目的一部分,也意味著他們不遵守自上而下的規定。 Vaccine passports are about creating justification for #segregation, #discrimination and elimination of certain groups of people, in this case, people who don’t want to be part of the experimental vaccine program, which identifies them as noncompliant with top-down edicts.

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