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Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, media tycoon Jimmy Lai’s #UK legal team received anonymous emails warning them against travelling to the city to defend him, said they allegedly violate the national security law.

The Hong Kong Communist govt is intimidating the attorneys who are independently and professionally representing their client.
One of his attorneys said they has filed an urgent appeal with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

Sebastien Lai, Jimmy Lai’s son, is also calling on the #UN & the U.K. Government “to speak out for my dad & stand up to those who wish to silence him.”

根據早前 #世界經濟論壇 的官方網站指,今年9月舉行的 #可持續發展目標峰會 期間,#WEF#聯合國 計劃討論「加速實施 2030 年議程」。

所謂可持續發展,離不開 #氣候變化 的所謂綠色議程。
用正常人語言解讀就是:寡頭政治集團操控西方各國、滲透各國議會、投資 #綠色環保 生意已久,卻仍未有豐厚回報,將與 #UN 商討如何利用這個非民選國際組織向各國政府施壓,確保他們短期內能看到收益。
