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[#freehkxmascard · 重新整合]


1) 寄信畀芬蘭聖誕老人(有D國際新聞報章會調查芬蘭聖誕老人今年收過乜嘢聖誕願望,相信Free Hong Kong, Stand with Hong Kong會引起注目。)。

2) 寄信有需要/幫到我地既人,
- people in need (elderly/ orphanage)
- people can help (MPs/ media)

3) 寄聖誕咭畀三個朋友,並喺聖誕咭上寫上『光復香港,時代革命!』及一切打氣說話。

4)喺Google map隨機搵一笪地方,例如11 Gladys Rd, West Hampstead, London NW6 2PU英國 ,然後寄出聖誕咭

寄出/收到聖誕咭前後po上各大social media with hashtag #freehkxmascard.

We, Hongkongers, are sincerely inviting you to celebrating xmas with us via joining our #freehkxmascard.

You might write ‘Free Hong Kong’ with any supporting wordings on your Christmas Card and mail it to:

1) Your Santa
2) Three Friends
3) Hospitals/ Elderly homes
4) Random address all over the world(Eg. 11 Gladys Rd, West Hampstead, London NW6 2PU United Kingdom

Post it on your social media with hashtag #freehkxmascard .

You might also include the following message for more information:
- Timeline : https://tl.hkrev.info/en/
Here’s the template:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In this festival of thanksgiving and reflection, we are grateful for the food on our table and a roof above our heads. But this year, the political movement in Hong Kong means that some may not be able to spend Christmas with their love ones. So our Christmas wish is simple: to be able breathe the air of freedom along with you all.

Please share this card with your family and friends on social media using hashtag #freehkxmascard , and keep us in your prayers!

May all our Christmas wishes come true,

Our telegram channel:

For more information:
Free HK Xmas Card Giveaway in Newcastle and Durham

A few weeks till Christmas! We are giving out Christmas cards, designed by Hongkongers with hope and passion, to celebrate this festive season with you all! Feel free to collect them in the following places on the coming Wednesday and stand with Hong Kong!

Please share this card with your family and friends on social media using #freehkxmascard , and keep us in your prayers!

Date: 11 Dec 2019 Wednesday
Newcastle: 13:00-14:30 Northumberland Street
Durham: 15:30-17:00 Market Square

Here's the event link:
#admin專欄 #freehkxmascard2020 #堅持嘅原因 @windseasonbro

早喺四月廿五號,我已經覺得如果今年要好似上年咁搞 @freehkxmascard 活動,就一定要早幾個月做,確保有足夠時間畀文宣畫咭,有足夠時間畀大家印咭喺黃店派,以及有足夠時間畀大家寄咭去世界各地。

喺聖誕未到時,同類型活動如 #freehknengajo #freehklunarcard #Freehkeastercard #freehkdragonboatcard 都只係過場活動,而且參與者都愈來愈少---因為大家都知道,聖誕先係Main course,而代表中秋嘅 #freehkmooncard ,至今未有手足pm作品畀我,希望大家多多參與。

可能大家會以為呢D文宣活動無撚用,又可能大家覺得聖誕節以外時間寄咭無撚用,但以我所知,有多位文宣手足話,參與不同 #freehkcard 活動,收到嘅係不同外國人對香港好Positive 嘅Feedback---例如覺得我哋好有創意,以及除聖誕節之外,我哋整出嚟嘅咭係咁靚同埋好窩心香港人喺武漢肺炎疫情初期提醒佢哋點樣預防及Fight with 武漢肺炎,佢哋當中有人因為收到咭嘅提示而Washing hands, wearing mask,係真真正正幫到佢哋。

而事實上,踏入六月開始有大量手足PM我,佢哋想預早寫 #FREEHKXMASCARD ,叫我應該要而家叫大家參與寫咭,當然今時今日香港寄張聖誕咭都會畀人認為違反国安法,崩口人忌崩口碗,正如施永青收到聖誕咭都屌人老母啦,咁樣某D国家認為大家違反国安法又有乜出奇?

我會寫幾篇 #admin專欄 #freehkxmascard2020 ,呢一篇唔講安全性,亦唔講點樣做,先講一講個 Schedule 先。

我先假設大家都參與 #freehkxmascard2020 寄聖誕咭活動,第一個重點:而家武漢肺炎嚴重,空郵需時,甚至有國家不接受空郵,只接受由船寄出嘅聖誕咭,所以我希望各位最遲喺十月初寄出freehkxmascard




如果十月初要寄出 freehkxmascard ,代表八月份要投稿及開始印 #freehkxmascard ,九月就一定要完成印刷程序,所以希望大家由而家一個月內設計並投稿 @freehkxmascard ,唔知大家有無問題?