國際文宣組 IFC
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德國自由民主黨(FDP)針對中國強行制定香港國安法,仿效冷戰時期美國總統甘迺迪(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)在西柏林發表的名言「我是柏林人」,在網路上發起「我是香港人」(Ich bin ein Hongkonger/in)大頭貼,號召臉書用戶更換大頭貼,聲援港人爭取自由。 #german #hker from twitter
Simple message: Boycott China.
Boykott chinesischer Produkte!
#ccp #english #diyms #boycottchina #german
*correct me if the German is wrong pls!
German version. Let's tell our German friends what China is really like, and ask their government to please get their act together and stop sucking up to a dictator.
#HK #YuenLong #721YuenLongAttack #terrorism #hongkongpolice #policebrutality #hongkongpoliceterrorism #thugs #english #diyms #China #ruleoflaw #german
Huawei is using “sustainable development” as a cover to recruit bright students around the world.
We all know huawei is closely tied with CCP China. We need to make this stop.

#ccp #china #huawei #uk #kingscollegelondon #german #kenya #dublin #english #diyms
Oh of course we have #german version as well ^^ thanks to our allies Germany Stand With Hong Kong!

Get retweeting! #BoycottCCP
國際文宣組 IFC
Follow them on instagram for more #german posts! #boycottCCP!
#petition 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️

(1) 聯署要求立即重啟2020立法會選舉!!!

Support 2020 direct Legco election 🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰

🇺🇸 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/hk-human-rights-democracy-act-supports-2020-direct-legco-election-xiang-gang-ren-quan-min-zhu-fa-zhi-chi-jin-nian-li-hui-zhi-xuan
Deadline/到期日: 4th Oct 🛎🛎🛎

(2) Call for Germany to sanction
#CCP China! 🇨🇳
Though #german - but this has legal power to actually do something! Sign now!

🇩🇪 Link: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_2020/_07/_02/Petition_113264.nc.html
Have you signed? A #petition with legal binding power! #german

Instructions: https://linktr.ee/wirfuerhongkong
Who else haven’t signed this?

#petition #german


Legal binding petition!

https://bit.ly/35Z4LDD (German/德文)
English Version
#German Parliament is currently holding a hearing about sanctioning human rights abusers in #HongKong and #China. Yet on the other hand a #European trade deal is on its way. Rather a paradoxical situation! As European and global human rights leader, #Germany has a responsibility to show tyrants that they don’t get their way with cracking down on and killing people who fight for #freedom and #democracy! // #hk #sanction #ccp #glacierkwong #english #diyms
#CCP calls #Australia a piece of gum on its sole, insults the #German foreign minister as "the f***ing Maas", officially admits that it uses tariff as political retribution on #Australia, and thinks that friends can be made by creating an "adorable" image for #China 😂😂😂😂
#diplomacy #winniethepooh #pooh #wolfwarrior #usa #germany #english #meme #diyms