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After pleading guilty to charges relating to protests outside police headquarters last year, #AgnesChow was taken to a detention centre, bail denied. One day after she was effectively jailed, #BBC named her one of the 100 #women of 2020.
Chow urges us all to hold our values dear in the face of tyranny.
#ccp #china #hongkong #court #hkpolice #hkprotest #english #diyms
The way #JimmyLai is being treated as a criminal before a verdict is delivered on his case can only mean #CCP is nakedly, relentlessly persecuting him for holding democratic beliefs.
#hongkong #hk #ruleoflaw #presumptionofinnocence #goddessofjustice #court #nationalsecuritylaw #jail #TsaiIngwen #english #diyms
10 of the 12 abducted #HongKongers will go on closed "trial" 28 December, 2020. Chinese attorneys believe that the other 2, both underaged, have already been "tried". Consulate General of the United States in Guangzhou stated that it is willing to mediate, though we don't quite know how.
#save12hkyouths #hongkong #hk #ruleoflaw #kidnap #court #judge #english #diyms
#HongKong court spelled it out for the world: the sham "national security law" overrides common law. Presumption of Innocence has been annulled. #JimmyLai is effectively imprisoned before even going to trial for his made-up charges, namely, tweeting and following foreigners on Twitter. Hong Kong is a lawless state under #CCP's rule.
#China #ruleoflaw #presumption of innocence #court #appledaily #nationalsecuritylaw #english #diyms
It's obvious that #CCP is trying to weaken #HongKongers' minds and resolve by exhausting and humiliating pro-democracy fighters, using dirty tactics used by #Nazi Germany and #Soviet Russia. Judge #VictorSo ought to go down in history as one of tyranny's most shameless henchmen.
#china #chinese #ruleoflaw #court #trial #democracy #freedom #joshuawong #english #diyms
#CCP is trying to crush #HongKong's determination to fight for what we deserve by humiliating the 47 pro-democracy politicians, taking them in custody = effectively imprisoning them! You are allowed to be sad, but please do remember that you are not alone. We are with you, all along.
Do not give CCP want they want. Keep calm and carry on.
#china #hk #hongkong #standwithhongkong #HK47 #custody #ruleoflaw #court #VictorSo #english #diyms
The kangaroo courts in #China are but a political tool serving #CCP. There is no other way to deal with a regime like this except cutting ties with it and educate people about the evil of tyranny.
We have not forgotten about our 12 #HongKong youths abducted by #CCP, 10 of them are currently serving unjust prison sentences in China. We can very much relate to the families of #MichaelSpavor and #MichaelKovrig, the unbearable agitation they must be suffering right now. :(
#canada #chinese #rulebylaw #trial #court #english #diyms
Justice and reason have completely fallen in #HongKong as prison cells start filling up with lawyers, scholars and activists. The guilty verdict and their imminent sentences will be somewhat a navigator on how #HongKongers might exercise what's left of our "freedom of assembly" in the future.
#ccp #china #ruleoflaw #freedom #democracy #court #freedomofassembly #jail #civildisobedience #english #diyms