國際文宣組 IFC
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[7-Day Project: CCP’s Worldwide Infiltration]
Let's take an in-depth look into CCP's infiltration into different countries. First up: Australia
Please feel free to use the hashtags
#ccpinvasion_australia #ccpinvasion on social media!
#CCP #australia #nationalsecurity #technology
[7-Day Project: CCP’s Worldwide Infiltration]
Worse than cultural imperialism, #CCP downright steals from Ukrainians.
Please feel free to use the hashtags
#ccpinvasion_ukraine #ccpinvasion on social media!
#CCP #nationalsecurity #secret #ukarine
[7-Day Project: CCP’s Worldwide Infiltration]
#CCP's stealing from your country but calling it "partnership"
Please feel free to use the hashtags
#ccpinvasion_ukraine #ccpinvasion on social media!
#CCP #nationalsecurity #ukarine #factory #manufacture #contract #aircraft
#TikTok #US #Australia #NationalSecurity
US and Australia Considering a Ban on TikTok; US Lawmakers Raise Concerns over the App’s Impact on US National Security
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So it begins. Everybody stay safe, clean house, tell the world. The more people know the "safer" they are.
#HK #hongkong #nationalsecuritylaw #TonyChung #nationalsecurity #secession #studentlocalism #english #diyms
Further details: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/23829
HongKongers please pay attention to the situation of lawyers #盧思位 and #任全牛. They dare to represent some of #12hkyouths amid the threats and warnings from the authorities. They are now under persecution. 👇


Credit: Twitter @monkmonkii
#12手足 #12港人 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #維權律師 #LuSiwei #ChineseHumanRightsLawyers #Hearing #LicenceRevocation #NationalSecurity #SpeechFreedom #FreedomOfSpeech
Regarding the #BeltandRoad initiative, the Politico writes: "this charm offensive is starting to fall flat, however. Eastern European countries are increasingly unconvinced that Beijing is really delivering the economic perks they originally imagined. More crucially, there are security relations to consider."
#BRI #Europe #EasternEurope #CentralEurope #China #CCP #nationalsecurity #imperialism #infrastructure #english #diyms
Good work #Lithuania 🇱🇹
Thanks and no thanks for chinese dodgy tech for you “security” since it basically mean none 🙃
#fuckccp #boychina #dodgychinesetech #security #nationalsecurity #europeanunion #china #beijing #airport #meme #diyms #english
When will #Britain (and other Western countries) realize that #CCP is with malicious intent and cannot be brought to reason with conversation?! Just take #HongKong as an example, #USA has talked with #China in Hawaii in 2020, then they imposes the "national security law". #UK itself has verbally condemned #Beijing many times for violating the Sino-British Joint Declaration, it didn't stop them from cancelling elections and throwing democratically elected lawmakers in jail. Fooled me badly once, shame on you. Fooled me badly twice, shame on me. But it seems #DominicRaab would like to go for the third, fourth, fifth times.
#Integratedreport #diplomacy #security #nationalsecurity #borisjohnson #english #diyms #meme
Everyone can see through your BS ccp! 👋🏼 see you never.

#ccp #china #academicfreedom #canada #nationalsecurity #research #espionage #DIYms #english #IP #IPTheft
Rare-earth mineral extraction will likely create a competition between Washington and Beijing in the developing world with #China having a strong early advantage. Why you should care? It is a national security issue, with #CCP deciding the pace of the world’s technological advancement.
#rareearth #minerals #nationalsecurity #usa #english #diyms
As a new school term starts, we’re once again reminded of how much has changed in #HongKong. #CCP wants to turn our children and youth into red robots.
#education #school #backtoschool #hk #china #nationalsecurity #nationalsecuritylaw #nsl #brainwashing
Diversify from, or better yet boycott the authoritarian regime to save your own lives and economies.
#ccp #china #uk #monopoly #covid #spongebob #meme #import #nationalsecurity
We can't think what is stupider than letting #CCP control the manufacturing and supplying of a strategically important material like graphene. #BorisJohnson, watch out.
#infiltration #meme #graphene #nationalsecurity #parliament