國際文宣組 IFC
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德國自由民主黨(FDP)針對中國強行制定香港國安法,仿效冷戰時期美國總統甘迺迪(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)在西柏林發表的名言「我是柏林人」,在網路上發起「我是香港人」(Ich bin ein Hongkonger/in)大頭貼,號召臉書用戶更換大頭貼,聲援港人爭取自由。 #german #hker from twitter
Part 2 of #GlobalSolidarity campaign for #Save12HKYouths! Thank you all for showing your support. Their abduction and detention are our worst fear come true, exactly why we protested against the Extradition Bill last year. Read this online: we are the 13th #HKer kidnapped on that boat and now held hostage by #China. Never stop fighting until #CCP is DOWN!
#HongKong #ExtraditionBill #protest #english #diyms
Originally pushing for a citywide testing, when #hker and doctors already said it's pretty useless ...
After the #hongkong govt failed to fulfill the ask, now #CCP puppet "health expert" say it is right not to do it .. lol
Fact, and our comment too.
#northkorea style 99% vote - here you have it. TBH not even surprised by the lack of effect to sugarcoat the "election". And tbh is there any #hker actually care about this shit lol?
For non-hker: "On99" is a HK slang/swear that basically means "fking stupid" 😉
#ccp #fuckccp #hongkong #china #boycottchina #standwithhongkong