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After 32 years, the #CCP has finally extended its claws onto the tiny island that lights candles for the victims of #TiananmenMassacre on #June4th. Indeed there were no one but the police in the vast and empty #VictoriaPark last night, but light were flickering all around Causeway Bay, all around #HongKong, and ALL OVER THE WORLD. How can this joke of a regime not realize that every time it bans something, it only gets repeated and more loudly and more widely? So well done, #XiJinping and #CarrieLam for reminding global citizens of the thing that never happened by not letting #HongKongers talk about it.
Many members of the #TiananmenMothers have passed away without seeing justice done, at the same time in the global commemorative assemblies yesterday, many school-aged children attended with their parents. The truth will live on.
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
In an executive-led #HongKong, the media has always been the fourth power. But with the implementation of the #nationalsecuritylaw, #pressfreedom is increasingly cracked down upon. People who harboured the illusion that #CCP will democratise and respect human rights after the #TiananmenMassacre should WAKE UP. The only change over the years is that it has become more tyrannical. Let #HK be the example of how quickly things to crumple if CCP’s infiltration is not stopped.
#worldpressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday2021 #norightsnogames #pressfreedom #journalist #english #diyms
Party schools are where next generations of #CCP leaders are educated and nurtured (I find these words too wholesome for zombies who are being tapped to extend a dictatorship but here we go). Are they being taught the truth? Must they practice #doublethink? Or do they have to be loyal followers of a vengeful, power- and bloodthirsty #XiJinping? Take a look.
#China #centralpartyschool #brainwashing #greatleapforward #culturalrevolution #tiananmenmassacre #cadre #english #diyms
#TiananmenMassacre remains one of #CCP's darkest sore spots, judging by how hard it tries to rewrite our memories. But whatever you do, you can't change history. What has happened can never be rewritten, the entire world remember and will make sure our next generation remember it too.
#HKU #university #pillarofshame #hongkong #hk #june4
In November 2019, #HongKong was shocked by how the unscrupulous police stormed a university campus with teargas and bullets. News of the the attack on #CUHK did not only shake the entire city, but also brought back traumatic memories of #TiananmenMassacre, how 30 years ago, armed soldiers gunned down students fighting for #democracy. According to a phone-in programme on 881903 after the #DistrictCouncil election later in the same month, many first time voters cast their ballots against the pro-#Beijing councillors because they were astounded by the CUHK, and later #PolyU siege.
#HK #university #standwithhongkong #china #CCP
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
"The growing international willingness to condemn the Chinese government forced it to respond,” the report said. We all have a part to play. Even if our power as individuals is small, but together we can make changes!
#ccp #humanrights #china #tiananmenmassacre #uyghurs #xinjiang #tibet #innermongolia #hongkong #hk #freespeech #concentrationcamps #covid #chenqiushi #liwenliang #zhangzhan #english #diyms
The only way #CCP deals with its shameful history - erasing it and silencing everyone who talks about it.
#TiananmenSquare #TiananmenMassacre #PillarofShame #JensGalschiot #HKU #GoddessofDemocracy #CUHK #LingnanUniversity
The words "Beijing" and "protests" conjure up traumatic images. We hope all these students are safe...
PS. you will notice that I put 33rd instead of 33th this time. 😉
#ccp #beijing #tiananmen #tiananmenmassacre #china
This year, #CCP's puppet govt in #HongKong closed off the Victoria Park one day ahead of June 4th, and claimed that whoever shows up at Victoria Park to commemorate #TiananmenMassacre, even if they go alone, will be considered to be participating in an illegal assembly. The annual candlelight vigil is something we are proud of, but banning it physically does not mean people forget the massacre and the trauma, we still remember. 🕯
#HK #China #Beijing #Tiananmen #VictoriaPark
"Truth. Compensation. Accountability." These are the 3 demands of the #Tiananmen Mothers for 33 years, yet to be met.
#CCP #China #Beijing #HongKong #TiananmenMassacre #JuneFourth