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Among the numerous citizens arrested by #HongKongPolice since June 2019 many are #BNO-holders. From the incident of the 12 abducted #HongKongers, it is clear that the #HongKong govt will NEVER stand up for the rights of HKers. We hope that the #UK, as co-signatory of the #SinoBritishJointDeclaration, would do so.
#British #britain #IPAC #DominicRaab #CCP #China #save12hkyouths #english #diyms
Wolf warrior at it again. Is there anything wrong with wanting to know the truth behind a #pandemic that cancelled the entire 2020?
#ccp #china #huxijin #globaltimes #propaganda #statemedia #dominicraab #diplomacy #uk #britain #english #diyms
Maybe the answer is... he doesn't have one? maybe it's because it's already been bought by renminbi? Who knows. Shame on these people who build their professional careers with Western knowledge and education yet use it to oppress the people fighting for #freedom.
#Jimmy Lai is prosecuted under the so called "national security law" and is currently held custody in a maximum security prison, effectively jailed before he is tried.
#hongkong #hk #uk #britain #dominicraab #jimmy #ccp #davidperry #nsl #nationalsecuritylaw #ruleoflaw #english #diyms
We’d like to congratulate #BBC. If #CCP says you’re wrong, you’re most probably right. Like #DominicRaab said, #China’s censorship of BBC only reflect badly on itself. UK-China relationship continues to plummet since #Beijing’s violent crackdown on #HongKong.
#UK #freespeech #pressfreedom #censorship #fakenews #Uyghurs #CGTN #english #diyms
Thank you #Britain for formally putting #China's #humanrights abuses on the table. However, judging by #CCP's newest denial camps in #Xinjiang as fabrications, we doubt whether #DominicRaab's call for the UN to send an independent expert for unfettered access to #Xinjiang will come to pass. Mere lipservice is not enough!
#Xinjiang #Uyghurs #UK #UnitedNations #UN #uyghurs #hongkong #english #diyms
When will #Britain (and other Western countries) realize that #CCP is with malicious intent and cannot be brought to reason with conversation?! Just take #HongKong as an example, #USA has talked with #China in Hawaii in 2020, then they imposes the "national security law". #UK itself has verbally condemned #Beijing many times for violating the Sino-British Joint Declaration, it didn't stop them from cancelling elections and throwing democratically elected lawmakers in jail. Fooled me badly once, shame on you. Fooled me badly twice, shame on me. But it seems #DominicRaab would like to go for the third, fourth, fifth times.
#Integratedreport #diplomacy #security #nationalsecurity #borisjohnson #english #diyms #meme