國際文宣組 IFC
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"Hostage diplomacy" is an often use, dirty tactic #CCP uses to get what they want. The two Michaels, Canadian citizens detained in #China for more than a year and now charged with spying would be a perfect example of how unscrupulous this regime is.
#hostagediplomacy #diplomacy #us #uk #travel #detention #interrogation #english #diyms
Chinese lawyer Lu Siwei made 7 compelling points on how arbitrarily and unlawfully #CCP is detaining our 12 #HongKongers. Please read and spread it. This is exactly why we protested against the #extraditionbill last year and now we're living in our worst nightmare.
#save12hkyouths #hongkong #ccp #china #detention #english #diyms
Recalling the horrors of the past year must be difficult. Thank you Grandma Wong for having the courage to come forward, for not giving up. We are - with want of a better word - happy that you're home.
We can never imagine what the 12 abducted youths are going through on their 58th day of detention. Please don't forget them and do everything in your power to spread the news until they return to Hong Kong!
#hk #hongkong #grandmawong #alexandrawong #detention #china #ccp #save12hkyouths #english #diyms
It's been 100 days since our 12 comrades were abducted and detained by #CCP. We were NOT reassured of their safety, health and basic rights. All we got were letters from them that were clearly dictated, urging us to be quiet, which we will not be. Please continue to pay attention to our friends whose case have been passed from the #Yantian police to district prosecutor. Some of them, likely to be charged with organizing of human smuggling, may be facing life sentence, in #China.
#Save12HKYouths #hongkong #hk #ruleoflaw #detention #ruleoflaw #english #diyms
We still don’t know whether their families may attend their trials. #CCP claims it's bringing "justice" by kidnapping these #HongKong Youths. If you have nothing to hide, why are trials held behind closed doors?! #RuleofLaw in China is non-existent. Please continue to fix your eyes on these detained #HongKongers!
#China #Save12HKYouths #detention #justice #legal #law #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Recalling the horrors of the past year must be difficult. Thank you Grandma Wong for having the courage to come forward, for not giving up. We are - with want of a better word - happy that you're home.
We can never imagine what the 12 abducted youths are going through on their 58th day of detention. Please don't forget them and do everything in your power to spread the news until they return to Hong Kong!
#hk #hongkong #grandmawong #alexandrawong #detention #china #ccp #save12hkyouths #english #diyms
Using black sites to detain people #CCP doesn't like but has no actual official reason to press charges is common in #China, but Wu's testimony is the only one known about black sites beyond #Chinese border. CCP is increasingly abusing its international clout to oppress dissidents. Wonder if there's any such jail got any under your nose?
"She saw another prisoner, a Uyghur woman, while waiting to use the bathroom once, she said. A second time, she heard a Uyghur woman shouting in Chinese, “I don’t want to go back to China, I want to go back to Turkey.” Wu identified the women as Uyghurs based on what she said was their distinctive appearance and accent."
#Dubai #UAE #surveillance #uyghurs #meme #bigbrother #blackjail #detention #english #diyms