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[Durham & Newcastle -《時代革命》放映會 Film Screening of “Revolution of Our Times”]


🙇🏻‍♀️Thank you for your patience. In light of the worldwide release of the documentary "Revolution of Our Times", DSWHK and NSWHK are proud to present two screenings in the two cities of North East England. Both screenings will begin official ticket sale at 8pm tomorrow (25/3). Announcements regarding the ticketing websites will be made on social media by then. Please stay tuned!

日期Date: 4th April, 2022 (Mon)
時間Time: 08:00 P.M. (Doors open at 07:45 P.M.)
地點 Venue: Gala Theatre and Cinema
票價Prices: £15

日期Date: 9th April, 2022 (Sat)
時間Time: 05:30 P.M. (Doors open at 05:15 P.M.)
地點 Venue: Tyneside cinema
票價Prices: £14.5

*此電影評級為BBFC 15,適合15歲或以上人士觀看
* 兩個放映場次於網上購票時將會有額外手續費,門票亦會於戲院售票處發售,交易成功後怒不退換或更改

*The film is primarily in Cantonese, with both English and subtitles
*The film has obtained BBFC 15 certificate, suitable only for persons of 15 years and over
*The running time of the film is 152 minutes. The 2 screenings will start at the advertised time. Please be punctual.
*Booking fee will be charged for each online transaction. Audiences can also book tickets at the box office of the cinemas. No refunds or changes are allowed once the transactions have been made
*DSWHK & NSWHK reserve all rights to final decisions

🎟 另外,每位入場人士將會獲贈《時代革命》電影海報乙份。兩場放映並不只限於學生及香港人,我們歡迎所有人士入場觀看。我們希望香港人可以邀請英國或者其他族裔的朋友一起觀看,不但讓國際社群可以透過電影清楚了解2019年香港的社會運動,更讓世界看到香港人對自由的追求。


🎟In addition, each entrant will receive an official film poster of "Revolution of the Times". The two screenings are not limited to students or Hongkongers. We hope that Hongkongers can invite their international friends to the screenings so that the international community can understand more about Hong Kong’s 2019 movement and Hongkongers' determination to strive for freedom.

"Revolution of Our Times" witnesses the evolution of Hong Kong and it is a film that belongs to Hongkongers. All proceeds go to organisations that serve Hongkongers. We will release a financial report after the screenings.
