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We’d like to say a big thank you to journalists in #HongKong and #China still striving to get the news out there despite #CCP draconian rule. 32 years ago, students in #Beijing begged foreign journalists to get their stories on #TiananmenSquare out there because they couldn’t. More than 3 decades have passed, #China has not democratised under CCP’s rule. We should shed the illusion that they will change!
#worldpressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday2021 #pressfreedom #journalist #freedomofpress #english #meme #diyms
In an executive-led #HongKong, the media has always been the fourth power. But with the implementation of the #nationalsecuritylaw, #pressfreedom is increasingly cracked down upon. People who harboured the illusion that #CCP will democratise and respect human rights after the #TiananmenMassacre should WAKE UP. The only change over the years is that it has become more tyrannical. Let #HK be the example of how quickly things to crumple if CCP’s infiltration is not stopped.
#worldpressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday2021 #norightsnogames #pressfreedom #journalist #english #diyms
Nope. It’s not a joke, #CCP chose #worldpressfreedomday to show #HongKong and the world just how little respect it has for journalism.
#worldpressfreedomday2021 #china #rthk #censorship #nabelaqoser #meme #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
In an executive-led #HongKong, the media has always been the fourth power. But with the implementation of the #nationalsecuritylaw, #pressfreedom is increasingly cracked down upon. People who harboured the illusion that #CCP will democratise and respect human rights after the #TiananmenMassacre should WAKE UP. The only change over the years is that it has become more tyrannical. Let #HK be the example of how quickly things to crumple if CCP’s infiltration is not stopped.
#worldpressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday2021 #norightsnogames #pressfreedom #journalist #english #diyms
A year has passed since the last #WorldPressFreedomDay (where #HongKong ranked no. 80 in the world), and #CCP had dealt one blow to our #pressfreedom after another.
Our journalists are still trying their best to do what they can for our home, toeing the invisible red line of the #nationalsecuritylaw. The "anti-fake news" bill is within sight and internet censorship is not far away. #HongKongers, buckle up :(
#freedomofpress #beijing #china #jimmylai #appledaily #standnews #citizennews
The world press freedom index are determined by a few indicators by the Reporter Without Border - political, economic, legislative, social, security. Being a reporter in #HongKong incurs high security risk now, with so many imprisoned, arrested, prosecuted, brutalized, and many more having fled.
#worldpressfreedomday #pressfreedom #freedomofpress #censorship #AppleDaily #JimmyLai #standnews #citizennews