國際文宣組 IFC
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There is an old Chinese saying “Nothing new under the sun(太陽底下無新事)”… perfect for this SOLAR panel row … lol
#ccp violate the rules and bitch about it … like it always does.
#solarpanel #renewable #china #beijing #usa #fuckccp #boycottchina #wto #english #diyms
Civil rights groups were dismantled one after another by #CCP. Does that mean everything we have done was flushed down the drain? “Ideas are really bulletproof. Even #China has human rights lawyers,” said Ah Kwan, currently imprisoned for fighting for freedom in 2019. But after such ideas take roots in people’s hearts, what else can we do?
#HongKong #HK #lettersfromprison #612fund #CHRF #appledaily #HKPTU
#jackma still have a place in #ccp china? Probably not.
Ant group? Really like an ant to #ccp - so easy to kill.
#antgroup #ipo #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #beijing #alibaba #meme
Welcome to dystopian #China, where women are not even treated as properties but tools. #CCP is always tampering with people's bodies, ignoring possible backfires. Haven't the need to change one-child policy to three-child policy recently taught them anything? More importantly, YOU ARE NOT GOD! You have no right to dictate what people do with their bodies. CCP's actions is simply revolting.
As for us, ""we lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it." Are we still going to work at ignoring this?
#China #handmaidstale #margaretatwood #feminist #feminism #uyghurs #xinjiang #uyghurgenocide #birth
Guess no more woohoo in Sims, or any thing "violent". Great! Fun!

#CCP #China #Gaming #LGBT #LGBTQIA+ #loveislove #meme #sims
There is only so much you can do when getting crushed by the regime … and it’s heartbreaking for us witnessing it.
But let’s keep believing one day we will rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
Old slides attached at the end! See how it happened back in Feb.
#cuhk #cusu #standwithhongkong #china #beijing #hongkong #student #studentunion #fuckccp #boycottchina #english #diyms
Old slides about what happened in Feb ...
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CUHK, one of the best universities in #HongKong, has betrayed its students. At a time when #freespeech in #HK is being smothered everyday, instead of creating a #safespace for students to speak their minds and nurture their thoughts, the school has decided to silence them for fear. Shame.
#shame #cuhk #chineseuniversityofhongkong #selfcensorship #censorship #freedomofspeech #studentunion #student #university #standwithhongkong #english #diyms
We don't think the following opinion should be controversial, but somehow is. Not everyone are #LGBTQ, not everyone is a gamer. We always get feedback like "I don't like the #ccp but I think they're right to suppress the gays / teenage gamers." If you don't like a lifestyle, don't live this lifestyle, but it is not our right to tell people they must live a certain way or can't live a certain way. It's people's *choices*, and the freedom of choice is what we are fighting for and what the current #Chinese regime is against.
If a person thinks "it's ok to crackdown on lgbtqia+ people because they are disgusting" or "it's ok to restrict the gaming hours of other people's children because it's good for them", are they really so different from a tyrant in nature?
#authoritarian #gaming #gamers #civilrights #meme
#Pressfreedom is a thing of the past for #HongKong, but journalists aren't. So how can they carry on reporting in the #CCP controlled #HK?
可知留低的與重生的 卻在這邊
只可接受 新生活的蛻變
#journalism #press #freedomofpress #appledaily #policebruality #nsl #nationalsecuritylaw #china