We don't think the following opinion should be controversial, but somehow is. Not everyone are #LGBTQ, not everyone is a gamer. We always get feedback like "I don't like the #ccp but I think they're right to suppress the gays / teenage gamers." If you don't like a lifestyle, don't live this lifestyle, but it is not our right to tell people they must live a certain way or can't live a certain way. It's people's *choices*, and the freedom of choice is what we are fighting for and what the current #Chinese regime is against.
If a person thinks "it's ok to crackdown on lgbtqia+ people because they are disgusting" or "it's ok to restrict the gaming hours of other people's children because it's good for them", are they really so different from a tyrant in nature?
#authoritarian #gaming #gamers #civilrights #meme