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While it’s understandable that you’d want a cheap vaccine and ones that allow easy storage; WE NEED A VACCINE THAT WORKS.

Please show us some data to show that.

#COVID #Vaccine #CCP #Brazil #Covid19 #meme #sinovac #china #diyms #english #coronavac

How likely are you to use a condom that’s 50.4% effective of preventing pregnancy? 🤔 #sinovac #vaccine #casino #covid #coronavirus #wuhanvirus #meme #english #diyms
State media Global Times just published an article trying to defame pfizer’s vaccine with big typos in the article* 😂

Global Times twisted Doshi (the blog writer)’s word so much 🤦🏽‍♂️ please read the original article if you’re concerned!

#CCP #china #pfizer #globaltimes #propaganda #vaccine #coronavirus #COVID19 #covid #science #sinovac #coronavac #diym #english #meme

* Maybe I’m ignorant so please let me know if there’s a PRC test but the only PRC I know is people republic of China🙃
TLDR: no one trusts chinese vaccine 👽👽👽
Logically speaking, the number of people that died/has adverse event is clearly statistically insignificant, and those who died are generally of high risk.

Nonetheless it’s clear that citizens’ distrust of the CCP and the HK government is so high that people would rather not take the vaccine.

There’s a handful of covid vaccines available, why would anyone with a sane mind take CCP’s if there’s a choice? Will you?
#CCP #china #HongKong #Sinovac #COVID19 #coronavirus #covid #vaccine #Eminem #meme #hkers
Another target this time: Paraguay.
Actually we would suggest not getting the shitty Chinese vaccine LoL just ask Chile! It’s pretty useless.
#paraguay #vaccine #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #taiwan #meme #covid #sinovac #sinopharm #diyms #english
When Chinese official said the Chinese vaccines "don’t have very high protection rates" .... they make it sound like a news.
Well, the world already knew it, but thanks for coming out!
Then they suggest mixing vaccines! Not everything is suitable for cocktail therapy but I guess CCP just gonna to try it on people regardless ....
p.s. the "not very high protection rates" quote has been censored on Chinese media lol ....
#china #vaccine #fuckccp #boycottchina #covid #covidvaccine #sinovac #sinopharm #chinesevaccine #chinaliepeopledie #meme #crap
Hereby we present the useful-LESS of Chinese vaccine 🙃
p.s. a research in HK also shows that even 1 shot of Pfizer-BioNTech is better than two shots of Sinovac 🙃🙃
(Insert “made in China joke)
#covid19 #vaccine #pfizer #pfizervacine #sinopharm #sinovac #chinesevaccine #fuckccp #boycottchina #vaccinediplomacy #us #china #beijing #english #diyms
Trust science, and not some a** kissers please.
#vaccine #biontech #pfizer #sinovac #ccp #china #hongkong
#HongKongers are very suspicious of vaccines because of how hard the government has been pushing it, due to the harsh crackdown on the civil society by the administration, any official policies are met with great resistance by citizens. And now... #Sinovac? For kids? Yikes.
#vaccine #school #students #primaryschool #kindergarten #meme

source: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/11/hong-kong-to-step-up-covid-curbs.html