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Great news!

Taiwan has stepped up their game by putting $1 billion credit fund for Lithuania in 6 areas: semiconductor talent, semiconductor development, biotechnology, satellites, finance, and scientific research.

#Taiwan #Lithuania #CCP #TaiwanisnotChina #semiconductor #trade #diplomacy

🇹🇼 Is the #US #Congress gonna follow through, or is this just a bluff to anger #CCP? What do you think?
#China #Taiwan #Embassy #usa #diplomacy
This is not the first time China coerces others using trade.

In 2020, CCP banned Australian exports, including beef, barely and wine, because they called for COVID-19 origins investigation.

These kinds of bullying behaviour must stop!

#CCP #Taiwan #China #Lithuania #trade
#Taiwan is watching the situation in #Ukraine anxiously. The western world’s response to one absolute power will inform the action of another…
#Russia #China #CCP #WWIII
The struggle of the Ukrainians against a neighbour who is flexing its brute muscles inspired #HongKong deeply. Our Ukrainian friends stood with us as we were plunged into trouble. Today we wish to express our solidarity with the brave men and women fighting for #Ukraine.
The fall of #HK proved (once again) that appealing to a violent abuser with "humanity" is useless, we hope those who are truly able to help Ukraine wake up to this fact and do not leave Ukrainians stranded. #Taiwan is watching.
As #CCP tried to remove #Ukraine from the #G20 agenda (and claimed that #China is on the right side of history, no less), I wonder if it's time we brace ourselves for sanctions? #HongKong will most likely not be given any preferential treatment different from China...
PS. Reminiscing the good old days when #HK protesters were urging #US to sanction China everyday. Looks like Xi's gonna grant us that wish finally. Thanks Pooh!
#sanctions #Russia #Taiwan
"Over the past 20 years we’ve witnessed the largest military buildup since world war two by the PRC," said US Indo-Pacific commander Admiral John C Aquilino. This sounds so ominous.
#CCP #China #SouthChinaSea #military #territorialdisputes #vietnam #philippines #taiwan
“The publishers don’t agree with it on a moral level. But [the company] does not disagree enough to increase the price of the books," said a Hachette staff wished to remain anonymous. In short, these publishers are hypocrites and need to be called out.
#HongKong #China #CCP #Taiwan #Tibet #censorship #publishing
Allows an #authoritarian country advancing without cost has been proven to be costly lately … (Hi Crimea) so someone needa lead the charge against #ccp #china asap! #fuckccp #boycottchina #meme #taiwan #usa