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Like-minded allies must expand efforts on actions against #CCP's human rights abuses in #Xinjiang! Although joint sanctions from #US, #UK and #Canada had been announced in March 2021, they are far from enough, as #Beijing is still denying all accusations of abuse.
At the very least, all consumers deserve to know if the goods we're buying are made by slaves. This directly affects our lives and I for one would NOT want to unwittingly support the #Chinese regime by buying goods produced unethically!
#Uyghurs #StandwithUyghurs #G7 #English #Diyms
#ErnieChow apologized for his "cowardice", but we want to tell Ernie that he is not being a coward. #NineteenEightyFour has already made the argument that when physical pain is inflicted, human beings give in. Understanding human nature and leaving to guarantee his comrades' safety, Ernie Chow has nothing to be ashamed of. Instead, we must once again point out it is the evil of #CCP that turns #HongKongers out from their beloved home!
#China #HongKong #hk #exile #canada #divideandconquer #english #diyms
Everyone can see through your BS ccp! 👋🏼 see you never.

#ccp #china #academicfreedom #canada #nationalsecurity #research #espionage #DIYms #english #IP #IPTheft
PS. In recent years there were many debates around whether #HKers should commemorate #Tiananmen at all, since so many people do not see #China as their motherland, and we might have seen the last Tiananmen vigil in 2020. If that was the end of the HK vigils, then it has probably served its historical function of passing down the truth, and now it's up to us to keep reminding the world the blood on #CCP's hands. And when Hong Kong is liberated, perhaps we'll meet each other again in Victoria Park.
#8964 #globalsolidarity #london #nottingham #norway #australia #germany #newyork #canada #vancouver #english #diyms
PS. In recent years there were many debates around whether #HKers should commemorate #Tiananmen at all, since so many people do not see #China as their motherland, and we might have seen the last Tiananmen vigil in 2020. If that was the end of the HK vigils, then it has probably served its historical function of passing down the truth, and now it's up to us to keep reminding the world the blood on #CCP's hands. And when Hong Kong is liberated, perhaps we'll meet each other again in Victoria Park.
#8964 #globalsolidarity #london #nottingham #norway #australia #germany #newyork #canada #vancouver #english #diyms
TLDR: G7 is important because it allows countries to sit down and tackle problem. Expect China to go crazy and condemn others after this!

The 2021 G7 starts tomorrow! The 7 biggest democracies will be discussing the threat of China and many other issues in Cornwall.

The G7 was originally the G8, but the Russians were removed in 2014, after the annexation of the Crimea.

Boris Johnson is also planning to form the D-10 (10 democracies), this new organization will maintain a "rules-based democratic order" under the leadership of ten "leading democracies".

FYI Uyghur genocide will also be a topic of discussion. Let’s hope some concrete actions will be implement after this.

#G7 #UK #US #China #Canada #Japan #France #Italy #EU #Uyghur #ccp #biden #xi #DIYms #English
#Beijing's response to #G7, comprising the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada, is that: "the world is not ruled by a small group". One of the most important takeaways: G7 believes that the WHO report published in March is not credible and was tampered with by #China. It's time for action.
#US #UK #Japan #Germany #France #Italy #Canada #G7summit #HongKong #Xinjiang #buildbackbetterworld #beltandroad #english #diyms
A joke we found on a Chinese social media:
China has many friends: North Korea, Pakistan, Myanmar, Uganda, Tanzania...
China also has many enemies: US, UK, Australia, Canada...
Chinese officials love sending their kids to study and storing their assets in their enemy countries, never their friends. 🙃🙃
#China #CCP #UK #britain #US #america #australia #canada #diplomacy #hypocrisy #meme #english #diyms
We are not letting Canada off the hook, but at least there's mechanism there to investigate. Whereas in China, they are still denying the issue despite HUGE pile of evidence.

Plus, let's look at the countries that backed CCP: Russia, Belarus, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Venezuela, all of which have been accused of wide-ranging human rights abuses... so...

NO country is perfect. Doesn't mean we can't call out others.

#StopUyghurGenocide #CCP #China #Canada #HongKong #FreeTibet #HumanRightAbuse #UN #UNHRC #HumanRights #StandwithHongKong #FreeUyghurs #closethecamps #countryball #meme #whataboutism #diyms
#CCP has committed #humanrights abuses for 100th years. On July 1st, we had nothing to celebrate, only tragedies to share, and warnings to sound to the world. Rallies against CCP and in support of the oppressed people are held in #Belgium, #Canada, #Germany, #Japan, #Switzerland, #UK and #US. The fight for freedom is not only the struggle of #HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, IT IS YOURS TOO! CCP has shown how precisely it can oppress people outside of #China, in the international community, through infiltrating governments, universities and businesses. Never take #democracy for granted and stand up to the tyrant before they gag you like they gagged #HongKong, #EastTurkestan, #Tibet!
PS. HKers: It hasn't been an easy day for us, please remember that you are not alone in your pain and sorrow. If you need to take a break from the news to take care of your mental health, please do!
#freedomofspeech #protest #globalrallies #solidarity #chinatown #chineseembassy #downwithccp #english #diyms