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You may think you know #CCP is behind the virus, but if they get to dictate this report, imagine what people 100 years, a few generations later might think of #China’s role in this pandemic. “Who controls the future controls the past. Who controls the past controls the present.” CCP CANNOT be allowed to dictate this report!
#WHO #coronavirus #covid #pandemic #wuhanvirus #english #diyms
So... #CCP, who's your next scapegoat?
It's in our habit to hashtag all countries mentioned, but... having to hashtag #outerspace? That's batshit crazy man.
#CCP #China #India #USA #Italy #meme #English #diyms #covid #coronavirus #wuhanvirus #pandemic
Dr #LiWenliang died because #CCP tried to shut him up. Later they mourned him, hailed him as a national hero. But old habits die hard, CCP is still jailing journalists for speaking the truth. Empiricism and Truth are threats to a tyrant, lose the illusion that CCP will ever change and democratize.
#china #wuhanvirus #covid #coronavirus #pandemic #truth #journalist #pressfreedom #freespeech #censorship #english #diyms
Wolf warrior at it again. Is there anything wrong with wanting to know the truth behind a #pandemic that cancelled the entire 2020?
#ccp #china #huxijin #globaltimes #propaganda #statemedia #dominicraab #diplomacy #uk #britain #english #diyms
How many more times does #CCP have to tell you with concrete actions that it's untrustworthy, before the world stop appeasing them?
#covid #wuhanvirus #who #coronavirus #pandemic #hk #hongkong #tibet #obama #rcep #australia #tariff #english #diyms
Is anyone still surprised that #CCP barks "foreign interference" at any remarks by Western countries yet holds itself to a completely different standard? The way #Beijing sticks its nose into #Brazil's vaccine policies is naked bullying.
#China #covid #coronavirus #pandemic #vaccine #english #diyms #meme
How typical of #CCP to micro-manage an investigation, just makes you feel that they're hiding something. What are they so afraid that #WHO would find out?! Will the world never know the truth about #COVID?
#China #wuhan #wuhanvirus #investigation #P4lab #virus #pandemic #seafoodmarket #english #diyms
We can smell smthg fishy...... hiding smthg, CCP???
#who #investigation #covid #bat #pandemic #meme #simpsons #english #diyms
Microbiologist Dominic Dwyer asked #CCP for the raw data of 174 cases identified in #Wuhan in December 2019, all he got back was a summary. The refusal to cooperate and disrespect of scientists from the Chinese authorities mean the world will not understand the cause behind a deadly pandemic, hence learn nothing about how to prevent it in the future. For Xi, his personal face matters more than the lives of everyone on earth, literally.
#WHO #investigation #covid #pandemic #english #diyms
The findings of a 28-day mission by #WHO in #Wuhan were initially expected to be released last week but were delayed. It seems that there were disputes over what #CCP allows to be put in the report. At the same time, within #China, CCP is shaping a narrative that the report will be “shaped by overseas politics”. Seriously, for world health, will the WOLRD HEALTH ORGANIZATION release a report that gives us not only answers as to the origins of this pandemic, but also how to prevent another one?! If the truth is covered up, then the world might just stumble blindly into another pandemic down the road.
#covid #covidreport #pandemic #english #diyms #pompeo #blinken
"Beijing's influence on the investigation will be hard to shake." Did anyone forget how #CCP promised to let #WHO investigation team in #China but then attempted to ban them from entering the country? The WHO team are forbidden to talk to any doctors and journalists who are not endorsed by #Beijing. Anyone forgot how CCP refused to hand over raw data to the WHO team? Is anyone really surprised that this fact-finding mission failed to draw a conclusion on #COVID origins?
#coronavirus #pandemic #english #diyms #meme
No conclusion can be drawn yet, and the paper is in preprint, but we are watching for sure. And lets not forget China's effort in stopping people from investigating the origins ^^

#CCP #china #COVID19 #CCP #coronavirus #wuhan #pandemic #meme #sus #diyms