國際文宣組 IFC
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About a government supporter who stabbed a journalist until she was critically injured, Judge #CheangKeiHong said: "a passionate lover of his community who has noble morals and cause. Bail granted!"
About a protester who threw eggs at the police headquarters, judge: "go to jail for 21 months"
Everything is upside down in #HongKong
#CCP #jail #judiciary #independentjudiciary #judicialindependence #ruleoflaw #judge #english #meme #diyms
The way #JimmyLai is being treated as a criminal before a verdict is delivered on his case can only mean #CCP is nakedly, relentlessly persecuting him for holding democratic beliefs.
#hongkong #hk #ruleoflaw #presumptionofinnocence #goddessofjustice #court #nationalsecuritylaw #jail #TsaiIngwen #english #diyms
Justice and reason have completely fallen in #HongKong as prison cells start filling up with lawyers, scholars and activists. The guilty verdict and their imminent sentences will be somewhat a navigator on how #HongKongers might exercise what's left of our "freedom of assembly" in the future.
#ccp #china #ruleoflaw #freedom #democracy #court #freedomofassembly #jail #civildisobedience #english #diyms
There are limited supports we can give to the imprisoned activists and protesters - but writing to them is definitely something everyone can do!
For more questions you can also contact @bottle_wallfare too :)
#standwithhongkong #writewithyou #hongkong #fuckccp #boycottchina #jail #prison #help #penfriend #english #diyms
What more can we say, the so-called #nationalsecuritylaw is a political tool used at #CCP's whim to smother any voices it doesn't like. Is there really a case against politicians who organized and participated in primary elections? In #HongKong, if #Beijing says yes, it's a yes.
#HK #nsl #freedom #election #vote #jail #democracy
Hostage … political silencing … revenge …
Whatever you think it is - fact that it is just brutal that #ccp will put you in jail with some make up crime if they don’t like what you said … e.g. the truth.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #china #australia #activist #jail
“The beggar gang boss doesn’t control the size of the gang - dear king, you do.” - a famous film quote from #stephenchow.
Sedition? Inciting riot? Likewise - who’s at fault?
#standwithhongkong #fuckccp #ccp #china #jail #boycottchina #hongkong