國際文宣組 IFC
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#COVID has become the government's smokescreen for all dirty deeds - a ploy to crackdown on protests, to possibly cancel elections, and the latest: collecting biometric info in order to construct a city-wide surveillance system in #HongKong
#HK #ccp #china #surveillance #biometric #alipay #tencent #healthcode #personaldata #english #diyms #coronavirus #wuhanvirus
Finally, #USA is taking significant action to combat #China's malicious collection of American citizens' personal data. Bottom line is, it'd be harder for Xi to see more covidiots licking toilet seats after Sunday.
#CCP #tiktok #wechat #personaldata #surveillance #cybersecurity #english #diyms
Nowhere is safe from #CCP, especially when you're relaxed and just want to have some fun. Pay attention to the softwares you're using and the games you're playing, on the other end of the monitor might be a #Chinese agent...
#China #videogame #tencent #tiktok #hollywood #wechat #spy #personaldata #english #diyms
“If you look at the behavior of the Chinese government, you don’t see any resistance from Apple — no history of standing up for the principles that Apple claims to be so attached to," said the Asia director of #AmnestyInternational. Apple should be on the side of individuals who want to make their lives safer and better with #technology, not of a #tyrant who wants to smother all free thinking!
#Apple #CCP #China #appstore #censorship #surveillance #personaldata #english #diyms