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英倫香港人書店 | UK Hongkonger Bookstore
No boundary separate Hongkongers from Hong Kong, connected through books and words, in common breath, we stand together for the revolution of our times.
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【廣東話-英文語言交流 Anglo-Canto Language Exchange】

Fancy learning a new language? Whether you have friends from Hong Kong or you're simply curious about the Cantonese language, you won't want to miss our "Cantonese-English Language Exchange" programme right here in Beeston! In our first section, we'll share local greetings from the UK and Hong Kong while getting to know each other better.

It would be an ongoing opportunity to connect, share cultures, and explore a new language. We can't wait to meet you here!



Date 日期:25/11/2023
Time 時間:14:00-15:00
Venue 地點:同呼吸書店 In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston NG9 2LN
Fee 費用:Free 全免
Sign up 報名:https://forms.gle/PQBdPyid6W1Wmgtu7

#香港人 #英國 #nottingham
#cantonese #捍衛廣東話
#hongkonger #hongkongisnotchina
【廣東話-英文語言交流(二) Cantonese-English Language Exchange II】

Sik joh faan mei? Hongkongers' passion for food can be seen from our greetings, no one talks about weather, we only care about if we've eaten. In the second session, we'll explore how to eat like a local in a Hong Kong public house - Cha Chaan Teng. Cha Chaan Teng is one of the most important cultural aspects in Hong Kong. Through Hong Kong's food, you will have a better understanding of Cantonese culture and language as well.

食咗飯未?剛過去嘅聖誕節相信大家外出食大餐時都遇到新奇嘅地道食品。第二堂嘅「廣東話-英文語言交流」一齊探討各種英國酒吧菜同地道飲品小食 ,下次去到酒吧或者去本地遊嘅時候都會知道有咩好食啦!

Date 日期:13/01/2024
Time 時間:14:00-15:00
Venue 地點:同呼吸書店 In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston NG9 2LN
Fee 費用:Free 全免
Sign up 報名:https://forms.gle/qtfvT8n3vqk1Zxet5

#香港人 #英國 #nottingham
#cantonese #捍衛廣東話
#hongkonger #hongkongisnotchina
【廣東話-英文語言交流(三) Cantonese-English Language Exchange III】

Idioms are always a challenge for beginners, one have to not only learn the words but also the hidden meanings. In the third session, we are going to overcome the impossible and introduce a few animal-related idioms and their unthinkable hidden meanings. Join us and have a whale of a time.


Date 日期:16/03/2024
Time 時間:14:00-15:00
Venue 地點:同呼吸書店 In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston NG9 2LN
Fee 費用:Free 全免
Sign up 報名:https://forms.gle/uoCusa99HakXu8xVA

#香港人 #英國 #nottingham
#cantonese #捍衛廣東話
#hongkonger #hongkongisnotchina
【廣東話-英文語言交流(四) Cantonese-English Language Exchange IV】

Red taxi, high-speed minibus, and scenic ferry, a lot of symbolic transportations featured in classical Hong Kong movies, yet do you know anything about them? In the fourth session, we will talk you through the unique transportation in Hong Kong, and how to take them like a local.

「鎖匙電話銀包八達通 帶齊呢四寶根本輕鬆」

出門四寶中嘅八達通大家仲記唔記得佢?香港習慣一卡走天下,嚟到英國要重新學習搭車文化,初到埗不時唔小心衝上巴士俾司機叫住嘅尷尬,或者被火車嘅 delay 搞到方寸大亂,第四堂「廣東話-英文語言交流」我哋一齊分享港英搭車搭船嘅大不同,同時學習交通工具相關詞彙,等大家輕鬆出門。

Date 日期:18/05/2024
Time 時間:14:00-15:00
Venue 地點:同呼吸書店 In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston NG9 2LN
Fee 費用:Free 全免
Sign up 報名:https://forms.gle/fv3oidLGuaTWeCt49

#香港人 #英國 #nottingham
#cantonese #捍衛廣東話
#hongkonger #hongkongisnotchina
【廣東話-英文語言交流(五) Cantonese-English Language Exchange V】


"If there's something strange in your neighborhood " This time we don't need to call Ghostbuster, we can talk about ghost stories peacefully. Taoists believe the gate of underworld opens in the seventh month for the ghost to come up and "eat". This July, let's talk about ghost stories.

In the fifth session of "Cantonese-English Language Exchange," we will connect through stories, sharing classic Hong Kong ghost stories and learning about Nottingham's local culture through these tales.

Date 日期:20/07/2024
Time 時間:14:00-15:00
Venue 地點:同呼吸書店 In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston NG9 2LN
Fee 費用:Free 全免
Sign up 報名:https://forms.gle/fPGc3ypgrwamrCQ89

#香港人 #英國 #nottingham
#cantonese #捍衛廣東話
#hongkonger #hongkongisnotchina