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☕️ Admin : @Double_Espresso_2019
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歷史將見證 2019 年,受中共欺壓,千千萬萬嚮往自由的靈魂,振臂一呼,向暴政說不!香港人捍衛自由之戰至今已達半年,而今年正值西藏起義六十週年。數月之前,新疆集中營新聞曝光,震驚全球。香港人站在自由世界前沿抗衡中共暴政,一如既往,與西藏及維吾爾手足永遠同一陣線。因為面對史上最鐵腕暴政,全世界自由戰士必須團結一致。

2019 will go down in history as the year when people suffered under China's oppressive rule finally proclaimed enough is enough. This year not only saw Hong Kong people shouting their cry for freedom for 17 weeks straight, it marks the 60th year since Tibet’s failed uprising against China. It was only a few months ago that shocking news of Xinjiang’s concentration camps broke out and grabbed international attention. Hong Kong being the bastion against China's creeping expansionism, us Hongkongers, as always, stand with our Tibetan and Uyghur brothers and sisters, for all free spirits of the world must unite to resist the most tyrannical regime yet known to man.
