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🇭🇰🇬🇧 Sadly, justice can no longer be done in #HongKong. But these bastards can be held accountable in their own "home country", where they enjoy the freedom and rights which they squash in #HK. It is in the Brits' public interest to prosecute their fellow citizens for such heinous crimes.
Crowdfunding link:
#HK #justice #UK #Britain #crowdfunding #english #DIYms #NathanLaw #LukedePulford
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Not sure why oxford want to downgrade themselves like this. #academicfreedom #uk #diyms #english #oxford #ccp
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🇬🇧 has sent a strong warning. We’re glad the world is finally taking #CCPinvasion seriously, only hope it’s not too late.
Note: MI5 = Liaison with Security Service
#ccp #china #uk #britain #mi5 #espionage #spy #english #diyms
#HSBC has frozen the Good Neighbour North District Church's account. The church is formally registered and all donations are legal. There is absolutely no reason for a bank based in #UK to freeze a church's account!
source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2455525591408468&id=1561265357501167
3月31日星期三,CRPH Supporters UK主辦及邀請大家反抗緬甸軍政府的示威。
上午1130先於英國國會大樓 外展開,而下午1300就會移師到中國大使館外抗議。



1130 國會大樓 SW1A 0AA
1300 中國大使館 W1B 1JL
CRPH Supporters UK,

BHK 轉達及翻譯文章

On the 31st of March 2021, we invite any of you to join us in demonstrating against the injustice of the military dictatorship in Myanmar.
At 11:30am, our first protest will be taken place outside the UK Houses Of Parliament . At 1:00 pm a second protest will taken place outside the Chinese Embassy.
We ask that all those who attend to adhere strictly to the Covid 19 regulations set out by the UK Government, wearing a mask throughout the whole event as well as keeping a 2m distance from those around you. Hand sanitiser or gel is also highly recommended. We hope to see everyone join us in our fight against injustice.

CRPH Supporters UK


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#英國 #UK
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Like-minded allies must expand efforts on actions against #CCP's human rights abuses in #Xinjiang! Although joint sanctions from #US, #UK and #Canada had been announced in March 2021, they are far from enough, as #Beijing is still denying all accusations of abuse.
At the very least, all consumers deserve to know if the goods we're buying are made by slaves. This directly affects our lives and I for one would NOT want to unwittingly support the #Chinese regime by buying goods produced unethically!
#Uyghurs #StandwithUyghurs #G7 #English #Diyms