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They really are quite shameless or just blind to what they have done. Either way, not great.
#ccp #english #freespeech #globaltimes #tiananmensquare #uyghur #tibet #hk #humanrights #standwithUyghur #freetibet #freehongkong #diyms
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Some (eg LeBron) will lick CCP’s boots for the dollar sign and some has the guts and heart to stand with the oppressed.

“As sportspeople, we have the power we don’t even know” — hopefully more will speak up for Uyghurs after Ba and Ozil.

#uyghur #standwithuyghur #closethecamps #ccp #freeuyghurs #humanright #NBA #lebron #Ozil #DembaBa #diyms #english
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#China has no credibility left. Three Gorges Dam has hit its highest recorded level of water influx. // #ccp #flood #chinaflood #threegorgesdam #english #diyms #coronavirus #pandemic
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The Senkaku Islands, have been one of the main “battlefield” between Taiwan / China and Japan due to the resources, including large fishing grounds and potential oil and gas reserves. There had been numerous minor conflicts happened near the area for many years - but with the “Wolf Warrior” tactic now - will China create more tension?
#japan #ccp #china #taiwan #senkakuislands #military
#DIYms #English
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A reader has asked us to raise awareness about how on Chinese social media, there are no news on #Xinjiang at all. They also pointed out that it’s childish for some people to brush away all reports of CCP atrocities as stories made up by American media. A lot of Chinese people know that #CCP has fucked up their country, but they are censored. We must learn and preserve the truth!
#china #uyghurs #censorship #freedomofspeech #internet #surveillance #english #diyms #covid #uyghurgenocide
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If anyone followed the 2008 milk scandal in China - you’ll know that (1) milk formula made by the Chinese does not have a good rep (2) profit is more important than health to them.

I hope Australia stop this deal, you don't want to taint your brand.

#ccp #china #australia #aus #ccpinvasion #english #diyms
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Wechat and tiktok are definitely apps owned by Chinese companies. Which means under the ccp-laws, they are required to hand over user data. How’s that not affecting national security?

Also another ccp-affiliated company, Huawei, also tried to have law suits against the gov and failed.

Guess suing the gov just their thing?

#ccp #china #huawei #tiktok #wechat #wecom #meme #US #america #boycottchina #boycottchineseapp #english #diyms #usa