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消息指李卓人何俊仁獄中確診 均無病徵
#獨媒 報導: https://bit.ly/3sEVpbg


#李卓人 #何俊仁 #確診 #save47 #初選案 #NSL
香港勞權監察在《#國安法》生效前夕發表研究報告,剖析當局如何利用《國安法》趕絕香港的獨立 #工會運動,起訴工會組織者、威嚇工會組織運作,亦會透過官方媒體抹黑、派出中間人以「約談」等形式要脅,迫使工會組織自行解散。

自《國安法》實施以來,至少有 62 個工會被迫 #解散,一個工會被取締撤銷登記,另有11名工會組織者被捕或被檢控。

Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor published report "Hong Kong Trade Union Movement under the National Security Law: Two years into the authoritarian rule", exactly two years since the Beijing-imposed legislation took effect.

The report documented the authorities’ have waged a campaign of repression, with union leaders detained, legitimate union activities restricted, and intimidation and harassment to force unions to disband.

Since the introduction of the #NSL on 30 June 2020, at least 62 unions have been forced to disband; one trade union’s registration was revoked, and 11 union organisers have been arrested or charged

Full report: https://is.gd/hKqVkQ

IG @HKLabourRights
#打工仔 #LabourRights #Activism
Media is too big
"This is the right time to go."

China has radically reshaped the once free-spirited city of Hong Kong, Bloomberg Opinion's Matthew Brooker says as he bids farewell to his home of three decades.

Source: Bloomberg Quicktake
Full article: https://trib.al/SnC5YhD

#沒有回歸只有淪陷 #Hongkongisnotchina #消失的香港 #國安法 #NSL #NeverTrustCCP
#威權統治 兩年下的香港工運
HK Union Movement under two yerar of #authoritarian rule

香港工會運動在過去 #國安法 實施兩年來面對前所未有的挑戰,儘管現時政治氣氛令人窒息,但工人反抗剝削的Q抗爭並無終止,留任的組織者承受著巨大的心理壓力,仍然有工人有意願和能力自行組織起來爭取權益,他們需要我們的聲援,將他們的聲音帶到國際。

Hong Kong’s independent trade union movement face unprecedented suppression under the Hong Kong National Security Law (#NSL). However, Hong Kong’s courageous labour #activists are still experimenting innovative ways standing up for their rights. Let their voices be heard. Amplify their voices across the world.

Full report: https://is.gd/hKqVkQ
IG @HKLabourRights

#香港勞權監察 #HKLabourRights #國際線
#海外港人 #國安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #LabourRights #TradeUnion
@the_chaser_news 報導




#港區國安法 #國安法 #黎智英 #外國勢力 #大律師 #境外執法 #顛覆國家 #國安處 #JimmyLai #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL
🇬🇧英國國會跨黨派香港小組 發佈香港媒體自由報告


The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong (APPG-HK) has launched a new report following their Inquiry into the devastating impact the National Security Law (NSL) has had on media freedom and freedom of expression in Hong Kong earlier this week (24/4). The report launch has sucucessfully being held and chaired by our co-chair, Baroness Bennett. // IG @standwithhk_

#JimmyLai #MediaFreedom #NSL #Hongkong #UKxHK #APPGHK #重光團隊
Recently, 🇭🇰 government has used #NSL and #Article23 to suppress pro-democracy activists publicly. This is likely due to an «upcoming sensitive date» Let’s watch a sensibel movie during this sensible time. Get your 🎫 as early as possible!

Source: IG @hongkongersingermany

#TiananmenSquare #天安門 #tiananmenmassacre #june4th #六四 #鄒幸彤 #NationalSecurityLaw #ChowHangTung #毋忘六四 #天安門屠城 #欲加之罪 #政治犯