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Faced with Beijing's tightening grip on their city, more and more young Hongkongers have decided to leave to seek refuge abroad, many of them in the United Kingdom. FRANCE 24 followed Mui-Mui, a 15-year-old girl who decided to make the move, flying to London, where the local Hong Kong community continues to grow, week by week.

News article: https://is.gd/EWibjz

#移民 #逃亡潮 #english #離鄉別井 #香港是我家 #兄弟爬山 #互相尊重
Not just in 32 years ago, but today, #CCP is still rejecting the idea of democracy, and the human lives lost under its evil regime are only piling up - ask #Tibetans, #Uyghurs and #HongKongers!
Three decades ago, the world believed that once #China's economy improved, it will become more open and democratic. Now China is the second largest #GDP in the world with concentration camps and forced sterilization and abortion in #Xinjiang. It's even trying to export the "#Chinese model". So no, democratization does not follow economic prosperity in this case. The question is, will the rest of the world stop harbouring this illusion now or wait until we are infiltrated and ruled by a tyrant?
By @internationalfuckccp
#Tiananmen #June4 #English #evilCCP
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Finally - this day has arrived.
After 26 years - the biggest truth telling voice in this dying city is shut by down by the #ccp.
#appledaily #蘋果日報 #fuckccp #boycottchina #hongkong #china #standwithhongkong #freedomofpress #journalism #diyms #english
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CEO of #nike: “Nike is a brand that is of China, for China.” Aaaaaight mate, guess the rest of the world will stop buying from you then.
#sportsbrand #addidas #justdoit #uyghurs #forcedlabour #ccp #china #english #diyms

距離2022年北京冬奧還有不到8個月的時間。面對中國對香港、西藏和新疆不斷加深的打壓,奧運官員、贊助商和奧運成員國面臨越來越大的抵制或轉移賽事到其他國家舉辦的壓力。 ⁣

///These Moguls Are Tough to Glide Over⁣

Less than eight months to go before the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, officials, sponsors and member countries of the Olympic movement face growing pressure to boycott or transfer the world sporting event in the face of China’s deepening repression in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang.⁣

Credit: #變態辣椒漫畫⁣⁣⁣ #自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese⁣⁣

#北京冬奧#中國人權⁣⁣ #香港人權#新疆人權#西藏人權⁣⁣ #抵制2022北京冬奧 #BoycottBeijing2022 #English #NeverTrustCCP
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#HongKong government makes sure #HKers have a good time on #CCP's centenary and the 24th year since #HK fell to the clutches of Commies by having police storm our malls, arrest our citizens and frighten our children and elderly. But even though protests are not taking the form we are familiar with, it doesn't mean they cease to exist.
#HKpolice #China #hkprotest #policebruality #powerabuse #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
We'll make this caption short and to the point: Thank you for issuing this unprecedented joint statement, we hope to see unprecedented and effective joint actions against the #CCP next!
#AppleDaily #media #pressfreedom #freedomofpress #censorship #china #hongkong #Australia #Austria #Canada #CzechRepublic #Denmark #Estonia #Finland #France #Germany #Iceland #Italy #Japan #Latvia #Lithuania #Luxembourg #Netherlands #NewZealand #Slovakia #Switzerland #UnitedKingdom, #UnitedStates #english #diyms

// 依段扭曲嘅關係我譯左做英文版,可以幫忙轉推出一下嗎? //

by @hkguy1988 @oneaguy
#支共暴政 #共匪 #中共極權 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #boycottChina #暴政必亡 #English
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#HongKongers love our home. Everyone who decides to leave has been through difficult struggles, and totally uprooting one’s life and moving it in a foreign country is tough. So what pushed people out of #HongKong?
Leaving or staying, we respect everyone’s choice. Each person’s situation is different.
#exodus #CCP #China #english #diyms
I covered Hong Kong for decades. Now I am forced to flee China’s ‘white terror’

Full article: is.gd/mxoL9r

After 35 years, the Observer’s former correspondent is leaving as what was once a haven of liberty and peace is transformed into a police state.

#言論自由已死 #freedomofspeech #新聞自由 #English
What’s left?
#onlymoneyleft #nosoul #fuckccp #china #hongkong #boycottchina #standwithhongkong #thecityisdying #diyms #english
Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day - but destroying take no time.
And we are all witnesses.

By TG @internationalfccp
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#Fact. That’s the only thing everyone want.
More hiding only lead to more suspicion.
#china #covid19 #lab #wuhan #wuhanvirus #usa #virus #vaccine #Beijing #fuckccp #boycottchina #english #diyms
( 網圖 • 愛和恨 ) 縱使在牆內,對外的世界受封閉,只有一套官方的說法,對家長的個人利益而言,「望子成龍」仍然係首要 ?

英語在中國的最新情況,引起關注 :
( 自由亞洲粵語 ) ( 2021-08-06 )中國英語補習盛行引關注 官方連串動作欲淡化英語地位?

圖片來源 : 靠北五毛 / Facebook
#英語 #English #支那鬼國 #愛國是工作 #赴美是生活
Hongkong’s economic success and its crisis, and why it would be unfavourable for chinese’s economy.


#English #支共攬炒香港 #殺雞取卵 #國際金融中心 #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #共匪 #共賊 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP



Chinese netizens claim that China's flight safety inspections are very strict, and it is impossible for an accident to happen. They believe that the United States installed a backdoor on the plane system, and believe that the United States and Taiwan are behind the crash, and demand the Chinese government to strictly investigate Taiwanese and Americans in Kunming.

Posted on 奶茶同萌 fb
#小粉紅 #支共禍患 #支那病毒 #墜機 #仇外 #腦殘