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Sports Event Organisers in Hong Kong Ban "Hong Kong Add Oil" in Upcoming Events

The Hong Kong Cycling Festival and the Cross-harbour Swimming Competition announced on November 16, 2021 that their events will resume after the cancellations due to the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement and the subsequent #COVID19 pandemic in 2020.

However, the organizers are banning the participants from displaying slogans such as “Hong Kong Add Oil” (meaning, "Go for it, Hong Kong") at the upcoming events. They called it a "political slogan."

The organisers warned they will involve the police if people refuse to cooperate.

Manson Hung, director of event & product development at the Hong Kong Tourism Board said that, if the cyclists show political slogans on their outfit or bicycles, the organisers will demand them to remove them. If this is to no avail, then the organizer will involve the “appropriate law enforcement departments.”

When asked if "Hong Kong add oil” was a so-called "inappropriate" Cantonese phrase, Hung gave a vague response, “I think you understand.”

Source: Stand News; #Nov17

#CrossHarbourSwim #CyclingFestival #HongKongTourism #FailedState #NationalSecurityLaw #Oppression #AddOil
#Censorship #RedLine
Hong Kong Film Censorship Authorities reject two student movies citing national security violations

Two movie screenings in the 4th Ground Up Student Film Festival have been cancelled after the films failed to obtain a Certificate of Approval from Hong Kong’s Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (#OFNAA).

The news came shortly after the amended Film Censorship Ordinance came into effect on 5 November 2021. The amended ordinance sets out the need to put an end to acts and activities that may endanger national security and it also allows the Chief Secretary of Administration to withdraw already-issued screening permits.

On November 19, 2021, Hong Kong Film Censorship Authority first turned down approval for #TheCage, a short film directed by Hong Kong Baptist University (#HKBU) graduate Tsoi Wing-chau. The film depicts totalitarian rule, capitalism, freedom and resistance.

Two days later, another film Piglet Piglet that sets around Taiwan's Presidential election also failed to obtain an approval certificate. The screening of #PigletPiglet was cancelled just over five hours before it was set to be held.

Director of the film, Lin Tsung-yen, wrote on his Facebook page, saying that “local authorities expressed disapproval. They asked me to cut all scenes and information linked to Taiwanese Presidential election and Tsai Ing-wen.”

#GroundUp #FilmFestival #FilmCensorshipAmendment #NationalSecurityLaw #TsaiIngWen #Cinema

Source: Stand News, #Nov21
#PressFreedom #Award
Jimmy Lai and Apple Daily Editors win Golden Pen of Freedom Award

Hong Kong media mogul #JimmyLai and the staff of the shuttered Apple Daily newsroom have been awarded the Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom award of the World Association of News Publishers.

Lai, who founded #AppleDaily, has been detained for nearly a year on charges under the National Security Law, including colluding with foreign forces and endangering national security. He is expected to spend his 74th birthday on Dec 8 behind bars.

Lai’s son, Sebastien Lai, accepted the award on behalf of his father. He said that “journalism is at the forefront of history,” and that “it records the present and informs the future. It is a check against the powerful, and the voice of the people in times of strife.”

Apple Daily, one of Hong Kong’s most popular Chinese-language newspapers, closed in June after authorities used the controversial National Security Law to arrest the editor-in-chief and four other senior executives.

“With Apple Daily closing in Hong Kong, and a crackdown against journalism across the region, there will be less and less people shining light in these dark corners.”

Sebastien Lai said, adding “Thank you very much for this award but please keep dad, the Apple Daily newsroom in Hong Kong, and the people of Hong Kong in your thoughts as these events unfold.”

#GoldenPen #Media #Award #PoliticalOppression #NationalSecurityLaw

Source: Citizen News; #Dec2
#PoliticalOppression #PressFreedom
2021 marks a sad milestone for Journalists in HK : Committee to Protect Journalists

In the Committee to Protect Journalists (#CPJ) annual report 2021, it revealed that the number of journalists jailed around the world had set another record in 2021, with #China remains the world’s worst jailer of journalists for the third year in a row, with 50 behind bars. 

As for Hong Kong, it said that 2021 "marked a sad milestone".

"For the first time journalists in the former British colony appear on CPJ’s annual survey of journalists unjustly imprisoned for their work. Eight. Zero to eight in one year."



The number of reporters jailed for their work hit a new global record of 293 in CPJ’s 2021 prison census, up from a revised total of 280 in 2020. Also so far in 2021, at least 24 journalists were killed as a result of their coverage.

#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfSpeech #PressFreedom #JimmyLai #AppleDaily

Source : Committee to Protect Journalists; #Dec9
#Court #Censorship
Hong Kong Court Asks Man to Change Mask With Suspected Protest Iconography

#CarolNg, former chairperson of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (#HKCTU) and one of the “#NSL47”, has been remained under custody. She has requested bail on #Dec20, 2021 to the High Court, and the application was processed by Esther Toh Lye Ping, one of the designated judges for any #NationalSecurityLaw-related cases.

A court observer have worn a yellow and black mask with the #Bible verse (Amos 5:24), “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,” embroidered on it.

He was denied entry by security and court personnel under orders of the judge, and demanded that he change his mask before he would be allowed entry. They have not explained their reasons behind this act.

The observer was disgruntled by the request, and questioned, “If my clothes were not allowed in court, do I have to take them off them too?”

A similar incident also happened on #Dec17, 2021, when former head of the English edition of Apple Daily #LoFung (Fung Wai-kwong) requested bail.

Before the hearing began, Toh, through her secretary and Bailiffs, required observers wearing yellow masks or wearing hoodies with yellow umbrella insignias to change into “more appropriate” clothing, or be led away from the courtroom.

Some observers have questioned the requirement, questioning that those were “unsuitable” clothing, to which the Chief Bailiff stated, “it is inappropriate,” without further explaination.

Source: InMedia #Dec20


#Mask #Injustice #Save47
#Black: Hongkongers' Favourite Color in 2021

The year 2021 is a year of censorship, and silencing in Hong Kong. If one can longer use language to express, what color will one use to describe the impression of 2021?

As of 5pm on December 25, 2021, the poll held by Stand News received 25,205 responses. 54.6% of the respondents (13,788) chose the color Black.

Source: Stand News #Dec25

#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution #Arrest
#Brainwashing #Education
Universities in Hong Kong to Implement Courses on Modern China and National Security

Under the #NationalSecurityLaw (#NSL), educationsl institutions in Hong Kong were requested to implement national security education.

Universities like the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU), the Hong Kong Baptist University (#HKBU), the Hong Kong Education University (#EdUHK) and the Hong Kong Lingnan University (#HKLU) have followed the government order.

Recently, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has reportedly amended their core curriculum for the next academic year.

CUHK will open online courses on "Understanding China Today", and "National Security" starting from the next academic year. Each of them takes account to 1 credit.

CUHK confirms InMedia's enquiry and claimed that the new courses aimed to "strengthen students' knowledge [...] to understand national security". The courses were authorised by the University's academic council; however, no curriculum details have been revealed.

According to the documents InMedia received, the course titled "Understanding China Today" touched upon the modernization of China and technological development, in addition to Chinese culture and history. In addition to national security education, other online courses cover positive psychology and modern language. Each of the course takes account to 1 credit.

The University called it "Service Learning" and requires students to take at least one of thrse 1-credit courses.

CUHK replies to InMedia that the university would launcb national security education in accordance with Article 10 of the NSL. The university also said that they have already rolled out a number of policies and activities to "increase students' national belonging". Orientation activities include theme talks about national security and media literacy; courses contain a talk regarding "international circumstances and China's diplomacy"; graduates career workshops consist of #BasicLaw.

Source: Inmedia #Jan18

#Propaganda #Regime #University
#PressFreedom #Accountability
Now news ‘deeply sorry’ over reporter’s question to HK leader about complaint mechanism for medical staff from China

As the government waived registration requirements for mainland Chinese medics coming to Hong Kong to help treat COVID patients, questions of medical accountability begun to surface. During Carrie Lam's daily pandemic briefing on March 16, a #NowTV reporter asked about the process by which a patient could lodge a complaint, in case of a medical mishap while being treated by a mainland medic.

The question, however, was not well received by the government and the pro-Beijing camp in Hong Kong.

While Carrie Lam stressed a sense of gratitude for China should come first, former chief executive Leung Chun-ying lashed out at the reporter on Facebook, questioning if "her brain had a problem, or her morals had a problem".

Other pro-Beijing groups went on to describe the reporter's question as "unprofessional" and "spreading hate speech."

Politihk Social Strategic, a group of pro-Beijing activists formed to support former CE Leung, claimed that the NowTV reporter had triggered “public anger” with her question.

The group posted photos of the female reporter online, and called for an online petition condemning her conduct as unprofessional and a possible violation of the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Owing to public pressure, the TV station issued a statement of apology on the same day.

“We are deeply sorry that the question about mainland medics at yesterday’s Covid-19 press briefing caused concern and discontent among citizens,” the statement read. “The fifth-wave outbreak is still severe, and we are extremely thankful to the central government and the mainland’s selfless support.”

The Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA) expressed regret for Now TV's apology, as well as concern that such attacks on a journalist's question would exacerbate the self-censorship among editorial staff. The association noted that a similar question was posed by pro-Beijing LegCo member Tang Fei on March 15, the day before the press conference.

The association stressed the journalistic value of posing these questions at press conferences, as it gives officials an opportunity to explain their policies to the public. Furthermore, the question received informative replies, showing that government officials also recognized the question's value. The association hopes that the public could better understand the workings of journalism, and would view the work of reporters without political preconceptions.

#WuhanPneumonia #RuleByFear #GratitudeEducation

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar17
Hong Kong Authorities Accuses UK National Benedict Rogers of Threatening China's National Security

On March 23, 2022, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (#IBAHRI) calls on the international community to suspend extradition treaties with #HongKong.

#BenedictRogers, a British citizen and co-founder of #HongKongWatch received a letter from the Hong Kong #NationalSecurityBureau. In addition, the #HongKongPolice issued a notice to Rogers on 10 March 2022, orderinv him to take down the website of Hong Kong Watch within 72 hours of receipt of the notice.

Hong Kong authorities claimed that the website of the NGO posed a threat to China’s national security.

In a statement, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute warned that "more than 160 people have been arrested and over 50 civil society organisations have been forced to close in Hong Kong since the National Security Law was enacted in June 2020."

While Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, have suspended their extradition agreements with Hong Kong, countries including the Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea and Sri Lanka still have an agreement with the Hong Kong government.

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute pointed out that "travelling to these countries poses a threat for human rights defenders who may be targeted with the National Security Laws and extradited to Hong Kong to face charges."

Read the full article:

Source: International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute #Mar23

#NationalSecurityLaw #Regime
"Wishing peace for Mr. Allan Au and all Hongkongers," wrote Ar To. "Outlive them. See you in the future."

Hong Kong artist #ArTo posted this comic today, after veteran journalist #AllanAu was arrested by national security police.

Au was accused of "conspiring to publish seditious materials", though the police refused to give details on which of his writings broke the law.

See also:
Hong Kong journalist Allan Au arrested by national security police

#Art #FreedomOfSpeech #NationalSecurityLaw #Sedition
#Exodus #Oppression
Senior member of Hong Kong pollster leaves city for the UK, citing ‘red lines’

A senior member of Hong Kong’s leading independent pollster, #ChungKim-wah has left for the UK, calling the city a place where one may “no longer live normally and without intimidation.”

In his lengthy statement on Facebook, Chung said he had not initially considered emigrating.

“Now, I can only hope that the skies will be broader, the air fresher… and that I don’t have to think about whether the red lines that move arbitrarily will one day target me,” deputy CEO of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) Chung wrote.

He added that he did not want his friends and loved ones – especially his elderly parents – to worry about him. “I am apologetic that I left without saying goodbye, and I regret that I couldn’t say farewell to you all,” Chung said.

#NationalSecurityLaw #WhiteTerror

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Apr
Cardinal Zen encourages youngsters in Hong Kong to become a man with integrity

In an online radio programme on May 16, Cardinal Joseph Zen spoke to youngsters in Hong Kong and shared his personal experience.

Zen encouraged young people to become good men with integrity and to learn to tell right from wrong.

"The world is chaotic and cold. It is not worthwhile to chase only after wealth and power," he said.

Zen pointed out that young people need guidance and education. He added that man is different from animals. They need a longer time to grow into maturity.

Zen further says that nowadays, people have so much more to learn that they have forgotten to learn to become a man.

Some of them want to be a doctor, a lawyer, or a big boss. But, no matter how long they are going to live, they have to learn to become a man, which is fair and compassionate.

Zen said, “young people have to think independently. Do not listen passively to what you have been told."

Cardinal Joseph Zen, 90, was one of the four arrested by Hong Kong National Security Police on May 11 for alleged “collusion with foreign forces”.

All of those arrested were trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, which provided legal and financial assistance to more than 2,200 people prosecuted for their part in the 2019 pro-democracy protests.

The fund had ceased operations in 2021 after the police announced it was under investigation and requested administrators to provide details on its donors.

Source: Inmediahk, #May16

#CardinalZen #HumanitarianFunds #NationalSecurityLaw
#WhiteTerror #FreedomofReligion
Cardinal Joseph Zen appears in court in Hong Kong on day of prayer for China

Ninety-year-old retired Catholic cardinal #JosephZen hosted a packed mass in Hong Kong on the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China, just hours after a brief court hearing over charges linked to pro-democracy protests.

In his homily after pleading not guilty to charges of failing to register a pro-democracy association to Hong Kong Police, Zen chose not to speak about his legal case, but to highlight how Catholics in some parts of China cannot attend Mass right now — for they have no freedom now.

Zen dedicated the mass to churches in China where believers are still split between a so-called “underground” church resistant to the government, and a state-sanctioned church belonging to the Chinese Communist Party’s Patriotic Catholic Association.

In his remarks at Mass, Zen again criticised the deal between China and the #Vatican that allows Beijing to nominate bishops for the pope’s approval, calling it “unwise” despite being made with “good intention”.

"There is an urge to unify those above the ground and those underground but it seems that time is not ripe yet,” Zen said.

Implying that there may be more difficult times ahead, Zen said that “we may have to bear some pain and steel ourselves for our loyalty to our faith.”

He also dedicated prayers to churches in Myanmar led by #CardinalBo, his most outspoken supporter in Asia, as well as “brothers and sisters who cannot join tonight because they are not free”.

Zen, one of Asia’s highest-ranking Catholic clerics, was among five prominent democracy advocates — including activist and singer #DeniseHo and veteran human rights barrister #MargaretNg — who were arrested in early May. His arrest is part of a national security police probe into foreign collusion over a legal support fund for pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Instead, all five of the fund’s former trustees and its secretary were charged on May 24 with failing to register it as a “society” with police — a non-national security offence. All plead not guilty.

#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution #Oppression

Image source: #FirstHand
Sources: Reuters, HKFP, UCA News; #May25

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Hong Kong Catholic group will not hold Tiananmen crackdown masses citing fears over national security law

612 Fund Trustees and Secretary Plead Not Guilty for "Non-registered organisation" Charge
#FirstHand #June4
Remembering June 4th in #Japan

On June 4, 2022, pro-democracy Hongkongers gathered in Shinjuku, Tokyo to commemorate the victims of the 1989 #TiananmenMassacre in Beijing. This year flags and installations supporting Hong Kong's prodemocracy movement were also seen.

Similar commemorative events had been held in Hong Kong until the enforcement of the #NationalSecurityLaw in 2020.

#Solidarity #NeverForget #Remembrance

Related News:
Assembly in #London: #Hongkongers and #Ulkranians In Solidarity
#Censorship #Education
Authorities Remove Teaching Materials on Human Rights and Protesting in Hong Kong

The Education Bureau (#EDB) in Hong Kong has been promoting values education in recent years, and it is rating the "National identity" and "law-abiding" as one of the most important values.

It is also found that some learning and teaching resources under the "Human Rights Education" category have been chopped with the latest website update, including group projects to collect press clippings for demonstrations, studying "why protesters have their demands", etc.

As the 33rd anniversary of the June Fourth Incident approaches, the timing of this update becomes sensitive, though the Education Bureau said yesterday that the recent update "has nothing to do with the June Fourth Incident, so there's no need to make unnecessary speculations".

In the Education Bureau's original framework, students are expected to "respect human rights". These wordings were removed in the pilot version of the "Values Education Curriculum Framework" launched last year.

In addition, the recommendation to students to "cherish freedom and respect the freedom of others" through the #RTHK programme "City Forum" was also removed.

A primary school principal, who did not wish to be named, said she felt helpless about the change in the teaching resources. She said that despite the clear new content, some of the removed items should be available for teaching, but becoming a grey area after the #NationalSecurityLaw came into effect. She worried that teaching such materials might touch on sensitive topics and lead to "consequences".

"For example, teachers should have taught the June 4 incident on June 4, but now they feel that they could no longer teach it under the National Security Law. There's a lot of pressure on the schools and the teachers, that we don't know if anyone would complain about what we teach to the authority," she said.

Source: Mingpao #Jun04

#NSL #Education #June4

Two Year-mark of
#NationalSecurityLaw and 25th Anniversary of the #TransferOfSovereignty: 126 People Charged, 83 in Detention and 63 Involved in Literary Inquisition

Source: InMedia #Jun30

Read more
Hongkongers' Book Fair Cancelled, but Presses On with Online Store: "We'd Rather Be Naive than Give Up"

The annual Hong Kong Book Fair is set to take place in late July this year. However, many books that had political undertones or highlighted local culture had been banned from the book fair by local the government's Trade Development Council, who refused to explain the ban or give a list of exhibitors that they have turned away.

In light of this, local publisher Hillway Culture partnered with other like-minded exhibitors to organize the first-ever "Hongkongers' Book Fair," set to take place on July 14 in Causeway Bay.

The day before the fair was set to take place, however, the organizers received a notice from the venue owner saying that the book fair may be in breach of the fair's lease agreement, and they may need to terminate the lease, explained Hillway Culture's spokesperson Raymond Yeung during a press conference on the same afternoon.

Yeung explained in tears that he had expected all kinds of unexpected complaints against the book fair, including fire ordinances, anti-pandemic ordinances, or even the #NationalSecurityLaw. They had expressed willingness to fully cooperate with the venue owners, only so that #Hongkongers can have a book fair that belonged to themselves.

A journalist at the press conference mentioned that the pro-Beijing group "Politihk Social Strategic" had called on citizens to visit the book fair and "inspect the books for law violations". Plain-clothes officers were also said to have visited the venue, and inquired about the fair at the mall's management office.

By 9pm, the organizers announced that the venue owner had terminated the lease. The owner claimed that the book fair violated the venue's usage agreement by "sub-letting" booths to exhibitors - despite the venue having been previously used to host bazaars in a similar setup. The owner had even provided photos and promoted contractors who had previously provided booth setup works. Though the fair organizers expressed that they were willing to make any adjustments necessary, the owners insisted on terminating the contract, forcing the event to be cancelled.

News of the sudden shutdown was met with quick responses from Hongkongers who looked forward to the book fair. Many commenters pledged not to refund their VIP tickets and to visit the participating bookstores. In a subsequent Facebook post, the organizers thanked Hongkongers for their "encouragements, comfort, affirmations, and suggestions. This is an unexpected gift that came after such terrible news."

The organizers have continued on with the online version of the book fair, letting Hongkongers everywhere participate despite the lack of a physical venue. They had also secured a distributor in Manchester to ship out orders made in the UK.

Borrowing a quote from the participating Boundary Bookstore, the organizers wrote: "You can mock our naivete for staying behind, but we'd rather be naive than give up."

Source: #FirstHand #Jul13

Hongkongers' Book Fair Facebook

#HKersBookFair #Suppression #Culture #BookBanning
#HongKong Bashes #GlobalMedia With Hundreds of Complaint Letters

//From Slovakia to Japan, top Hong Kong officials have fired off at least 500 letters in 2022 blasting critical foreign media coverage, as the city wages a global battle to safeguard its reputation as a liberal financial hub.

At least 174 media outlets in almost 30 countries received missives from city leaders -- including its now chief executive, #JohnLee -- since China announced in May 2020 that it would impose a national security law on the former British colony. The correspondence, often written both in English and the publication’s native language, was uploaded to the “Clarifications” tab of the government’s communications platform known as Brand Hong Kong.

About half of the letters, which responded to a mix of reports and editorials, hit back at criticism of Beijing’s sweeping security law, while roughly a third defended a mandate that only Communist Party loyalists can hold office in the city. Neighboring Asian nations got 42% of the complaints, led by Japan and South Korea, while business publications including the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Economist got the most letters. Bloomberg received seven...

Hong Kong’s crackdown on freedoms has eroded the city’s reputation among many foreign governments...

Hong Kong’s press freedom ranking has plummeted since the security law clamped down on free speech. The city came 148 in the Reporters Without Borders 2022 World Press Freedom Index, representing a fall of 68 places from last year.//

Source: Bloomberg #Jul25

#Whitewash #Censorship #PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState #Authoritarianism
Hong Kong Civil Servants Arrested for "Seditious" Social Media Posts

On Aug 9, national security police arrested 4 men, two of whom are civil servants, for allegedly publishing seditious posts online, Hong Kong Police said. 

Sources claim that the two civil servants are the administrators for the "Civil Servants Secrets" Facebook page, which publishes stories submitted anonymously by civil servants of the city.  The relevant Facebook page and Instagram are both currently down.

Police said that the two, aged 28 and 29, published seditious posts that "promoted feelings of hostility between different classes of the city's population".

Police had further investigated 5 other men, two of whom were arrested for allegedly committing fraud.  Police searched their homes and workplaces, and confiscated electronic communication devices.  Police said that the operation is ongoing, and there may be more arrests connected to the case.

Oscar Kwok, Head of the Hong Kong Civil Service College, spoke to reporters from HK01 last Friday that he reads the "Civil Servants Secrets" page to understand their feelings.  Kwok had served in the police force for 32 years, and said that he hopes the public - particularly the media - would speak more positively of civil servants and show gratitude for their work, so that they could be more motivated to serve the public.

A message from someone who claimed to have witnessed one of the arrests at a government office quickly circulated online.  The message said that police arrived at their office in large numbers, and the staff was told not to touch their computers.  Several computers were confiscated, including one that was said to contain very sensitive data.  The whole office was shocked. The source said: the managers looked sombre, and the rest of the staff kept their heads down as they quietly went back to work.

Channel C, HK01 #Aug09


#CivilServants #Suppression #FreedomOfSpeech #NationalSecurityLaw
#FacebookPage #CivilServantSecret #Seditious