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#Oppression CCPRule
Over 1,000 convicted for partaking pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong

According to the latest data released by the Hong Kong Police Force, as of January 31, 2022, a total of 10,277 people have been arrested in relation to the anti-Extradition movement in 2019. Among them, 2,810 have been prosecuted.

Of the 1,858 people who have completed judicial proceedings, 1,465 were found legally liable for their offences, including 1,158 being convicted.

297 agreed to bind-over order, 6 minors were subjected to child protection order, leaving the remaining 4 being charged of "contempt of court" in civil procedure.

Among those being convicted, some were sentenced to a prison term from 4 days to 12 years. While some were granted suspended sentence from 12 to 24 months, for others various penalties were imposed, including community service order, restorative order, detention center order, rehabilitation order, reeducation order or training centre order.

Besides, there were 85 cases linked to the National Security Law, the inquest of 64 cases have reportedly been completed.

#HKProtest #AntiExtradition #FreedomofExpression

Source: Inmediahk; #Apr6
#WhiteTerror #Oppression
Over a dozen companies refuse to transport #PillarofShame, citing concerns over Chinese government's reprisal

The Pillar of Shame - the Tiananmen memorial at the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) which stood for more than 20 years - has been dismantled and packed away in cargo containers by the University management in the middle of the night in December 2021.

Since then, the creator of the Pillar, Danish artist #JensGalschiøt, had been attempting to ship the Pillar back to Denmark.

In a statement, Galschiøt said that his team, including lawyers, 2 shipping companies, and even the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs were involved in the effort, but they had yet to find a company to move the cargo container from storage to the container wharf.

12 shipping companies turned them down, all citing concerns over the Chinese government taking vengeance on them.

Galschiøt reiterated that he is still hopeful for success, but it remains unclear as to when the Pillar can be shipped out of Hong Kong.

Source: Inmediahk; #Apr19

See also:
The Pillar of Shame is being destroyed in these minutes : Jen Galschiot calls for public record on Twitter (Dec 23, 2021)

New School for Democracy Announces Rebuilding Pillar of Shame in Taiwan: "One Pillar Falls, Thousands More Will Be Raised" (Jan 27, 2022)

#June4 #TiananmenMassacre #Memorial
#Exodus #Oppression
Senior member of Hong Kong pollster leaves city for the UK, citing ‘red lines’

A senior member of Hong Kong’s leading independent pollster, #ChungKim-wah has left for the UK, calling the city a place where one may “no longer live normally and without intimidation.”

In his lengthy statement on Facebook, Chung said he had not initially considered emigrating.

“Now, I can only hope that the skies will be broader, the air fresher… and that I don’t have to think about whether the red lines that move arbitrarily will one day target me,” deputy CEO of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) Chung wrote.

He added that he did not want his friends and loved ones – especially his elderly parents – to worry about him. “I am apologetic that I left without saying goodbye, and I regret that I couldn’t say farewell to you all,” Chung said.

#NationalSecurityLaw #WhiteTerror

Source: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Apr
#Oppression #June4
Hong Kong authorities "blocked" venue for once-annual candlelight vigil for Tiananmen massacre victims for a third year running

On May 24, a local daily, Ming Pao reported that the Leisure and Cultural Service Department (#LCSD), which administers the Victoria Park soccer pitches where the rally used to take place, has suspended any bookings on June 4, the 33rd anniversary of the #TiananmenMassacre, although bookings are available on other days in the same month.

Just 3 days afterwards, on May 27, the football pitches at Victoria Park were seen fully booked on June 4 from as early as 7am in the morning. No bookings, however, were seen for the rest of June. The same daily found. 

The vigil has been banned -- ostensibly for public health reasons -- for the past two years and the leaders of its organizing group, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, arrested for colluding with foreign powers under a national security law imposed by Beijing from July 1, 2020.

Ming Pao; #May24


Ming Pao; #May27



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Hong Kong Catholic group will not hold Tiananmen crackdown masses citing fears over national security law
#WhiteTerror #FreedomofReligion
Cardinal Joseph Zen appears in court in Hong Kong on day of prayer for China

Ninety-year-old retired Catholic cardinal #JosephZen hosted a packed mass in Hong Kong on the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China, just hours after a brief court hearing over charges linked to pro-democracy protests.

In his homily after pleading not guilty to charges of failing to register a pro-democracy association to Hong Kong Police, Zen chose not to speak about his legal case, but to highlight how Catholics in some parts of China cannot attend Mass right now — for they have no freedom now.

Zen dedicated the mass to churches in China where believers are still split between a so-called “underground” church resistant to the government, and a state-sanctioned church belonging to the Chinese Communist Party’s Patriotic Catholic Association.

In his remarks at Mass, Zen again criticised the deal between China and the #Vatican that allows Beijing to nominate bishops for the pope’s approval, calling it “unwise” despite being made with “good intention”.

"There is an urge to unify those above the ground and those underground but it seems that time is not ripe yet,” Zen said.

Implying that there may be more difficult times ahead, Zen said that “we may have to bear some pain and steel ourselves for our loyalty to our faith.”

He also dedicated prayers to churches in Myanmar led by #CardinalBo, his most outspoken supporter in Asia, as well as “brothers and sisters who cannot join tonight because they are not free”.

Zen, one of Asia’s highest-ranking Catholic clerics, was among five prominent democracy advocates — including activist and singer #DeniseHo and veteran human rights barrister #MargaretNg — who were arrested in early May. His arrest is part of a national security police probe into foreign collusion over a legal support fund for pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Instead, all five of the fund’s former trustees and its secretary were charged on May 24 with failing to register it as a “society” with police — a non-national security offence. All plead not guilty.

#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution #Oppression

Image source: #FirstHand
Sources: Reuters, HKFP, UCA News; #May25

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