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As National Security Law Descends upon Hong Kong, VPN Service TunnelBear Removes Hong Kong Servers, ProtonVPN Lists Hong Kong as “High-Risk Country”
Hong Kong was once the data centre of many companies and the designated server location for various VPN (virtual private network) services since freedom of information had been an advantage in the city.  However, since the implementation of the national security law, some VPN services had begun to re-evaluate their strategies.  Foreign media had reported that some VPN services, including Canada-based TunnelBear, had indicated that they would remove their servers from Hong Kong.  ProtonVPN stated that they would keep their servers in Hong Kong, but they had listed Hong Kong as a “high-risk country” while continuing to operate their servers under enhanced protection.
TunnelBear:  Pulling Out of the Market to Stay True to Company Values
According to a report on TechCrunch, Canadian VPN service TunnelBear had announced the removal of their servers from Hong Kong to “ensure the safety of [their] users”.  TunnelBear had stated that their servers do not store any personally identifiable information (PII), and that their servers were being removed in order to stay true to their company values.  In the days ahead, they would “monitor the reach of the new security law on technical ecosystem in Hong Kong”.
ProtonVPN:  Hong Kong Service Requires Enhanced Protection
Another VPN service, ProtonVPN, stated that they would not remove their servers in Hong Kong.  However, the company had designated Hong Kong as a “high-risk country” and enhanced protection was necessary to continue operating their servers in Hong Kong.  ProtonVPN had also noted that this same approach was adopted in Russia, Turkey and Vietnam.  The company’s spokesperson Edward Shone said that even if the Chinese government were to expressly oppose to the company setting up servers in Hong Kong or attempt to obtain data from the servers, the servers are equipped with enforced full disk encryption, not to mention that no users’ activities records are ever stored in their servers, so potential risks for users are now greatly lowered.
NordVPN:  Service Saw a 120-Fold Increase in One Day after News of the National Security Law Broke out
NordVPN had stated that they would continue to run servers in Hong Kong.  Their spokesperson Laura Tyrell said that their servers are all either diskless or encrypted, and therefore would not compromise users’ privacy no matter what.  Tyrell also mentioned that when news of the national security law broke out, their service saw a 120-fold increase in one day.  In response to the demand, the company has added more servers in Hong Kong and its surrounding regions to maintain its service quality.
Source: Stand News #Jul17

#Interview #KiwiChow
“Revolution Of Our Times” Director Seeks Freedom by Faith: "Hong Kong is Where My Heart Is"

Part 1

On July 16, 2021, the #CannesFilmFestival in France added #KiwiChow’s “Revolution Of Our Times” to this year’s screening as a last minute surprise. The short film documented the pro-democracy movement sparked off by an extradition law in Hong Kong in 2019. 

Speaking in subsequent media interviews, Chow acknowledged that his safety has been a grave concern to many people close to him. Some advised him to release the film anonymously, while others urged him to leave Hong Kong.

Chow, however, does not want to be overtaken by fear, so he decided to stay behind.

“If I leave, I’ll be trapped in fear”

In early July, Chow’s interview was featured on the CGST Magazine published by the Chinese Academy of Theology. In this feature story, he talked about his short film “Self-Immolator”, one of the segment episodes of “Ten Years”, a film which won multiple awards in Hong Kong in 2016. Back then, people close to him were also concerned for his safety and advised him to flee, but he decided otherwise, clinging to his strong Christian faith.

Chow recalled the time he went on a mission trip in Africa with his wife.  “Where your heart is" (扎心) is an expression that they spoke of often. Chow said his heart is now tightly knit to Hong Kong. He decides to stay, not only to fulfill his responsibility, but also to seek freedom in his heart.

Chow expressed that if he leaves Hong Kong, he will be trapped in fear. “We are Christians. We have always been seeking Christ, seeking love, seeking freedom.” “They can imprison my body, but not my soul, nor my faith,” Chow added.

In recent months, the social situation in Hong Kong has become tense.  Chow expressed in his interview with Stand News that he thought that the documentary, “Revolution of our Times”, could well be banned from discussion even on the internet. He is delighted to see netizens sharing the film, as well as its news, posters and trailers online as usual.

#KiwiChow #RevolutionOfOurTimes #Art #KeepTheFaith

Source: Stand News #Jul17

#Interview #KiwiChow
“Revolution Of Our Times” Director is Not Afraid: "“No matter how insignificant it is, I'll do it and keep going”

Previously, Part 1:


Continue with Part 2:

On July 16, 2021, the #CannesFilmFestival in France added #KiwiChow’s “Revolution Of Our Times” to this year’s screening as a last minute surprise. The short film documented the pro-democracy movement sparked off by an extradition law in Hong Kong in 2019. 

“No matter how insignificant it is, I'll do it and keep going”

Kiwi Chow said, “[If] I leave Hong Kong, it is going to be painful and fearful for me.  So, I am in fact too scared to leave Hong Kong for now.  Although it might sound contradictory, I am staying behind to find freedom, to be free from fear.”

Chow continued to say that his decision to stay in Hong Kong is connected to his religious belief. “I believe in freedom and justice. I want to practice what I believe. Now I am presented this opportunity to practice it, so I must hold on and carry it through.”

Chow also mentioned that a businessman approached him two years ago to produce a documentary about the anti-extradition movement. Although Chow specializes primarily in feature films, he saw it as an appropriate role for him to contribute. “No matter how insignificant my role is going to be, I'll do it and keep going.” 

In another interview on Ming Pao Weekly, Chow said he felt blessed that the documentary was accepted and shown in the Cannes Film Festival, so that people around the world can come to understand the movement taking place in Hong Kong.

Chow said he is hoping the film would send a message of empathy, justice, and freedom. He does not want history to be distorted, and it is never his intention to spread hatred.  

"I am a film director, and I documented this movement.  As to what the audience may take from the film, it is beyond my control.  In this documentary, I recorded what happened. The scenes, the people and their voices captured in this documentary are real.  That’s what I want to let the world know and understand.”

#KiwiChow #RevolutionOfOurTimes #Art #KeepTheFaith

Source: Stand News #Jul17

#China uses #coronavirus warning app to stifle #dissent

//China's #COVID19 warning app enables health authorities to move quickly against a virus outbreak. But it seems officials also use the app to stop perfectly healthy people from doing what Beijing doesn't want them to do. And the target is dissidents.//

Watch the video:

Source: DW #Jul17

#HealthCode #MassSurveillance #Beijing #Authoritarianism