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Judge Praises Assailant who Assaulted Pro-democracy Activist in HK for Loving Society

Wong Sum-kau, aged 80, used a chisel to attack pro-democracy activist 'Long hair' Leung Kwok-hung on 16 April, 2020, near China's Liaison Office in Hong Kong.

Leung was hurt on the right side of his waist. The assailant pled guilty for one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Magistrate Cheang Kei-hong suggested that it was fortunate that the victim was not hurt badly, although the chisel is made of metal and carries certain weight.

After watching the video footage, the magistrate said he can see the assailant was “agile”.

Yet, the assailant allegedly sent death threats to pro-democracy activists, by yelling in court: "Ted Hui and Joshua Wong, they will die sooner or later". Despite this, the magistrate believed that the assailant “loves society” and "only" commited the crime because of "different political stance".

The magistrate suggested that since the defendant was willing to serve society, he should just be sentenced to community service. The case is adjourned to 13 Oct, 2020.

Source: Inmedia; Ming Pao #Sept17

#LongHair #LeungKwokHung #Assault
#Court #FailedState
Man sentenced 3 months in jail after attacking Pro-demoracy Activist, Magistrate, "He showed his love to society."

An eighty-year-old man had admitted to attacking pro-democracy activist 'long hair' Leung Kwok-hung in April 2020, claiming that he had been "enforcing justice for God", "punishing Leung and let him know he is not welcomed" and "Joshua Wong and Ted Hui will die, sooner or later." On Oct 14, he was sentenced to jail for 3 months and 6 days.

Magistrate Cheang Kei Hong had praised the man for "the love he has shown towards Hong Kong", and believed that he committed the crime because of differences in political opinions.

In the past, Cheang has convicted a person for owning a bag of wire tire and gave the person a sentence of 5 and a half months while refusing to grant bail. Another person in possession of 2 jars of spray paint was sentenced by Cheang to a 5 and a half month imprisonment.

Source: InMedia HK
Image: Roy Tam #Oct14

#LongHair #LeungKwokHung #Assault #Injustice
#Court #PoliticalProsecution
HK Court Denies Bail for 36 in
#47Activists Case, Assigned Judge: "Five Demands" Endander NationalSecurity

Among the 47 pro-democracy activists facing allegations of “conspiracy to commit subversion” in connection with a legislative primary election in Hong Kong in 2020, 36 of them have been denied bail.

'#LongHair' Leung Kwok-hung and Jimmy Sham Tsz-kit, who are the vice-chairmen of the League of Social Democrats, were among the 36 who were denied bail.

Both of them applied for bail at Hong Kong's High Court earlier, but Judge Esther Toh Lye-ping , the designated judge of the National Security Law, refused to grant them bail and ordered to hold them back in custody.

The senior counsel Hectar Pun representing Leung and Sham pointed out that they have never advocated "Hong Kong independence", colluded with foreign forces or requested sanctions against the Chinese and Hong Kong governments, nor did they sign the "No Regrets" online statement.

Pun also said that Leung's local ties are strong, he has recently gotten married and is suffering from coronary heart disease, so the risk of absconding is low.

Moreover, Sham has always been active in the local #LGBT community, he married his partner who is also a Hong Kong resident in 2013, so Sham has no interest in leaving Hong Kong.

The judge issued her reasons on May 13, 2021, claiming there was no good reason to believe the two would not continue to act against national security.

The judge cited that the Department of Justice's arguments against bail, saying that Sham still stated he would continue to fight for the "#FiveDemands", in front of the police station upon his arrival on Feb 28, 2021. This indicated that there was no reason to believe he would not continue to endanger national security.

Source: InMedia #May13

#47Democrats #JimmySham #LeungKwokHung #Bail #PoliceState
No Regrets to Civil Disobedience after "Watching my Fears Become Reality":
#FigoChan and 7 Pro-Dem Leaders Plead Guilty to Unlawful Assembly

Figo Chan, former convenor of Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF), pleaded guilty to participating and organizing an unlawful assembly on July 1, 2020, the day on which the National Security Law took effect.

Also charged were 7 other pro-democracy leaders, including former legislators Leung Kwok-hung (#LongHair), Wu Chi-wai, and Eddie Chu.

Their case was heard in court on October 7, 2021. Among the eight being charged, seven of them pleaded guilty to the charges, in obedience of the principles of civil disobedience.

In his petition to the court, Chan said that after watching videos of that day's protests, he felt that Hong Kong had become unfamiliar since that day.

"[Hong Kong] only permits voices that support the government, and continually suppresses those who do not," he said. "As a result, numerous political parties and civic organizations disband one after another, Hongkongers have left the city in droves, and freedom and rights due to citizens are gradually disappearing."

"Looking back and watching my fears become reality, how could I regret speaking up through peaceful civil disobedience and protest?"

"May Hongkongers keep hope in our hearts", he added. "Let's hang on to each other and get through these difficult times."

Source: Stand News #Oct7

#CivilDisobedience #NationalSecurityLaw #July1March #Solidarity
#47Democrats #PrimaryElection #SubvertionofStatePower

#LawrenceLauWaiChung said, "Not guilty, sir," elegant as usual.

#LamCheukTing almost roared, "I don't plead guilty!"

#LeungKwokHung (a.k.a. #LongHair) said, "[I'm] Innocent. Plead not guilty."

#WinnieYuWaiMing raised her right hand and stated, "Not guilty."

The magistrate, Peter Law Tak Chuen, referred the 17 defendants to the High Court for trial.

The other 29 of them chose to plead guilty. Among them, #TiffanyYuenKaWai, #FrankieFungTatChuen, #CarolNgManYee, #GaryFanKwokWai and #HendickLuiChiHang, refused to agree all facts of the cases.

Everyone has a different way of pleading guilty:

#TiffanyYuen whispered, "Plead ah! (認呀!)."

#FergusLeungFongWai said with a tone of no choice, "Plead guilty lo! (認囉!)."

#FrankieFung said in Cantonese, "I plead guilty," then repeated in Mandarin, "I plead guilty, I know I was wrong,” causing the auditorium to laugh and #KwokKaKi thumbs up with a smile.

#LauChakFung just left his seat for the washroom, and somebody said, "he will plead guilty even in the toilet."

#JoshuaWong slowly spoke out, "Plead~ guilty~."

#LiKaTat shouted, "PG!"

#TamTakChi (a.k.a. #FastBeat) confidently said while brushing his hair, "I am 'handsome'" [Handsome has a similar sound as "plead" in Cantonese]

#WuChiWai followed, "Plead ah! (認呀!)," looking at #TamTakChi, and they both laughed.

#SamCheungHoSum declared, "I plead, I plead, I plead (認啊認啊認啊)" in one go.

#VentusLauWingHong said, "For the love of my country, I plead guilty," raising uproar among defendants.

Law, the magistrate, asked whether the 26 defendants agreed with the case.

#AuNokHin stood up at that moment and expressed heavily, "I confirmed the case, and I would like to apologise to all defendants because I could not ensure the election was legal." He then slightly bowed to the defendants.

#AndrewChiuKaYin also apologized, but expressionless, "I confirm the overall case, and I apologise to everyone who helped in the pre-election." Some defendants jeered, "What are you saying (講呢啲)?"

#TamTakChi (a.k.a #FastBeat) shouted as usual, "I agree with the plot!", followed by a severe facial expression, "I agree, I agree (同意啊、同意啊)," which brought laughter to the courtroom. He then turned around, spoke to #ClaudiaMo, "Yes, excellent!" and raised his arms to the air with thumbs up.

#LeslieShumOFai interrupted, "I am not a comedy actor."

The magistrates confirmed whether Tam agreed with the entire case. He answered, "Yes, then I agree with the full case." Law raises the question once more, "You agree?" "The plot? Yes." Tam replied

It is understood that there will be no jury at the trial. This case will be handled by three designed judges, as in the case of #TongYingKit. It reminds us of #OwenChowKaShing, who did not plead guilty and yelled at the court after the restriction on reporting was lifted, "Trial without a jury is unjust."

This was probably the most potent conclusion in West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts for a year and a half.

Source: InMedia #Aug18
