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#PoliceState #Censorship #WhiteTerror
Four Staff Associations in the Police Force demand University President to “take responsibility” on his “untrue” criticisms against police brutality"

It has almost been one year since the police siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). On Nov 6, 2020, the Police Force Council Staff Associations including the Hong Kong Superintendents' Association, Police Inspectors' Association, Overseas Inspectors' Association and Junior Police Officers' Association issued a letter to the president of CUHK Prof. Rocky Tuan.

In the letter, as the founder of Hong Kong Coalition, Tuan was criticised for violating “the ethos of a seeking truth as a professional”, and made “untrue claims” during the siege last year.

Ip Kin-yuen, a pro-democracy lawmaker for Education constituency, described the letter as flippant, frivolous and ironic. Also, he stated it was disrespectful that they addressed the letter to Tuan, a key person in Hong Kong’s academic and education sector.

In Ip’s opinion, Tuan’s open letter issued in Oct last year condemned police who were proven to use excessive violence against protestors. The letter was fair and unbiased, but not against the entire police force.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov6

#RockyTuan #CUHK #University #Education #CUHKSiege
First Anniversary of CUHK Defense War: “Hong Kong Independence” Slogan Reappears but is Quickly Removed

On November 12, 2019, pro-democracy Hongkongers launched the Operation Dawn across different districts.

Debris was thrown to train tracks and Tolo Highway. At the No. 2 bridge of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK), the police fired tear gas grenades towards civilians triggering the “CUHK Defense War”.

One year on, graffiti appeared in many places on the CUHK campus on the early morning of November 12, 2020.

Among them, the words “Hong Kong Independence” appeared on the external wall of the University Library located in the Central Campus; however, it was soon covered up with paint.

Source: Stand News #Nov11

#Graffiti #OperationDawn
#LastYearToday #CUHKSiege #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#CUHK Management Censors Protest Photos Displayed in Exhibition; Flags with “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” Covered

Joint Students' Unions of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) organised a photo exhibition to commemorate the "CUHK Battle" where pro-democracy Hongkongers defended the campus from police siege during the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Protests.

Read more:

In a call to the organisers, the university management was concerned with some wordings that might deem provocative. In the exhibition, the protest slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” which appear on some flags in several photos, were seen covered by black paper.

The provisional president of the Students' Union (#CUSU) pointed out that students had organised many exhibitions on the 1989 Beijing Tiananmen massacre. The university authorities had never expressed any concerns .

However, this time the university management called the students union several times and clearly stated that such an event would cause "dissatisfaction among some alumni, or the students' union would be targeted".

Au is very surprised by such reaction. He worries that the freedom of expression in the university is no longer safeguarded and the #CUSU would face difficulties when organizing similar events.

Au also pointed out that it is very normal for students to care about politics. He doesn’t think that the university president Rocky Sung-chi Tuan, who is currently attacked by Beijing loyslists, has sided with any parties. Au found it absurd for the Police Officers' Association to issue an open letter to condemn Tuan.

Source: Stand News #Nov11

#Censorship #Suppression
Hong Kong Students Organize Exhibition to Commemorate #CUHKSiege; Authorities: University has the Right to Refuse Visits

At the one-year mark of the police siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK), the Students' Union (#CUSU) organizes events including photo exhibition to commemorate the pro-democracy Hongkongers' defense of the campus.

The university's security office, however, placed a notice at the campus' entrance, stating 'Depending on overall risk assessment and pandemic control, the university has the right to decline entry of non-CUHK identity holders or individual visitors into the campus."

Jacky So Tsun-fung, a member of the Students' Union, said the notice was placed by the university management probably in the afternoon. He believed that the university authorities saw the anniversary of the "CUHK Battle" a "sensitive period".

Earlier, the authorities censored the commemorative events:

Source: Stand News #Nov10
#Mainlandization #Sinicization
#Poll: 64% Respondents Consider #HKU's Appointment of Mainland Professors as Vice-Presidents as Against Principle of Fairness

The governing council of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) appointed two professors from mainland China, Max Shen Zuojan and Gong Peng, as vice-presidents. Shen is suspected to be a Communist Party member but the council clarified that the allegations are found to be unsubstantiated.

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#PORI) has interviewed 5,767 Hong Kong citizens in November 2020. The survey asked the question: 'The University of Hong Kong recently appointed two scholars from Tsinghua University, Max Shen and Peng Gong, as Vice-Presidents. How much do you consider the appointment to comply with, or not comply with, the principle of fairness?'.

89% of the pro-democracy respondents said the appointment did not comply with the principle of fairness. A total of 64% of respondents, pro-democracy or otherwise, considered the appointment 'not quite comply', ' very much not comply' and 'entirely not comply' with the principle.

Dr. Chan King-ming, associate professor at the School of Life Sciences of Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and the former chairman of the Teacher's Association of CUHK, said that this appointment clearly shows the mainlandization and Sinicization of HKU.

Chan added that when he was the union chief a few years ago, a number of his colleagues at CUHK complained the use of Mandarin during meetings, 'it is now mainlandization, not globalization.'

Chan mentioned that since many mainland Chinese scholars had returned to China from the US, Hong Kong had become one of their preferred destinations. He worried that these scholars are being intentionally installed in different universities and organizations in Hong Kong. He added that HKU's appointment this time was related to the earlier change in the governance structure, such as the direct interventions occurring in the governing council and the Court. Such things had actually happened 15 years ago at the university.'

Chan also criticized that this appointment had already posed threats to academic freedom and institutional autonomy, and noted that the issue of resource allocation was involved here as a number of scholars had been invited to work in mainland China, especially the Greater Bay Area.

Regarding the National Security Law, Chan remarked that chilling effect had already been brought by the reporting hotline set up by the Police's National Security Department, and 'Cultural Revolution 2.0' had come. Some students had begun self-censoring as they changed the names of their online accounts.

Source: InMedia #Nov6

#AcademicFreedom #University #Academia #CCPControl #CulturalRevolution
#CUHKSiege #NeverForget
Democracy Wall Becomes Lennon Wall During the Commemoration of Battle of CUHK

A year after the police's attempt to siege the university campus, the students' union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) held a retrospective exhibition on the campus.

The venue was crowded as many visitors came. As people stuck memos on the "democracy wall" of the students' union, it became a Lennon wall.

Source: Stand News #Nov12


#CUHKBattle #LennonWall #HongKongProtest #Save12HK #Exhibition
#NeverForget #NeverForgive
The Long and Arduous Aftermath after the Battle of Chinese University of Hong Kong; Arrested Student: Hongkongers, Please Go On Fighting

One year after the Anti-ELAB movement began, a quieter but more sustained form of suffering now grips Hong Kong's pro-democracy activists.

The Stand News follows the story of Ah Man, a student who was arrested at the Siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) by the police, as he awaits his trial that is yet to even be scheduled.

This is just one of many Hong Kong protesters' stories.

Ah Man hopes to tell Hongkongers, "Please go on the fight".

Read the Translated Article in Full:

Source: Stand News #Jun11


#CUHKSiege #AntiELAB #HongkongProtests #HongkongChronicles
CUHK Graduates March In Support Of 12 HK Youth

Today is the graduation ceremony of CUHK. Although the ceremony was organised online due to the coronavirus, over 50 graduates march from the Goddess of Democracy in CUHK and then across the campus in the afternoon to voice their support to the 12 Hong Kong youth being illegally detained in the mainland.

Apart from their graduation gown, some wore the Vedetta mask and held slogans. Others even held black balloons. The security guards of CUHK used megaphones to warn protestors that they may be in violation of the gathering ban, and order them to keep the social distance. Some even started to stop and frisk the graduates, but they didn’t stop the protests so far.

Source: Hong Kong Citizen News #Nov19

#CUHK #Save12HKYouth #Democracy

#Censorship #Freespeech
#University in HK to Tighten Control of the Opinion Expression: Posts on #DemocracyWall Requires Real Name and Restricts Content

In the universities in Hong Kong, the "Democracy Wall", a free posting notice board on campus, has been a symbol of free speech.

After the forceful enactment of National Security Law (#NSL) in Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has pressured the Students Union for several times about the setting up of the pro-democracy #LennonWall.

Recently, the Student Union committee members received an email from the Staff-Student Central Management Committee about an online meeting to be held on Dec 8, 2020, which will discuss "new rules" for the Democracy Wall. The new rules proposed by the university include real-name posting and content which cannot "go against the facts".

The students union acting president Au Cheuk-hei said that the university intended to tighten the freedom of speech inside the campus.

Source: Apple Daily #Dec4
Nearly 90% of Hong Kong Students Have No Trust in the Government

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has interviewed 250 high school students in Hong Kong during the coronavirus outbreak in 2020. The project was funded by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office and the findings were published on Jan 3, 2021.

Results show that nearly 90% of the students have no confidence in the Hong Kong government. Some scholars directly pointed out that it is an alarm and urged the government to listen to the opinions of the youths.

Apple Daily has also interviewed a number of students and youths on the streets. They also criticized the government for rejecting public opinion, and believed that the government did not show goodwill to the young people.

They said to a large extent, the government had completely abandoned repairing the relationship with young people. As for whether the cracks could be mended, the interviewees frankly said: “I think it will never happen in the next eight to ten years”.

Form 6 students Kay and Yun stated that they do not support the government. In particular, Yun pointed out the government has ignored the demands of the citizens, and make them lose trust: “Have they ever reflected on their own problems? They only accuse us of violent acts, but how about themselves? They have never admitted their mistakes ever”.

When asked for the reason for their mistrust toward the government, Yun and Kay showed hesitation in expressing their views due to the concern over retribution: “are we really allowed to speak?” and “I’m afraid I cannot say in this way”.

The two youths directly stated that they are “afraid of bearing consequences”. They are also very sensitive to the government’s suppression in education, by indicating their pressure of taking the HKDSE, a public university entrance exam in Hong Kong. They said they would be cautious in expressing their stance when answering exam questions and will try to avoid sensitive issues. They denounced the government for politicizing education, and asked why the government cannot let students freely express opinions.

Source: Apple Daily #Jan3


#HongKongYouths #NextGeneration #HKDSE #Students #FailedState