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World map showing popular travel destinations from Wuhan airport. Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo top the list.
#WuhanPneumonia #Health #Coronavirus
Wuhan coronavirus: Hong Kong Customs officer stationed at Lok Ma Chau Port with fever admitted to Tseung Kwan O Hospital

A Hong Kong customs officer at the Lok Ma Chau Port was feeling unwell and was sent to the hospital. Lung abnormalities can be seen on the chest X-ray, which further raised suspicion on whether he is infected with the WuHan coronavirus.

The Hong Kong Customs responded saying that a customs officer stationed at Lok Ma Chau Port had a fever and was sent to the Tseung Kwan O Hospital on January 26. He is currently being hospitalized in isolation and is in stable condition. The Customs and Excise Department is maintaining close contact with the Department of Health to actively follow up on the situation.

Source: HK01

#Jan27 #Coronavirus
How to prevent Wuhan coronavirus
#Health #Wuhan #coronavirus
CCP's Priorities: Party's Image Over Human Lives

The world, again, is getting dragged down by the Communist Party of China yet again. The SARS pandemic and the spread of the African swine fever are not unfamiliar events to most of us. The recent outbreak of the new coronavirus is showing us a clear example of how history is repeating itself in China. Their top priority throughout this entire episode is how to maintain their authority, instead of the implementation of proper disease control and prevention measures target on coronavirus.

In the beginning, Wuhan officials downplayed the seriousness of the disease and deliberately sought to suppress news coverage. According to one study, in the first month of the outbreak of the coronavirus, references to the outbreak on WeChat spiked, but it plummeted unusually after the Wuhan government first acknowledged the outbreak. It is extremely clear that the most important thing for the Chinese government is its image, instead of focusing its efforts on containment to prevent the virus from spreading.

With the uncontrollable spread of the virus, the authorities were finally left with no other choice, but to implement a blanket travel ban on Wuhan and the neighboring cities in Hubei province.

It is still too early to conclude whether or not such actions are actually effective. However, this episode has shown us how there is very little reason to believe claims and promises that the next time something like this happens, it will be different.

The bolster of the CCP’s authority is much more important than the safety of its people, and the safety of the rest of the world.



About 200 PRC students of the University of Hong Kong are sent to hotels for quarantine, some of them do not strictly comply with the guidelines: Student accommodation staff from the HKU

Editorial note: PRC students’ non-compliance with quarantine guidelines not only increases the transmission of virus at community level, but it also reveals the deficiency of the current quarantine arrangement - nobody ensures actual isolation from the rest of the community.
Hotels are being abused as luxury free holidays. Hotel’s lack of authority and transparency to disclose whether they have high-risk visitors staying at the premises put other visitors at risk. Noted that a Wuhan couple stayed at W-hotel subsequently confirmed as
coronavirus infected had transmitted the virus to people they had directed contacts as well as increasing other people who had contacts with them at two other hotels where they had been visited.

(5 Feb) The coronavirus epidemic continues to spread. HKU indicted some days ago that they arranged PRC students who returned to Hong Kong to stay at hotels for “self-quarantine.” However, some students did not strictly comply with the quarantine guidelines and “went around everywhere.”

The student dorms staff pointed out that all students were required to have their body temperature measured at the time of check-in. Staff asked the students which parts of PRC did they come from. They were then centralised for sending to many hotels, including L’Hotel Island South and other hotels in Yau Ma Tei and Kwun Tong, as well as other districts. HKU distributes body temperature measurement sheets to the students. Hotel staff is responsible for recording their body temperature.

The student dorms staff stated that since the coronavirus response plan began in the end of last month, at least 200 students had been sent to different hotels for “self-quarantine”. However, some of them did not strictly follow the quarantine guidelines. “They went around everywhere. Some went to work. Some even invited their friends to play at the hotels.” The staff said relevant students would be disciplined, including the issuance of warning letters and be expelled from dorm.

Ming Pao journalists attempted to enquire L’hotel about this but the hotel group refused to disclose whether HKU had arranged PRC students to stay at their hotel at Southern District. The hotel group only vaguely replied to media’s enquiry that they have ‘visitors’ from Mainland staying at the hotels who were required by the government to quarantine for 14 days. These people are not from Wuhan or other places in Hubei Province.

Source: Ming Pao (05-Feb)

#Coronavirus #WuhanPneumonia #HKU #PRCStudent #Quarantined
Tedros addresses criticism against China coronavirus response

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General, who was coughing throughout the nearly hour-long press briefing, said "I cannot say they hid or they didn’t but if you see some of the information we have, the number of cases outside of China [is] very small." during a press conference on Wednesday in Geneva, Switzerland, in response to a question referring to comments made by John MacKenzie, emeritus professor at Curtin University in Australia, and a member of the emergency committee of the International Health Regulations advising the WHO chief on the 2019-nCoV outbreak.

Full Article: https://www.devex.com/news/tedros-addresses-criticism-against-china-coronavirus-response-96518

#WHO #Coronavirus #Tedros

Unmasked Chinese male got infected after staying with carrier at clinic for 50 seconds and further transmitted to his wife

(7 Feb) Masks have become the basic equipment for citizens to protect themselves from the fast-spreading Wuhan Pneumonia. In Hangzhou, a married couple were both confirmed with Wuhan Pneumonia without any travel history and contact with wild animals within the preceding 14 days. It was later revealed that the husband had visited a clinic for medicine without wearing his mask, and had remained in close proximity with a coronavirus patient for 50 seconds. Shortly afterwards, the couple showed symptoms of the disease.

According to the Hangzhou Health Commission, the city got 10 newly confirmed cases yesterday (February 5), among which a couple, by the surname of Yang, were identified with the virus simultaneously. The infected patients were all allocated to designated hospitals for isolated treatment. Based on the epidemiological study, the Yangs did not have any travel history, live in any epidemic area, or contact any wild animals within the 14 days before showing signs of infection. They did not know the infected patient personally. However, three days prior to the onset of symptoms, the husband had paid a visit to the local clinic for medicine.

The local office of Public Security later analyzed CCTV footages from the clinic. They discovered that on January 22, Yang came face to face with a man, by the surname of Xu, who was eventually confirmed to be infected with the virus. When Xu took his medicine, the two men had close contact for approximately 50 seconds. During that time, both of them did not wear their masks. Xu showed signs of infection on the same day, while the Yangs presented symptoms on the third and fifth day of this encounter respectively. They were then diagnosed with the new coronavirus. Once again, the local health commission reminded citizens should wear masks in public areas and wash their hands as soon as they return home.

In addition, according to the Health Commission of the Ningbo Jiangbei District, there was a confirmed case on Tuesday (February 4), in which a 56-year-old male patient also had no travel history and contact with wild animals. It is suspected that the individual passed by a virus carrier when he shopped for groceries in the wet market without a mask. That entire process took only 15 seconds.

Source: Skypost

#Ningbo #Hangzhou #Coronavirus