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In China’s Crackdown on Muslims, Children Have Not Been Spared

As many as a million ethnic Uighurs, Kazakhs and others have been sent to internment camps and prisons in Xinjiang over the past three years, an indiscriminate clampdown aimed at weakening the population’s devotion to Islam. Even as these mass detentions have provoked global outrage, though, the Chinese government is pressing ahead with a parallel effort targeting the region’s children.

Nearly a half million children have been separated from their families and placed in boarding schools so far, according to a planning document published on a government website, and the ruling Communist Party has set a goal of operating one to two such schools in each of Xinjiang’s 800-plus townships by the end of next year.

#Xinjiang #Uyghurs #China

Source: New York Times (28-Dec)
Confirmed arrests of human rights lawyers and dissidents who gathered in Xiamen, China in December 2019

A number of human rights lawyers and dissidents had a gathering in Xiamen last month. These people, including Ding Jia Xi, a member of the “New Citizens Movement” and a previously imprisoned human rights lawyer, and Zhang Zhong Shun, a former teacher at the Yantai University, were confirmed to be arrested on the charge of inciting subversion of state power. Pang Jiang, Ding’s lawyer, said he has submitted a request to Yantai East Municipal Public Security Bureau to meet with Ding.

Another arrestee, Zhang, was arrested at home in Shangdong, and was charged inciting subversion of state power. He is under surveillance at residence now. He has been arrested before for using video footage of Tiananmen Square Protest in his class.

On 13 Dec 2019, a group of human right lawyers and dissidents attended a gathering to discuss current issues, politics, and the future of China, and shared the experiences of civil society infrastructure promotion. Afterwards, Shangdong police established a special investigation team. The cross-province arrests started on 12 Dec 2019. At least 4 of them were arrested on the charge of inciting subversion of state power. All of them are under surveillance at residence now. After the “709 Incident,” authority targeted civil movements for massive arrests again. Xu Zhiyong, the initiator of the “New Citizens Movement,” said he worried about the massive arrest and started to flee.

#Xinjiang #Uyghurs #whiteterror

Source: RTHK (9-Jan-2020)

Outbreaks of different types of animal related flu and epidemics in China

Editorial note: The rising outbreaks of different types of animal related flu and epidemics reflect the severity of environmental and ecological damages in China. The appetite for exotic wild life and exotic leather products, being used as a statement to flaunt one's fortune, is the driving factor of exotic and endangered animal poaching and the illegal wild life trade in PRC. Corrupted government officials at all levels are often part of these illegal activities, making it even harder to curb at root sources.

Poor animal captivity and animal trading environments means certain markets become readily become outbreak sites for infectious and deadly diseases. China has a lot to do to improve in terms of epidemics prevention and monitoring system.

Whether CCP's workers at all level truthfully disclose information to the public timely and transparently matters a lot in the prevention of animal-to-animal or animal-to-human transmission. Yet this is CCP’s darkest side. Under such a tyrannical and authoritarian government, workers from top to bottom report ‘good news’ to appease their superiors. CCP’s self-deception and mutual manipulative practices have become a curse, a never ending one cycling through a vicious cycles of deceit and mistakes.

CCP's secretive ways of handling things often impede and delay proper prevention measures and control outbreaks. Communities are locked in self-reinforcing vicious cycle of repeated contagious epidemics that cause high casualties.

Summary: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced that a highly pathogen strain of H5N1 has been reported at Hainan Province. Local authority said they had put down all the poultry at the breakout chicken farm.

Daquangou Reservoir, Xinjiang recorded H5N6 bird flu, affecting swans. The reservoir belongs to the administrative region of the league 8 construction unit of the army. There were 190 swans in the reservoir. 19 of them were found to have the bird flu. Another 19 infected swans have already died. Authorities claimed that they have sanitised the surrounding environment while putting the remaining swans in close monitoring.

14 PRC scientists, including bird biologists, epidemics prevention and control experts, forestry and agricultural experts who examined and investigated different types of wildlife epidemics in China warned that the trend of wild life and animal related epidemics will be persistently high in 2020. They recommend the PRC government to strengthen measures to curb wild lives poaching and trading. Traders and buyers should face stiffer penalties.


#Coronvavirus #H5N1birdflue #H5N6swanflu #Epidemics #ChinaTyranny #Hainan #Xinjiang

“This could be a massive disaster”: What happens if the coronavirus hits China’s internment camps?

(28 Jan) Experts warn that if the Coronavirus hits internment camps in Xinjiang, it could potentially lead to thousands of deaths, as former inmates have reported that the camps are overcrowded and unsanitary. If the virus gains a toehold there, it could spread from person to person all too easily.

“If the virus reaches the camps in Xinjiang, I can’t imagine the authorities are going to make this public knowledge,” said Tim Grose, a China expert at the Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. “I just don’t see that happening, especially since they’ve been hellbent on making the camps seem as humane as possible.

“In China, you often see a large gap between the ways policies are written and the way they’re implemented,” Grose said in reference to the guidelines in the manual about internment camps in Xinjiang.

Full Article: https://bit.ly/2H3FR8f

#Xinjiang #HumanRights #InternmentCamp
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
A reader has asked us to raise awareness about how on Chinese social media, there are no news on #Xinjiang at all. They also pointed out that it’s childish for some people to brush away all reports of CCP atrocities as stories made up by American media. A lot of Chinese people know that #CCP has fucked up their country, but they are censored. We must learn and preserve the truth!
#china #uyghurs #censorship #freedomofspeech #internet #surveillance #english #diyms #covid #uyghurgenocide
Uighurs: China rebuffs Pope’s criticism as “groundless”

Beijing has dismissed Pope’s Francis’s criticism of its treatment of China’s Muslim Uighur minority in Xinjiang.

It came after the head of the Rome Catholic Church joined a grown group of international voices describing the Uighurs as “persecuted” in a new book.

China’s foreign ministry said the Pope’s remarks were “groundless”.

It is believed that the Chinese government has detained up to a million Uighurs in what the state defines as “re-education camps”. It has also been alleged they are forcing Uighur woman to be sterilised tor fitted with contraceptive devices, apparently to control the population growth.

Source: BBC #Nov25


#RomeCatholic #China #Reglious #Uighur #Xinjiang
Amnesty International Report Describes Xinjiang's Situation as a “Dystopian Hell Landscape"

Amnesty International characterized the Chinese government’s actions against the Turkic Muslim population as a “crime against humanity” on Thursday (10 June). They publish a 160-page report, stating Uyghurs and Muslim minorities in Xinjiang are facing systematic abuse, including the torture tool “tiger chair” that a slight move can lead to great pain to the person in the seat.

Recently, many governments and international organizations accuse China of human rights violations. Among them, Amnesty International has been investigating the Xinjiang issue for years. This report describes the Chinese government's intention to remove Muslim cultures and traditions within the territory by different means. The report also states the government regards Turkic Muslim in the region as “extremists”. The report alleges that since most Xinjiang people are afraid of being imprisoned or badly treated, they stop praying nor following any act of Islam observance, including clothing, retouching and speech. Some locals said to Amnesty International, “We cannot say 'let peace be with you (as-salamu-alaykum)'. The government even ban Koran, prayer mats and other religious products.

The report also quotes evidence from Turkic Muslim that they are detained in Chinese government-called “re-education camps", with abuse by the authority. Turkic Muslim women were even forced to accept the system of sterilization or birth control.

Source: Stand News #Jun11


#AmnestyInternational #Xinjiang #Uyghurs #Turkic #Islam #Muslim #China #HumanRights #Imprison #Extremist #ReeducationCamp #Genocide
Hong Kong Authority Introduces #SmartPrison with 24-hour #HD Surveillance, Detainee: I Live As an Animal

"Here, it is even worse than the CIC [Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre],"
almost every detainee in Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution in Hong Kong said the same thing.

In 2020, around 30 detainees in #CIC went on a hunger strike, protesting against their unlimited detention time, the facility's poor hygiene, and the inappropriate behavior of the correctional department staff.

The CIC Concern Group, a non-profit human rights group, was thereafter created by a group of social workers, pro-demoncracy activists and volunteers in Hong Kong; however, even them could not believe that there exists a detention centre in Hong Kong that is worse than the CIC.

In June 2021, the Hong Kong authority transferred some of the protesting detainees in the CIC to the Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution.

The newly established facility is the first "Smart Prison" in Hong Kong. This institution is full of HD surveillance cameras. All the detainees are required to wear an electronic bracelet for the authority to monitor their heartbeats and locations.

Those who are detained in the centre are thereoretically not prisoners, as they have only violated the immigration regulation; however, they are being detained in a prison.

To make it worse, the Correctional Service Department (#CSD) has already dispatched twice the Regional Response Team, Panther, within 4 months, to "combat illegal activities". It was found that some detainees have been placed in individual detention for 2 months.

Meanwhile, it was discovered that some correctional department staff have been watching the surveillance canera footage like a voyeur , followed by acts like masturbation and ridiculing the detainees.

A detainee said, "I live as an animal."

The CIC concerned group criticised that the authority has abused the detainees by means of violence, individual detention and privacy infringement.

The group's worst fear is that using the most disadvantaged detainees as guinea pigs is only the first step of the government and that the same operation systen would be appled to all prisons in Hong Kong next.

"The government labelled the CIC detainees as very dangerous to justify the need for an upgrade in military equipment. They can do thr sane thing in any prisons in Hong Kong."

Source: InMediaHK #Sep25

#Prison #Xinjiang #Surveillance #Dystopia #Panthers #Chinazi #TaiTamGapCorrectionalInstitution
Intel deletes mention of Xinjiang in letter after China backlash

US chipmaker Intel has deleted references to Xinjiang from an annual letter to suppliers after the company faced a backlash in China for asking suppliers to avoid the sanctions-hit region.

Last month, Intel was slammed on Chinese social media for a letter to suppliers published on its website. The 23 December letter said Intel had been “required to ensure that its supply chain does not use any labour or source goods or services from the Xinjiang region” following restrictions imposed by “multiple governments”.

Source: The Guardian #Jan11


#Intel #Xinjiang #China #US #Chipmaker
Xinjiang Police Files: Inside a Chinese internment camp

The highly coercive and potentially lethal systems of control used against minority groups in China’s internment camps have been revealed in a giant cache of secret documents shared with the BBC.

China insists the network of secure facilities built across its far western region of Xinjiang are simply “schools” for combatting extremism to which “students” sign up willingly. But the contents of the leaked Xinjiang Police Files suggest a different story.

Taking information from the leaked documents, the BBC has reconstructed one of the camps – the Shufu County New Vocational Skills Education and Training Centre - to reveal the methods used inside.

Source: BBC #May24


#Xinjiang #Police #Champ
#China Intervenes #UN Human Rights Report on Xinjiang

According to #Reuters report on July 22, 2022, China, through a letter written by the Chinese mission, has asked the U.N.’s Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights to halt the release of the report on the human rights situation in #Xinjiang. This has been confirmed by three diplomats who received the letter.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet was widely criticized for her tepid performance during her visit to China in May 2022. Bachelet has since announced that she will not be seeking a second term as High Commissioner, citing personal reasons. However, she has promised to release a human rights report on Xinjiang before her tenure ends at the end of August.

Source: SBS #Jul22


#Beijing #Threat #InternationalSecurity