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#AsiasFinest #HongKongPolice #Bird
Australian Police deny ever teaching Hong Kong Police the "Soaring Bird" motorcycling technique, as the HK Force have claimed

The Hong Kong Police Force often claims to be the victim of fake news campaigns, yet many of their own statements have been revealed to be flat out lies.

The police earlier argued that there were "intranational examples" supporting the traffic police officer's practice of leaving both hands away from the motorcycle handlebars. When prompted, they failed to give any particular examples. They then claimed to have learned this technique of riding the motorcycle from an exchange with the police department of Victoria, Australia in 2013.

Pro-democracy Hong Kong lawmaker Chu Hoi-Dick inquired the Australian police, who responded that they did not practice this riding technique, nor do they have any records of interactions with the Hong Kong Police.

Source: Apple Daily #May7

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#AsiasFinest #PoliceState
Who is the lawbreaker?

Young protestors stormed into the Legislative Council last July to show their disappointment towards the deteriorating rule of law in Hong Kong. They insisted leaving money in a small collection basket for drinks taken from the cooler even in an extreme state of fury and fear. They also left behind a hand-written note reinstating that they would not steal like a thief.

However, a riot police who is well trained to enforce the law in Hong Kong, snatched a bottled water from a convenient stall during an operation in public and walked away without paying. Did he not just deliberately break the law?

If the incident was not caught on video and later gone rival on internet, would this police officer take the trouble to go back to the shop and pay?

"It's not stealing if I pay ... after I get caught"

#PoliceState #HongKongPolice #PoliceLies
#AsiasFinest #HongKongPolice
Police Commander in Yuen Long 721 Attack Owns At Least 3 Illegal Properties

Recent reports of illegal structures at properties owned by top-tier of Hong Kong police turn out to be a tip of the iceberg. Apple Daily recently found out the commanding officer in the 721 Attack owned at least three glass-constructed houses, suspected to be breaching the property law with unauthorised building works. The Housing Department has replied it will follow up with an investigation and take action if laws were broken.

Source: Apple Daily #May20
#PropertyLaw #YuenLong721

Futher Reading: More Top Police Officials Found Breaching Property Law
Police Officer Shoves District Councilor; Media Liaison Officer, "I did not push you, you hit me when you fell!"

23:43 | Mong Kok
Police shoved Sha Tin district councillor Li Chi-Wang onto the ground. His phone was damaged.

The Media Liaison police officer then shouted, "I did not push you, you hit me when you fell!"

Source: Cupid News #27May
#PoliceState #MongKok #FailedState #DistrictCouncillor #LiChiWang
#AsiasFinest #HongKongPolice
Raptor Police Contradicts himself while giving witness

Three protesters were arrested during the police-citizen conflict on 28 July 2019. The police officer who made the arrest, Yim, changed his testimony several times during the hearing and was questioned by the defendant if he was lying. Yim first claimed he found respirators and helmets in the defendant’s backpack, and contradicted himself later by saying these objects were hung on the defendant’s bag. He also stated he was unsure of how the defendant climbed over a fence, and later said he remembered and demonstrated the action himself.

Yim stated that he did not receive any orders to make the arrest. The judge then questioned him why the arrest was not handled by a group of police who arrived at the scene earlier. The judge also questioned what made Yim felt he was responsible for making the arrest, to which Yim responded: "My initiative and instinct made me do so." The defendant counsel also pointed out that Yim was not the first officer to arrive at the scene, and he was not of the highest rank, making it unreasonable for him to make the arrest.

Source: Inmedia HK #Jun2
#Court #HKProtests #PoliceState
Police call Civilians "Cockroaches"; Officer Conceals Operation Call Name with Cling Wrap

Some riot police were emotionally charged up and hurled abuses at citizens in downtown Mongkok on Sunday, June 28, calling them “cockroaches” and threatening them with pepper spray.

One officer was seen covering his operation call name with cling wrap, showing a big contrast with those call names revealed.

Netizens called for a “silent rally” on June 28 along streets in Mong Kok and Jordan district, where there was no assembly and no chanting of protest slogans.

Source: USP #Jun28
#PoliceState #HongKongProtests
#AsiasFinest #HongKongPolice
Police Officer: My eyes tell me that you're too loud
Activist Charged for Violating "Noise Control Ordinance"

Avery Ng Man Yuen, the secretary general of the League of Social Democrats, set up a street booth in Wong Po last month to collecting signatures of people to garner support for the establishment of aids for the unemployed. In the process, he was charged with violating the "Noise Control Ordinance".

His case was heard in the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court, of which he denied the charges. Ng said that he had requested for the police officer to measure the amount of noise generated by his booth with a sound pressure level meter. Instead, he got an extremely hostile and antagonistic response from the officer, saying "My eyes tell me that you're too loud!".

He questioned the government, and asked if actions like these were becoming way too common nowadays, as they have exhausted all other means to oppress and persecute members of the oppostion. He even speculated that the future after the enactment of the National Security Law could mean that that setting up of street booths such as the one that he setup to help a certain community in need, would be made illegal.

Source: InMedia #Jun26
#PoliceState #FailedState #Oppression
Police Vehicle Approaches Court Without Slowing Down, Injuring Journalists

A man, who was charged with injuring a police officer on July 1, was slated to appear at the Eastern Magistrate's Court for his hearing at 14:30 on July 3.

As the police vehicle carrying the man approached the court at around 1330, it did not use its signal lights to indicate that it was making a turn, and approached reporters waiting there at an unsafe speed. As the gate into the court was opened, the vehicle swiftly entered, ignoring the presence of journalists nearby the vehicle, injuring multiple journalists.

A journalist from Cable News suffered an injury on his ankle.

Source: San Po Yan
#Jul3 #DangerousDriving #AsiasFinest #FailedState
Photos of Arrestees Leaked to Pro-police Groups

A 15-year-old boy was arrested for participating in illegal assembly near Langham Place on 24 May. After the police took him to Mongkok police station, he was ordered to have his photos taken with mask on. Yet, his photo was uploaded to police-supporting Facebook groups while he was still in the police station. The boy and his family were insulted by comments and threatened.

The court approved injunction to prohibit anyone from spreading personal information about him and his family and harassing them. The Injunction was extended by Madam Justice Lisa Wong, and the order will be effective unless otherwise noticed.

Source: Stand News #Jul3
#PoliceState #AsiasFinest #Leaks
Police's testimony found inconsistent with video; Man acquitted of two charges

Due to the suspect of unknown gas leakage at Tai Hing Police Operational Base on Oct 30, 2019, a large crowd of civilians protested against the incident. Police dispersed the crowd at that night and arrested a 23-year-old waiter of illegal assembly and possession of offensive weapon.

In the first hearing on this case on 15 Sep, 2020, the police officer arresting the suspect recounted the process of intercepting and arresting in the court. However, the progress described could not be found in the video provided by the defendant lawyer.

In the adjudication on 16 Sep, 2020, Magistrate Wong Ching-Yu rejected the police officer’s statement, and the defendant was acquitted of two charges.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep17

#PoliceState #ArbitraryArrest #AsiasFinest #PoliceLie