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#Solidarity #HongKongProtest
Detained Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activist Receives a Marriage Proposal from Activist Boyfriend

The vice-chairwoman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, who is a barrister, was refused bail and was remanded.

She was accused of "inciting others to participate in an unapproved assembly" for promoting the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre commemorative event in 2021.

Chow's partner Ye Du, a Chinese human rights activist and writer, sent his marriage proposal in a letter.

He expressed his feelings of longing. He saying the darkest time before the dawn can be more remarkable in their hearts. Hw also mentioned that this big wave of time disrupted their original imagination to the future, bringing an expected development.

The proposal letter by Ye Du was published in MingPao today.

The letter was written on July 13th, the anniversary of the death of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. Ye Du proposed marriage by letter to Tonyee, mentioning, "You said you want to have a romantic proposal. There always has a strange way to propose. But what is compatible with you being in a small jail and me being in a large jail... What is compatible with having a mutual memory on a special date, the anniversary of the death of Liu Xiaobo? What is compatible and more remarkable to the romantic moment under this darkness before the dawn? Tung, would you marry me?"

Ye Du indicated, "For my soul singing songs as a testimony, for those friends sending you this letter as a testimony, for the prison censors of this letter as a testimony, for whoever reading this letter and caring your situation as a testimony", proposing marriage to Tonyee. "Since now, you are the wind and snow, Spring and Summer. You are the world. Only hope to hold your hands for a lifetime".

Source: Stand News #Jul25

#TonyeeChow #ChowHangTung #YeDu #MarriageProposal #LiuXiaobo #June4th
#Court #RulebyLaw
Catch-22: Authority Rejects Reference Books Sent to Activist Lawyer Detained for Subversion, Due to Content about Subversion

Tonyee #ChowHangTung, the former vice-chairperson of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (#HKASPDMC), is in detention on charges of inciting subversion of state power. A lawyer by trade, she intends to represent herself in her upcoming trial, and is preparing her own defense while in custody.

In an article on her Patreon published on October 23, she mentioned that her relatives and friends recently tried to send books about the late activist Szeto Wah and the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, but the Hong Kong Correctional Services (#HKCS) rejected them.

(Editor's note: Szeto Wah was the founder of the Hong Kong Alliance (#HKA) and was one of the most influential activists in Hong Kong who worked for decades to establish, preserve and protect Hong Kong people's democratic institutions, freedom and human rights.)

One of the books, she quoted an HKCS staff, "mentions behaviours of subverting state power". The decision could not be appealed, the staff added.

Chow questions whether the HKCS had assumed the role of the judge, making a fair trial impossible. The books are reference materials for her to prepare for her own defense in the trial, she said.

"If I can't have access to information about the Alliance and the June 4th incident, I would have no chance to find evidence to refute these accusations."

The Correctional Services have set up a perfect catch-22, she said of the arrangement. "This would guarantee the prosecution a win."

Source: Stand News #Oct23

#TonyeeChow #NSL #PrisonerRights #HongKongAlliance #HKASPDMC #June4th #TiananmenMassacre #SzetoWah
Gwyneth Ho, Jimmy Lai and Tonyee Chow were sentenced to jail for 4 months and 2 weeks to 13 months due to the 2020 June 4th Peaceful Rally.

#June4th #GwynethHo #JimmyLai #TonyeeChow #GoHKgraphics