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#PoliceState #ArbitraryArrests
Man Accused of Possessing Poison Has Prosecution Withdrawn, Jeremy Tam Censures Police Arbitrary Arrests

After protestors occupied the Legislative Council building on July 1 last year, police officers intercepted multiple vans near Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, and arrested a van driver for "Possession of Part I Poison" and "Possession of Instrument Fit for Unlawful Purpose".

Legislative Councillor Jeremy Tam Man-ho, who assisted the arrested driver, said that the driver was only found with asthma medication, stating that he "would have believed that this was some Golden Triangle drug smuggling case if one was not informed about it".

After he was notified that the driver had his prosecution withdrawn due to lack of evidence, Tam censured the police for conducting indiscriminate and arbitrary arrests, stating that the police "often frame Hongkongers", and noted the irony of the officers from the Regional Anti-Triad Unit, whose possession of methamphetamine made headlines in early May. He remarked, "The true drug smugglers may be the Regional Anti-Triad Unit who claims to be 'Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty'".

Source: Stand News
#May7 #July1 #LegCo #AsthmaDrugs #Poison #JeremyTam

Read More:
Hong Kong Police Officers Arrested in Drug Case

From #NathanLaw's Facebook:

On 1 July 2019, protestors went inside the #LegCo and unfurled the banner reading “There is no rioter, only tyranny”. They declared a manifesto and reiterated the 5 demands.

Today, Andrew Leung disqualified Dennis Kwok; Chan Kin-Bor removed most pro-democracy lawmakers; Starry Lee was elected as the House Committee chairperson with 40:0 votes.

To quote from the #July1 manifesto: “The society might criticise us. Yet, who is behind the social divide? Who causes public discontent? What did Hong Kong do? Why are Hongkongers persecuted like this?"

Violence comes from tyranny. Under the CCP's oppression, Hongkongers resist, fight for their future and take back their legislature. The LegCo on July 1 represented the people.

After that day, the LegCo spent millions to redo the chamber, costing Hong Kong’s future. I'd rather have a LegCo filled with graffiti and manifesto, instead of glamour but evil deeds. Structural violence is way more destructive than the so-called street violence.
Police Fired at Glass Door in Shopping Centre, Damage Still Visible

1737 | Causeway Bay

When riot police entered Time Square mall to go after citizens at around 1700, one fired their pepper ball gun at the glass entrance. The damage from the gunshot is still present on the door.

Source: Stand News, AppleDaily

#July1 #PoliceState #NationalSecurityLaw #TimesSquare
Flag of Jailed Pro-democracy Activist Unfurled on the Street of Hong Kong

1630 | Causeway Bay

At around 1630, the public are still crowding Russell Street outside of Time Square, while leaving a way for traffic.

The photo shows the flag printed with the face of Edward Tin-kei Leung, a jailed pro-democracy activist and also the originator of the slogan "Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times."

Source: Tam Ming Keung @ USP United Social Press
#July1 #NationalSecurityLaw
#FirstHand #July1
Hongkongers: "Actually we really fxxking like Hong Kong"

14:32 | Wan Chai
Civilians unfurled a gigantic banner as they marched on July 1. The banner read "Actually we really fxxking like Hong Kong".
Football Fan Detained by Hong Kong Police for Inciting Independence After Exclaiming "Long Live Liverpool"

Mr. Wat was investigated by the police for 10 minutes. Although he was later let go, he expressed to reporters that he has been a fan of Liverpool football team for 30 years.

After knowing Liverpool won their first English Premier league, he was very excited. He met with other fans on the street after eating and "felt compelled" to exclaimed "Long Live Liverpool!".

Mr Wat did not understand why he was stopped, after the National Security Law took effect less than a day ago.

Source: InMedia #July1
#Liverpool #YNWA #Football #Independence #NationalSecurityLaw
#Propaganda #MainMelody
"Perfect Harmony": A July 1 without #AppleDaily and Annual Pro-democracy March

July 1, 2021 marks the 24th year since Hong Kong was handed over to China, and is also the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP). It is also the first July 1 after the outspoken #AppleDaily was shut down and the annual pro-democracy march has been banned by the police.

The headlines of the remaining printed newspapers in the city sing praises in "perfect harmony" for the CCP and the HKSAR.

A full-page ad adorned the front page of Ming Pao, Economic Journal, Oriental Daily, Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong Economic Times, South China Morning Post, all wishing the SAR and the Party a happy birthday.

#July1Protest #Newspaper #MediaLandscape

Source: Stand News #July1
Police Accuse Commemorating Civilians of "Inciting Onlookers"

Since the morning of July 2, 2021, police has been stopping citizens from commemorating the man who died yesterday by reportedly stabbing himself after knifing a policeman.

At 3pm, Mr Wu was intercepted by the police while laying down flowers. Mr Wu said to the policeman, "do you want me to pay HKD1,500 [the penalty of violating the gathering ban]? It's fine with me!"

The police warned Mr Wu of committing "misconduct in public space" or "inciting the onlookers" and that Mr Wu would be fined for "littering".

Mr Wu insisted it was his right to pay tribute to the dead. The police then asked for his relationship with the man.

Mr Wu said, "Being fined is not an issue. Paying tribute is all I want to do."

Source: InMedia #July1

#Hongkongers #July1Protest #Sacrifice #Martyr #Death
