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#LastYearToday #CUHKSiege #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#CUHK Management Censors Protest Photos Displayed in Exhibition; Flags with “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” Covered

Joint Students' Unions of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) organised a photo exhibition to commemorate the "CUHK Battle" where pro-democracy Hongkongers defended the campus from police siege during the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Protests.

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In a call to the organisers, the university management was concerned with some wordings that might deem provocative. In the exhibition, the protest slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” which appear on some flags in several photos, were seen covered by black paper.

The provisional president of the Students' Union (#CUSU) pointed out that students had organised many exhibitions on the 1989 Beijing Tiananmen massacre. The university authorities had never expressed any concerns .

However, this time the university management called the students union several times and clearly stated that such an event would cause "dissatisfaction among some alumni, or the students' union would be targeted".

Au is very surprised by such reaction. He worries that the freedom of expression in the university is no longer safeguarded and the #CUSU would face difficulties when organizing similar events.

Au also pointed out that it is very normal for students to care about politics. He doesn’t think that the university president Rocky Sung-chi Tuan, who is currently attacked by Beijing loyslists, has sided with any parties. Au found it absurd for the Police Officers' Association to issue an open letter to condemn Tuan.

Source: Stand News #Nov11

#Censorship #Suppression
Hong Kong Students Organize Exhibition to Commemorate #CUHKSiege; Authorities: University has the Right to Refuse Visits

At the one-year mark of the police siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK), the Students' Union (#CUSU) organizes events including photo exhibition to commemorate the pro-democracy Hongkongers' defense of the campus.

The university's security office, however, placed a notice at the campus' entrance, stating 'Depending on overall risk assessment and pandemic control, the university has the right to decline entry of non-CUHK identity holders or individual visitors into the campus."

Jacky So Tsun-fung, a member of the Students' Union, said the notice was placed by the university management probably in the afternoon. He believed that the university authorities saw the anniversary of the "CUHK Battle" a "sensitive period".

Earlier, the authorities censored the commemorative events:

Source: Stand News #Nov10
#HKProtest #University
Defiant University Students Carry Out Pop-Up Protests on Graduation Day, Calls Attention to Persecuted Students

November 4 marked the annual graduation ceremony of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). Although no large-scale protests were seen this year under the iron grip of the National Security Law, traces of defiance still sprang up around the campus.

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NeverForget #Academia #WallofDemocracy #CUSU

Sources: Citizen News, Chinese University Student Press; #Nov4

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#HKProtest #University
Defiant University Students Carry Out Pop-Up Protests on Graduation Day, Calls Attention to Persecuted Students

November 4 marked the annual graduation ceremony of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). Although no large-scale protests were seen this year under the iron grip of the National Security Law, traces of defiance still sprang up around the campus.

Large Banners Protest Admin Interference in Student Governance

As early as 6:30am, a large vertical banner with the words “Restore Student Autonomy「還我學生自治」” was spotted, as was another smaller one that said “Consultation Must Precede Staff-Student Collaboration 員生共治,必先共議」” . By 8am, both banners had been removed by school staff.

On the #WallofDemocracy, a large notice board created for students to voice opinion, multiple posters were seen with the call “OSA and subsidiary faculty committee, join the provisional Administration”, protesting the school's new requirement for student organizations to be registered with the school administration.

During the graduation ceremony, defiant graduates from Nursing showed protest handbills that wrote “Dare to be different; Be Faithful to your belief 「棱角分明,毋負期許」”. Some social work graduates wore white ribbons on their graduation robes, and carried handbills with slogans such as “Grieve our Student Union”.

Ex-Police Security Chief Disrupts Students Handing Out White Ribbons, But Chastised by Parents

At around 12:30, 5 CUHK students held up a banner that wrote “Grieve my CUHK” on the University Mall, and set up a counter to hand out white ribbons.

Although the group of students did not obstruct the proceeding of graduation ceremony, they were quickly encircled by more than 10 campus security and were ordered to leave. The students demanded the security guards for reasons that they were not allowed to hand out white ribbons, as they were not obstructing the ceremony.

Lee Wing-kwong, head of Campus Security and a former Police Superintendent, ordered his staff to remove the students’ protest materials immediately. He was, however, stopped by members of Student Affairs Office, who asked him to “calm down”.

Some parents on the site stepped in to show their support to the protesting students. Quoting the classic Confucian text "Great Learning", they criticized the campus guards for abusing their powers: "Don't you officials remember the Way of the Great Learning?"

"We've Graduated, But They Couldn't"

Scattered protest activities continued around campus into the evening. Nine graduates, wearing their graduation robes, held up signs with names of fellow students who had been arrested and jailed for their involvement in the 2019 anti-ELAB movement.

Their names are Cheung Chun-ho, Tang Hei-man, Ko Tsz-bun, Lau Chun-yuk, Fu Ngai-Ching, Chen Lik-sik, Hui Yi-shui, Li Chun-ho.

The last sign read poignantly: "We've graduated, but they couldn't."

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NeverForget #Academia #WallofDemocracy #CUSU

Sources: Citizen News, Chinese University Student Press; #Nov4