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0546 #PolyU
The long staircase continues to burn intensely. Around 50 members of the raptor squad push to East Tsim Sha Tsui bus terminus. Many people tried to run away but were arrested.

Source: Apple Daily
#Nov18 #PolyUMassacre #HumanitarianCrisis #PLA #TiananmenMassacre #HongKong8964
0615 #PolyU
Fire on Cheong Wan Road bridge above Cross Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza.

The fire is put out at 0635.

Source: Apple Daily
#Nov18 #PolyUMassacre #HumanitarianCrisis #PLA #TiananmenMassacre #HongKong8964
Police tear gas barrage continues, delivery van shot and damaged
11.18 Tsim Sha Tsui

A van for fast delivery was shot by policeman, the windshield was broken and the car was cracked. The shell of the tear gas grenade was left in the car and the car was filled with tear gas smell.

Nothing was processed after the van was shot, the driver removed all the goods from the van.

Source: USP United Social Press

#HongKong8964 #TiananmenMassacre #HumanitarianCrisis #PLA #Nov18
Police fire tear gas at hospital

Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan
1320 Multiple shots of tear gas fired

1325 Police fired tear gas towards journalists and narrowly missed his body

Source: Stand News
#TiananmenMassacre #PolyU #Nov18 #PLA #HumanitarianCrisis
Live Update 1530
First-aiders from Red Cross Allowed into PolyU

A group of first-aiders compromised with the police and are allowed to treat patients inside PolyU. They claimed the police allowed them to stay for several hours.

Source: First Hand
#PolyU #TiananmenMassacre #PLA #Nov18 #HumanitarianCrisis
Parent Concerned about Students' Safety, " I Hope my Daughters would not be Crippled or even Die"

A single parent who has two daughter currently trapped inside PolyU is interviewed by Apple Daily. She has already contacted the Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre for help. She also calls for other parents to stand up as well to resue their children in peaceful ways. The parent also expressed that she would not mind if her daughters are going have a criminal record. She is more worried if they could come out safe, since she has no idea if they are safe inside the campus at the moment.

Source: tg@hongkongstandstrong_live, Apple Daily

#PolyU #TiananmenMassacre #PLA #HumanitarianCrisis #Nov18
#FirstHand #4June

Citizens Gather for Vigil Despite No Approval

19:19 | #VictoriaPark

Today is the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, which happened on the 4th of June 1989. It has been estimated that thousands of lives were lost after the People's Liberation Army, under the command of the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, opened fire and rolled armoured vehicles and tanks into the square.

Despite today's vigil being one that has not been approved by the police force, people still gathered, just like what they would do on this day, every single year since '89.

Citizens also took the initiative to keep a safe distance away from each other to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

#4June #June4Vigil #6431truth #TiananmenMassacre
#FirstHand #4June

Vigil Begins at Lok Fu MTR Station

19:49 | #LokFu MTR Station

Citizens have gathered outside of Lok Fu MTR Station to hold a candle light vigil in tribute to the victims of the Tiananmen Square Incident. Candles were placed to form the numbers, '64', symbolizing June 4th.

This is the first time ever in 31 years whereby the candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre has been disallowed and not approved.

However, citizens were encouraged to hold their own vigils. Other similar vigils very much like the one at Lok Fu, are currently being held in different parts of Hong Kong.

#4June #8964 #6431Truth #TiananmenMassacre
#FirstHand #Jun4
"Lennon Way" in Mei Foo shows Protests and Oppression under CPC Regime

2133 | #Meifoo
Commemorations for the June Forth Massacre were held across the city. In Mei Foo, different forms of street art was set up. Beautiful posters paved a “Lennon Way” for all passersby to look on, while a black umbrella, on which written the lyrics of the protest anthem “Glory to Hong Kong” in calligraphy. An artist set up an artwork, displaying the human right atrocities committed under the CPC governance, represented by the tank with the words “brainwash”, “tamper history”. It includes the 709 Crackdown, a nationwide crackdown on right-defense lawyers and human right activists in China, the untold deaths under the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as many others.

#6431Truth #TiananmenMassacre #HongKongProtest
#PoliceState #Arrest
HK Police Arrest #GrannyWong
for "participating in unauthorized assembly" ALONE

On Sunday, May 30, 2021, Granny Wong was arrested by the police at around 15:19 in Wan Chai for "participating in unauthorized assembly".

Granny Wong was alone when the police surrounded and took her away by a police vechicle near the police headquarters.

Earlier, some pro-democracy group in Hong Kong had filed a protest authorization request for May 30, 2021 to commemorate the 1989 June 4th Tiananmen Massacre and condemn the Chinese Communist Party for the brutal crackdown.

The protest, alongside the annual candlelight vigil that has been taking place in Hong Kong's Victoria Park since 1990, was rejected by the Hong Kong police.

On the day, police continued to stop and search passers-by near Southampton Playground in Wan Chai, which is part of the protest route supposedly.

Source: Big #May30

#June4 #TiananmenMassacre #HongKongProtest #NationalSecurityLaw