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First Hongkonger arrested for contravening #NationalSecurityLaw Exhorts Pro-democracy Protestors to Persist and Take Hong Kong in Their Hearts to Wherever They Go

Tong Ying-kit, arrested on July 1, 2020 for flying a “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times” flag on his motorbike, was the first one charged against the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Tong has since then been detained for more than four months.

After visiting Tong in Lai Chi Kok detention centre on November 24, 2020, legislator Shiu Ka-chun said Tong has adapted to the routine and the dietary of the center.

Shiu later wrote on Patreon that, Tong was a Ramen master who aspired to open his own Japanese restaurant. He was financing his sister’s study abroad.

Shiu also mentioned that Tong was a first-aider at anti-ELAB protests, who encountered police brutality and violent pro-Beijing supporters.

Lastly, Shiu quoted Tong’s message, reminding fellow pro-democracy supporters to “hold on and persist”.

Tong also said, “As long as Hong Kong is in your heart, wherever you go is Hong Kong.”

Source: Stand News #Nov23

#FightOn #HongKongProtest #PoliceState #TongYingKit
#PrisonVisit: #EddieChu Studying Vietnamese from Fellow Inmate, Says Wife

In Hong Kong, former pro-democracy legislator Eddie Chu remains in detention in Stanley Prison after being arrested in the 47 Democrats case.

His wife Au Pui-fun and daughter visited him at the prison last week; Au sported a red scarf to fend off the cold morning, and waited in line to register for their visit.

Chu had been studying Vietnamese, his wife relayed, and had been learning it from free apps since a month before his arrest. "He had been working very hard at it. The learning app has 5 levels, and he's ranked the 2nd fastest learner worldwide on it!"

After being sent to Stanley Prison, Chu had befriended a Vietnamese prisoner who taught him Vietnamese; in return, Chu taught the man Cantonese.

As mandatory work for prisoners, Chu was assigned to manufacture file folders. "He said he was so slow at the beginning; others made 50 folders in the time he made 5," his wife recalled with a chuckle. "I don't know about now; I haven't asked in a while."

During his detention, Chu noticed he woke up with discomfort under his left eye. Fortunately, examinations showed that it was only a natural degradation of his eye, and was not serious; he could manage it with regular eye drops. When asked, Chu said with a frown, "Of course, I looked at my phone too much when laying down. But it should be better now!" He said.

#PoliticalPrisoner #47Democrats #NeverGiveUp

Source: InMedia #Apr5
#PoliticalPrisoner #MassArrest
#PolyUSiege: HK Police Arrests 21 Civilians Including Student Standing in Public Exam

The police arrested 21 civilians in Hong Kong on the morning of April 26, 2021. The arrestees have refused bail in the Hong Kpng Polytechnic University (#PolyU) clash during the 2019 Anti-ELAB protest.

The Organised Crime and Triad Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force charged them with “perverting the course of justice” as they were suspected of assisting other civilians trapped in the PolyU campus to avoid from being tracked.

Stand News found that one of the arrestees is a public exam HKDSE candidate who was absent for the subject Liberal Studies - Paper 1 exam due to police detention.

His/ her educational pathway will be obstructed as this paper accounts for 56% of the assessment, which is a core subject and required to obtain at least a level 2 in university admission.

Source: Stand News #Apr23


#PoliceState #PoliticalSuppression
#Court #PoliticalProsecution
HK Police Accuses 4 University Students of Rioting, One Carries Note that Reads “To all Hong Kongers, we must win”

During their siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in November 2019, the Hong Kong police confronted pro-democracy protesters at the No. 2 Bridge.

Afterwards, the police entered the campus, fired tear gas grenades and subdued civilians.

Among them, 3 male and 1 female university students were charged with rioting, violating the mask ban law and possessing offensive weapons. They were trialed on April 20, 2022 at the Wan Chai District Court. The case was handked by dstrict judge Clement Lee Hing-nin was .

In its opening statement, the prosecution said that a piece of paper was found after the police conducted body search on one of the students that was accused of rioting.

The note read “To all Hong Kongers, we must win”. The prosecution accused the student of rioting based on his all-black outfit, his presence at the riot scene, and the fact that he escaped when subdued by the police.

Source: Apple News #Apr20


#CUHKSiege #Rioting #PoliceState #UniversityStudents #PoliticalPrisoner
#Court #PoliticalPrisoner
#JoshuaWong: Don't Let the World Change Us

In almost 2 years since the Anti-ELAB movement broke out in 2019, Hong Kong's representative figures of the pro-democracy "resistance" camp are either in jail or in exile.

Among them, former lawmaker #EddieChu, former journalist #GywnethHo, district councillors #LesterShum and #TiffanyYuen have been detained and denied bail since late February 2021. They are among the 47 pro-democracy activists arrested for joining the primary election in 2020.

Former chair of #Demisisto #NathanLaw and former spokesman for the Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (#HKIAD) #SunnyCheung have to sever ties with their family in Hong Kong and live in exile.

On March 30, 2021, district councillor #JannelleLeung and activist Joshua Wong, alongside Shum and Yuen, were trialed for taking part in an "unauthorised assembly" on #June4 in Victoria Park in 2020.

They were among 24 pro-democracy figures who were charged for participating in the annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the 1989 #TiananmenSquareMassacre in Beijing. The vigil was for the first time banned by the Hong Kong police in 2020. It is still uncertain that whether the annual rally could be held in 2021.

The four pro-democracy activists admitted to joining the rally and were remanded in custody. In the courtroom, Joshua Wong yelled, "Even if we cannot change the world, don't let the world change us."

The 24-year-old Wong is currently serving his sentence for surrounding the police headquarters during the #AntiELAB protest, while being additionally charged with other offences connecting to the primary election and June 4th #vigil.

Source: Stand News #Mar30

#PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #47Democrats
#HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "We can still strive for the future we want by our actions from moment to moment"

Part 1 / 3

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

"That year, the feeling of hopelessness led to a wave of student suicides. One youth after another became overwhelmed by the feeling of darkness as they could not see their future, and ended their brief lives.

One of my best friends was among them; he departed suddenly, without leaving a word behind. After that, I spent countless days and nights curled up on my bed, watching countless sunrises and sunsets outside my window, berating myself for being unable to prevent the tragedy from happening.

It was then that I began to doubt the phrase 'determining my own destiny'. No matter how my self-determined spirit struggles, it could not slow down the fall and corruption of this land by even a little bit.

So I began to think that, in this cruel society, self-determination was probably only an absurd joke.

I was caught up in all these depressing emotions when I came to find Buddhism. I reached a relevation one day, and understood that all things came from dependent arising, and are emptiness by nature; whether times are good or bad, nothing is permanent, and nothing lasts forever.

From this, I learned to put aside my own preconceptions, and let go of my own honor and disgrace. I no longer worry whether every effort I paid would be rewarded. I only concern myself with whether what I think and do are improving myself, those around me, and the world I live in. The past cannot be changed; the present is bound by the past; but the future is determined by our choices today.

Even though much of the world is beyond our control, even beyond our knowledge, we can still strive for the future we want by our actions from moment to moment. Perhaps this is what 'determining my own destiny' really meant. This is how, through faith, I found the strength to carry on living, and the courage to meet my own future destiny."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#Court #HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "I see hope...many people are still striving for Hong Kong"

Part 2 / 3

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

Previously, Part 1:

"...As stated in my case, I was arrested during a protest on Oct 20, 2019, which was 576 days ago.

During this period of time, nearly ten thousand citizens had come under arrest due to the movement or other political reasons. More and more people are forced to leave Hong Kong, with no chance in sight for their return.

This development is surely the opposite of the outcome that many had hoped for: 'determining our own destiny', or democratic self-governance.

After my arrest, a police officer asked me mockingly: What did I feel I've achieved by taking to the streets?

Thinking back now, over these 576 days, it certainly seemed like I've achieved nothing, except losing more and more fellow students and friends. Undoubtedly, this caused me more pain than the court case now being brought against me.

However, different from the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness in the years past, today I do not feel hopeless at all, and have not given up on my belief in 'determining our own destiny'.

These 576 days had been long and full of changes. There had been trauma and pain, but at the same time, I see hope. Because I know that, outside of the courts and prisons, out of sight of others, many people are still striving quietly for Hong Kong, taking up the fight in place those who have fallen.

Local business owners absorb losses to make their Hong Kong brands shine; artists and creative minds are working day and night to reclaim the city's coveted reputation of 'number one in Asia'.

These Hongkongers are full of life and dreams, and I can feel the immeasurable bravery and wisdom in them. Before such great people, I feel humble, and have no more excuses to wallow in self-pity.

They make me firmly believe that this city is not fated to spiral downward forever; this city will create infinite possibilities for the future."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#Court #HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "No matter what awaits us in the future, I believe that our generation is one who determines our own destiny"

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

Previously, Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

"...Nobel Prize laureate Albert Camus used to say, 'Each generation doubtless feels called upon to reform the world. Mine knows that it will not reform it, but its task is perhaps even greater. It consists in preventing the world from destroying itself.'

Due to historical reasons, our generation has no choice but to be born into a Hong Kong where political rights and the room for free speech are dwindling day by day.

Two summers ago, we chose to fight back against the fate that was forced upon us, demonstrating to the world our determination to take hold of our own destiny. Now is the time that we take up the responsibility for our choice.

The world is changing, perhaps for better, or perhaps it is crumbling. But no matter what awaits us in the future, I believe that our generation is one who determines our own destiny:

we all hold fast to our own duties in our own ways, striving to create a new, beautiful era that we can truly call our own."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner
#Letter from Jailed Activist #FigoChan: "As long as we keep our faith, we can advance through adversity together"

Figo Chan, League of Social Democrats committee member and vice-convener of Civil Human Rights Front, was handed a heavy sentence of 18 months for organising a march on Oct 1 2019, which the police deemed an unlawful assembly.

Before his sentence was announced, Chan wrote an open letter to Hong Kongers to thank them for giving their all to fight for democracy, freedom, human rights and justice.

He also said that, although Hong Kongers have a tough road ahead, “don’t forget, the seeds we've sown will certainly lead to a harvest in the future."

In the letter he wrote on May 22, 2021, Chan thanked Hong Kongers for their effort that raised worldwide attention to the Anti-ELAB movement and forced the government to withdraw the act. He felt “proud and touched”.

He also mentioned, although more and more activists are sentenced to prison for violating the National Anthem Ordinance and the National Security Law, Hong Kongers should persist in their belief.

“The road to democracy is very long. As long as we keep our faith, we can advance through adversity together. One day, we will meet again under the pot (Legislature Council Complex)."

Now that Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF) is facing the risk of being banned by the government, Chan said that although he is being imprisoned, “I still insist that CHRF will not disband until the end. I also hope everyone will still keep fighting for Hong Kong, and speak up on June 4, July 1, etc on behalf of the arrested, exiled, in the name of freedom”.

In closing, he wrote: “There is hope as long as we are still here. Five demands, not one less! May glory be to Hong Kong.”

Source: Apple Daily #May28

#PoliceState #Court #NeverGiveUp #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests