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Citizens Protest Against Police-Triad Collusion in the Yuen Long Attacks on July 21

20:03 | Causeway Bay
Someone played a video record of an interview of a police inspector defending their late arrival on 21 July.

In the video, Chief Inspector LI Hon-man defended without shame for their late arrival by replying that police arrived only after received calls. He had not noticed the time because he did not read the watch. He questioned whether the reporters had noticed the chaos. The reporters continued to ask several questions until LI suddenly said “Your actions are not threatening me.”

A citizen held a cardboard writing “police-triad colluding, never ever obliterating“, and chanted loudly “if you are a true yellow ribbon, do not use MTR services again!”

Some held their phones with display of the words “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our times”.

Citizens started writing memos on a Lennon wall.

#YuenLong721 #LestWeForget
Police Arrest District Councillor in Yuen Long
00:11 | Yuen Long
Reporters wanted to interview Lam Chun, a District Councilor in Yuen Long, but were triggered to cough incessantly by the pepper-spray on Lam's clothes.

00:24 | Yuen Long
Lam told the press that another District Councillor Ng Kin-wai
was arrested along with other protesters at Yuen Long Park.

Source: Stand News; Apple Daily #Jan22
#LestWeForget #PoliceState #TriadAttack
What Happened on July 21, 2019 in Hong Kong?

Videos and Photos of #YuenLong721 attacks by white-clad Traid:

Part 1: Violent assaults on the street

Part 2: Indiscriminate attacks In MTR

Part 3: Police reaction

#MTR to Close Yuen Long Station Early Again on Feb 21, 2020
#FirstHand #Feb21
7 months since the 7.21 Triad Attack in Yuen Long

1915 | Causeway Bay MTR Station
In memory of the victims, citizens gathered at numerous areas in Hong Kong, including Aberdeen, Kwai Chung, Tai Koo, San Po Kong, Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong, Cheung Sa Wan and Lai Chi Kok, to bring awareness to the injustice: the police selective enforcement of law and the MTR's negligence of passengers' safety.

Under the severe outbreak of Wuhan Pneunomia, Hong Kongers are still connected with one another. People chanted “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”, “Hong Kongers, Revenge”, “Five Demands, Not One Less”, “Police Disappear on July 21, Kill on August 31, and Shoot on October 1", as well as “Give us CCTV footage, Show Us the Truth”.

Posters could be seen everywhere in the MTR station. Some citizens waved the flags of “Hong Kong Independence” and “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”.

#HongKongProtests #YuenLong721
Today Marks the 8th Month Of Yuen Long 721 Attack: MTR Shutting Down Most Yuen Long Exits From 4p.m

On 21 July 2019, police were absent when an armed mob brutally assaulted civilians in Yuen Long MTR station and on the streets. The attack has scarred the hearts of many Hong Kong people: Not that it took the police as long as 39 minutes to arrive, but also there were reports about the police turning a blind eye to the attacks.

Today (21 March) marked the 8th month since Yuen Long 721 Attack. MTR yesterday claimed that Yuen Long Station and Long Ping Station will be opened as usual. However, the Corporation suddenly announced to close Yuen Long Exit A, B, J, K and H at 16:00.

According to Stand News and HKGolden livestream, police have been deployed in the station before 4p.m and conducted stop and search. A teeenager was frisked by the police and escorted to the control room.

Sources: Apple Daily, Stand News, HKGolden #Mar21
#YuenLong721 #YuenLong #Mob #PoliceState #FailedState #NeverForget
Joint statement by 17 District Councils Reprimanding Arrest of Yuen Long Council Chairman

8 months after Yuen Long 721 Incident, netizens called for a rally in remembrance of victims of gangsters' violence and police's inaction. District councillors were waiting at Yuen Long West Railway Station at about 7 pm to monitor police's operation on site, during which Yuen Long District Council Chairman Wong Wai-yin was arrested for no apparent reason. At around 10pm, Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of 17 District Councils and Pro-democracy Councilors of Islands District Council issued a joint statement reprimanding the arrest, snubbing civilian’s urge to investigate and reveal the truth of 721 incident.

They also expressed in the statement that they would continue to monitor the situation of arrestees and condemned the abuse of violence and the procedures by police force, undermining freedom of Hong Kong citizen.

Source : Inmedia HK
#Mar21 #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #YuenLong721
#FirstHand #9months
Police Deployed to Suppress Any Possible Memorial on 9th Mensiversary of the Yuen Long 7.21 Attack

1946 | Yuen Long

Today marks the 9th mensiversary of the 7.21 attack. 9 months ago, triads discriminately attacked citizens returning home in Yuen Long. The Police have been repeatedly denying its involvement in coalescing with the triads with lax arresting of the involvers and providing a sluggish response that day.

Today (Apr 21) the MTR closes the major exits in Yuen Long station and police are deployed to prevent civilians from commemerating the 7.21 attack.

In the evening, a car accident happened nearby Tung Yik Market in Yuen Long. A large group of riot police arrived and dispersed the onlooking crowd.

Targeting youngsters, riot police conducted stop and search across the street and a cordon line was set up in front of the wet market, causing sever traffic jam.

#Apr21 #YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive
#FirstHand #Apr21
Under the Menace of Coronavirus, Hongkongers Carry On Sit-in to Commemorate 7.21 Attack

20:40 | Yoho Mall, Yuen Long
Participating citizens sat inside Yoho Mall where social distance was respected.

They waved flags, displayed slogans and chanted protest slogans including "Down with the Chinese Communist Party, Give Back Hong Kong".

#YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Police Deployed to Suppress Any Possible Memorial on 9th Mensiversary of the Yuen Long 7.21 Attack
#FirstHand #Apr21
9th Month After the Yuen Long Triad Attack: Rights and Freedom Further Suppressed by the Authorities in Hong Kong

9 months have passed since July 21 2019, but have not obliterated the agony shared among the pro-democracy protesters, young and old. Black-clad civilians gathered at a shopping mall nearby Yuen Long station, mourning victims of police brutality and the further deterioration of rights and freedom in recent events in Hong Kong.

#YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Citizens Sing Out Discontent Over Alleged Triad-police Collusion
Police State Continues in Hong Kong: Riot Police Suddenly Intercept, Make Arrest and Pepper Spray Civilians

21:50 | Yeung Long, Kai Tei
Riot police suddenly blocked the pedestrian bridge for stop and search. Around ten young people were demanded by riot police to crouch down.

Some of the civilians were pepper-sprayed. Riot police also cordoned the area and demanded the press to step backward.

22:10 |
Another group of civilians was stopped and searched by the police in front of the oil station, including some teenagers aged under 18. The tension was high.

Some civilians were arrested.

Sources: Cupid News; Apple Daily #Apr21 #YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Hong Kong Police Round Up Young People for Stop and Search During Coronavirus Crisis