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Police Forbade Arrestees from Telling Their Names: "I told you to shut up!"

At 20:45, the Special Tactical Squad arrests at least 5 people at Nathan Road. Police try to stop the arrested protestors from telling their names by referring them to "cockraoches" and even yelled "shut up" in their ears.

As police point pepper spray to members of the public who try to hear the arrestees out, onlookers ask the police to keep calm and the police respond, "I won't as you provoke me!"

Police disperse passersby, asking them to stop 'unlawful assembly'. Citizen criticize the police for blocking the road unreasonably. One said, "This is like 'three years and eight months'* in Hong Kong."

*The duration Hong Kong was under Japanese occupation during the Second World War

Source: Inmedia HK

#Nov2 #PoliceState #TsimShaTsui
Police Injured Reporter and First Aider at Percival Street

At around 18:30, police shoot multiple rounds of tear gas at Hennessy Road. They point guns at and pepper-spray reporters in less than 1m distance.

Despite wearing a full face mask, an InMedia reporter is found to have red and swollen skin on his face, neck and chest, after being pepper-sprayed. The burning sensation lasts for nearly an hour.

A first-aider, hit by a tear gas grenade at the back, suffers from a severe burn.

Source: Inmedia HK

#Nov2 #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #CausewayBay
Police arrested 2 people for unlawful assembly between themselves

After raiding Tsim Sha Tsui at around 21:03, police set cordon at the intersection of Nathan Road and Austin Road. Many tourists wish to leave, but the police berate and demand them to find another way.

All of a sudden, around 20 police dash towards Jordan along Nathan Road and arrest 1 man and 1 woman, accusing them of unlawful assembly. Passersby ask angrily "there are not even 3 people, how can that be called unlawful assembly?", "are you [the police] interpreting the law yourselves?" The two arrestees are taken away and no one knows what happens next.

Although the press are filming at least 5 meters away from the riot police, police still push them away with shields and flash torchlight directly at their eyes within half a meter. Police shout "I will shoot you to death if you come closer!" and accuse onlookers for provoking the police. The police threaten to "treat" the journalists and civilians with pepper spray.

Source: InMedia
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'Hong Kong Police: Asia's Finest'?

In Wanchai, police fired tear gas horizontally at scattering citizens who were screaming for help, as if carrying out series of execution instead of merely dispering the crowd.

Source: PolySU Editorial Board

#Nov2 #Wanchai #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
Riot Police Shoot Tear Gas Next to the Ambulance

At 22:31 at the intersection of Shan Tung Street and Nathan Road, objects are dropped from height. Police hoist orange flag, point long guns and fire tear gas right next to the paramedics and the injured person.

Source: InMedia

#Nov2 #PoliceState #Mongkok
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Police Brutality on Civilians: Assaulting and Pepper-spraying Passersby for No Reason

A man in white and a woman in blue are walking out of the Causeway Bay MTR statio. There is no clash and they have no interaction with the police at all; however, the police suddenly grab the man's backpack, drag him over and pepper-spray the two and other citizens at close distance.

The man is subdued on the ground. Police pepper-spray his eyes directly and kick him. The woman gets pepper-sprayed for a couple of times when she is simply crying for help. She screams "it hurts" and asks for water.

Source: CBC

#Nov2 #PoliceBrutality #CausewayBay
At 00:24, a pool of blood is left on the ground after the arrest made next to Langham Plaza

Police arrested at least 3 people in the area. One arrestee has blood on the face when being taken away.

#Nov2 #Nov3 #Mongkok #PoliceBrutality

Source: RTHK; HK01
Police Fired Tear Gas into Food Stall After Midnight

Watch #FirstHand Video: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/9681

In the food stall hit by tear gas canisters, first aiders quickly help the two storekeepers put on respirator masks and goggles. The staff quickly threw away the contaminated egg waffles and checked the electric sockets on the wall.

Source: InMedia

#Nov2 #Nov3 #PoliceState #StandwithHongKong
Police Disperse Election Candidates Gathering at Victoria Park

Citizens originally call for a rally for the 'peaceful and rational' ones in Victoria Park on November 2. The police, however, refused to grant permission. Therefore, at least 128 pro-democracy district council election candidates from different parties decided to campaign in the park at said time.

According to the Elections Ordinance, candidates can hold gatherings without the need to seek for the approval of the police. Yet, even before the gathering, police hoisted blue flag to prevent the crowd from forming.

At 16:15 after the gathering has run for an hour, the police fired tear gas into the park to disperse the crowd. The police called it an 'unlawful assembly' and arrested at least 3 candidates.

Source: Stand News; Now News, Nov 2
Photo: BBC; Stand News; CityU Editorial Board

#Nov2 #StandwithHongKong #FightForFreedom #PoliceState #Freedom
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Police detained nearly 60* people at Southorn Playground for more than 2 hours

[*Note: Apple Daily: 70]

Legislator Ted Hui questioned the officers as to why they detained nearly 60* people over 2 hours inside the sports ground. According to Hui, police replied that they were "waiting for the vehicles to come". He saw some people had their hands tied at their back. Another witness added that the police would not allow the detainees to communicate with others. She almost got arrested herself simply for asking for their names.

The female officer at the beginning of the video said to Hui: "You've mentioned many times your six demands. Please use your honorable status as legislative councillor to explain to the people here, that we're not inhumane, that we don't look after their wellbeing, or that they're suffering badly."

Source: HKC News, Nov 2

Police ignore Ted Hui's objection and threw tear gas grenades at citizens

#Nov2 #Wanchai #HumanitarianCrisis #PoliceBrutality
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The back of a first-aider caught fire after being hit by a tear gas grenade. In great agony, he was carried away by other medics.

Causeway Bay, Nov 2
Source: CBC

Full Story: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/9629

#Nov2 #HumanitarianCrisis #StandwithHongKong #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
The Dangers of Chinese-made Teargas Grenades: Hard to remove and with a higher toxicity

The Hydrogen Cyanide gas detector asve a reading was 12.1 ppm in Wanchai on November 2, which exceeded OSHA (10 ppm), over 2.5 times of NIOSH & ACGIH (4.7 ppm).

Source: HKGETV

#Nov2 #TearGas

Suspicions: Police might have laced tear gas canister with insecticide
Police Suspected to Escort Undercover Police to Leave the Scene

At around 20:30 in Causeway Bsy, around 20 riot police escorted around 10 black-clad,
face-covered people to board police vehicles. They were carrying baggage and wearing the type of respirator mask used by the police. The police equipped with shields obstructed members of the press from filming by flashing strong light. Onlookers suspected that they were undercover police.

Source: CBC; InMedia, Nov 2

#Nov2 #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #StandwithHongKong
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Police Assaulted and Took Away a Man For Reason Unknown

At 23:46 in Causeway Bay, police detained a man and a woman for over 5 minutes right outside of Windsor House for reason unknown.

Meanwhile, a police vehicle drove by and intentionally blocked the reporters' view on the other side of the road.

From the unobstructed view provided by this video, officers pushed the man into nearby bushes and started to beat him up. They then violently dragged him onto the police car and took him away. Police pushed away some reporters in the process.

Source: Apple Daily

#Nov2 #CausewayBay #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #PressFreedom #HumanitarianCrisis #StandWithHongKong
#WhiteTerror #University
CityU bans any modifications of its anthem and emblem; Students' violations will stay on record till 7 years after graduation

The City University of Hong Kong (#CityU) has added a new clause banning any acts that may "tarnish the image and reputation of the university", including the unauthorized use, modification, damage and/or parody of the school anthem, emblem, and/or any element representative of the university.

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News #Nov2

#Education #FreeSpeech
#Save12HKYouths #Save12
Mother of Detained Pro-democracy Hongkonger: "When Can You Come Home, My Son?”

Wong Wai-Yin is one of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who were arrested by Chinese authorities in late August 2020 and jailed in China since then without any trial and without being able to meet with their families and lawyers.

Wong's mother took a picture near their home, thinking of her son and pleading for his return.

"We live in this village and we cross this bridge everyday. Ever since the [Hong Kong] police raided our home, they blockaded the bridge and sealed off at least half of the village," Wong's mother said, "Whenever I cross the bridge to work or to go back home, I think of you. When can you come home, my son?”

The 12 Hongkongers have been jailed by the Chinese Communist Party government for over 70 days.

Source: Save 12 HK Youths Concern Group #Nov2

#BringThemBack #MotherandSon #WongWaiYin
#CCPGrip #Yahoo
Second US tech firm withdraws from China in less than a month as Beijing tightens grip

Yahoo has announced its withdrawal from the Chinese market in the latest retreat by foreign technology firms responding to Beijing’s tightening control over the industry.

“In recognition of the increasingly challenging business and legal environment in China, Yahoo’s suite of services will no longer be accessible from mainland China as of November 1,” the company said on 2 November 2021.

The timing of the pullout coincided with the implementation of China’s new data protection law, which came into effect on 1 November 2021.

Yahoo’s withdrawal came less than a month after another US tech company, Microsoft’s professional networking platform #LinkedIn, announced it was shutting down operations in China. In public, the company blamed a “significantly more challenging operating environment” as well as “greater compliance requirements in China”.

Source: Stand News, Guardian; #Nov2
#Netflix removes episodes showing China's arbitrary nine-dash line after #Philippines' Complaints

The Philippine government has ordered Netflix to remove parts of the Australian drama series "#PineGap" on its platform for "violating Philippine #sovereignty".

The series features a map of the #NineDashLine, an invisible demarcation controversially used by China to claim its territories in the #SouthChinaSea.

The second and third episodes of the series were no longer available in the Philippines by November 1, 2021. Netflix announced that those episodes had been "removed by government's demand". It did not elaborate further.

China lays claim to most of the South China Sea waters within the so-called nine-dash line, a U-shaped feature used on Chinese maps. Parts of the resource-rich waters are also contested by the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration handed down a ruling on July 12, 2016, stating that China's historic-rights claim over the maritime areas inside the nine-dash line has no lawful effect. There has also no evidence supporting China's exclusive rights over the waters and resources.

Source: Stand News; #Nov2
